Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jin Katar [WIP]

Jin Katar


NAME: Jin Katar

FACTION: Galactic Alliance

RANK: Jedi Padawan


AGE: 24

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'4"

WEIGHT: 195 lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: White (caucasian)



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Observant: Katar tends to notice more about his surroundings than the average force-user, allowing him to quickly detect anything out of the ordinary.

Calm-minded: Katar is level-headed, able to keep calm in a crisis and think objectively.

Jedi Reflexes: Katar has been trained in the use of the force, and has reflexes much faster than any normal human being.

Photosensitive: Katar suffers from a genetic condition which makes his eyes hypersensitive to light, hence the dark glasses. Exposure to bright lights is painful and extremely distracting for him, and will likely shatter his focus.

Blunders: Katar isn't the greatest tactician. He makes errors easily, and often simply wades into a situation without a plan, since he's better at making decisions in the heat of the moment, when he is calm and his opponents (usually) aren't.

Katar stands at 6 feet, 4 inches, a good deal taller than most other humans. His frame is lean, but well-muscled, more akin to an acrobat than a warrior. His blond hair reaches the base of his neck, and has a hint of curl to it. He bears a diagonal scar across his forehead from an accident as a youngling. His eyes, beneath the dark glasses he wears to protect them, are a pale, icy blue.

Jin Katar was born on

RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor




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