"I saw the devil today, and he looked a lot like m

Image Source: uncannyknack
Intent: To give Joav a suitable armor.
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer:Joav, Mandalorian(s), Kamperdine Clothing Specialists, various other manufacturers
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Joav, (Scavenged)
Modularity: Yes,
Production: Unique
*Materials in order of significance*
- Durasteel
- Durasteel fiberweave
- Durasteel fiberweave
- Durasteel
- Durasteel fiberweave
- Fiberweave
- Thick synthetic fabrics, can keep out the vacuum.
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 8 KG
- 4.2 against blasters
- 2.8 against lightsabers
- 5.8 against sonics
- 6.0 against physical rounds/attacks
- 2.0 against blasters
- 0.5 against lightsabers
- 5.0 against sonics
- 4.3 against physical rounds
- 3.9 against blasters
- 3.5 against lightsabers
- 0.0 against sonics
- 5.2 against physical rounds/attacks
- 0.0 against blasters
- 0.0 against lightsabers
- 0.0 against sonics
- 2.3 against physical rounds/attacks
If one number is needed, it'd be Five
Special Features:
- Chestplate has inner layers that absorb the shock of blows, also collects air within its layers.
- Duster designed to catch an enemy's blade, lightsaber if necessary but not for long.
- If part of armor is damaged, can be switched out for other components.
- Armor is built to conserve air and keep the wearer warm in many situations including the vacuum,
- Beret can integrate with breath mask.
Description: The cumulative of the spoils of Joav's Bounty Hunting career, his personal armor comes from a variety of sources.
His duster comes from a paranoid factory foreman, who while Joav was pursuing him, fell into a vat of superheated metal. When only his duster rose to the surface, Joav supposed it proved its worth to him and fished it out. The duster is resistant to heat and, to an extent, resistant to blaster fire and lightsabers (Not too much with the latter) and Joav frequently catches his opponents' blades in it.
His breastplate was acquired when he was fighting a warlord from the outer rim, who during a ship to ship battle was torn in half by methods undisclosed. Joav took armor as a trophy. It is built with separate layers of Durasteel in such a manner that it cushions enemy blows, whether laser or physical, while being moderately light. However, when the layers are pressed together in, for instance, powerful melee attack, they do no good and make it unduly inflexible.
His neck brace comes from a Mandalorian, whom Joav was talking to in a bar before shooting through the table and his skull. Joav then salvaged what was left. He modified the remnants to incorporate with the breastplate and his personal respirator, so the breastplate's supply of air can travel into the respirator, allotting him more air.
And finally, his beret. He acquired this through his military service on his homeworld, and considers it his most prized possession. It meshes with both his neck brace and respirator, all together making an airtight seal. Together, the components make an armor of moderate weight and flexibility that can take enough damage for Joav to inflict his own. Also it allows him to go, if necessary, into the vacuum to pursue his enemies.
Primary Source: N/A