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Approved NPC Jiro Ono, Chief Mechanic [NPC]

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Name: Jiro Ono
  • Engineer and Chief Mechanic at GFG
  • Previously, Chief Technology Developer for a cutting edge tech corporation.
  • George Maui
  • George Freight Group
Role: Jiro Ono is a Spaceship Engineer by trade and have due to his incredible talents branched out into various related fields of study. Currently, he works as Chief Mechanic at George Freight Group.

Development Threads: n/a
Age: 38
Species: Human

Jiro is of a slim build and a bit under average stature. He have jet black hair and gets it cut regularly. In general his whole appearance is very measured and orderly. A look that is topped off by the pair of glasses that rests on his nose. He wears clean and ironed clothes and overall sticks to the mannerisms he have adapted due to working in the corporate world for so long, despite now working for a small company he likes to appear professional.

Jiro can best be described as hard working. From childhood, he have understood the importance of perfecting ones craft. This kind of upbringing have made him invest his life in his profession. His honor and confidence rests on his ability to do his job well. Because of this, he easily becomes stressed if he thinks he have performed poorly at work and can often drive himself over the edge due to staying overtime. He is also prone to depression and anxiety if he does not have a job. Despite all these things he is an extremely respectful person and also in general very kind and sweet.

Force Sensitivity: No

Weapon of Choice:
While Jiro isn’t one to hold a gun himself, he have an intricate understanding of weapon designs and have worked on weapons development in the past.

Jiro is a spaceship engineer and have over the years helped develop multiple different ships and other technological gadgets and weapons. He have a deep understanding of technology in general, but does not have any particular fighting skills other than the fact he knows how to fly a spaceship.

Jiro lives in a high-rise apartment on Sullust. Currently does not earn a lot yearly due to the fact the company he works at is not very big. However, he have saved up a lot during his time in various other companies as lead developer (and is in general not that big on spending credits) and won’t come into financial problems in the foreseeable future. He holds shares in GFG and thereby owns a small portion of the company.

Combat Function:
While he knows how a blaster works, he is not the surest shot with one. In a combat situation, he would be better of trying to get away or somehow use his ingenuity and engineering skills to figure out a way to combat the threat. If there’s bombs or other explosives in the vicinity he is likely to be the first to use them.

Notable Possessions:
  • Luxury Sports Swoop Car
  • High-rise Apartment on Sullust
  • Various expensive engineering equipment

Jiro was born on Sullust and have lived there most of his life. He studied and worked on Eriadu for eight years in his youth and later also spend a couple of years at the core worlds. He was a phenomenal student in school and later university, but had throughout his entire education missed out in a lot of social activities common to younger people. Leading to him becoming a very lonely person. Instead, he invested his time in studying and because of it became a very talented engineer.

After spending some of his teenage years on Eriadu and on some of the core worlds where he was a part of multiple prestigious projects, he eventually returned to Sullust where he got a job at a starship manufacturing company. He quickly rose through the ranks and eventually became Chief Technology Developer. He thrived in the environment and constantly improved on the components of the ships the manufacture produced for years.

One night he sat in the lab at the corporation and experimented with weapon targeting systems. He became too curious and by accident destroyed some of the company’s property. Usually, the higher ups would have dismissed the mistake and have him continue his work, but for months his boss had been looking for a way to get him out of the company. Jiro had worked on advancing the navi-computer, miniaturizing it and had in the recent years made huge leaps with the technology. The staff wanted to keep the invention and the profits it could make to themselves and used the accident as an excuse to strike him from their records.

Due to the pride Jiro put in his work, he was devastated by the news and blamed being fired on himself. He became severely depressive and drank his pain away. One evening he ended up at a spaceport cantina and met George Maui who kindly listened to his drunken ramblings. George quickly discovered that Jiro was indeed a very smart individual despite his situation and asked if Jiro wanted to work for him. Jiro rudely declined, but upon realizing what he had done he used the next month on cleaning up his act and contacted George afterwards. Jiro got hired on the spot.

Jiro now works for George Freight Group as lead mechanic, respecting George immensely due to having helped pull him out of his misery.

Intent: To flesh out the most important personnel that works for George and provide him with someone to help in threads.
Greetings, [member="George"],

The submission honestly looks good. It's not overpowered or necessarily unreasonable, and I can't see anything sticking out at me as something worthy of a red flag.

I'll pass this on for approval, so throwing this to [member="Silencia"].
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