Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Joan Rivers has died.

In Umbris Potestas Est
It's surprising, admittedly - I would've thought that people would be shoving out remotely funny jokes about her the same way she did to everyone in life, then not apologize for them. Guess not.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Mace Windu said:
She was an awful person in my opinion. Then again I only know her from the Palestine comments.
Good God.

Glad you could drop in and give us an informed opinion.

Meanwhile, can you refute her point? When you knowingly re-elect a government whose focus is to wage war against a militarily superior power, when you do so in tacit (and in many cases, not-so-tacit) support of their anti-semetic goals of driving the Jews into the sea, don't you sort of have it coming? Oh wait, I forgot, Israel is a Jewish state, so there's nothing so bad you can do to them that they don't deserve it.

Any rate. Joan Rivers was an excellent comedienne, a ground-breaker for female comics. A flawed human being and certainly vain but an important voice. RIP Joan.

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