Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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John Anglican

Name: Dean Winchester

Name: Dean Winchester

Faction: Galactic Empire

Rank: Officer

Species: Human

Voice Sample: Jensen Ackles


Height:5 feet 8 inches (1.72 m)


Eyes: Brown

Hairstyle :Wavy /Color: Dark Brown

Skin: Light tan

Force Sensitive: No

Languages: English & Droid





Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Strengths and Weaknesses


*Graduated top in his class

*Parents died from a plague called the Red Death

*Has 2 siblings, 1 brother who's in the galactic empire with him, whose name is Sam Winchester, and a sister who got captured when they were younger while they were still in the academy by the Republic, whose name is Lexy Winchester. Lexy was captured by Princess Leia Organa Solo 10 years ago, and the rest is unknown to him, but he knows that she was adopted by Leia years after.

(Job history)

*Was given the title of general by Darth Vader himself, when he was only 19, 5 years ago, the same time when his brother Sam Winchester got the title of officer.





(Another Weakness)






*Thermal detonator
*Smoke bomb
*T-21 heavy blaster rifle

*EE-3 Blaster

Ship: Outrider



Sefain Gatholil

Knight of the Silver Jedi Order
[member="John Anglican"]

As Faith pointed out, Chaos takes place around 800 after the events in the current Star Wars trilogy, so Darth Vader and Princess Leia would've been dead long before your character was born. Also, as your ship appears to be one of a kind, it needs to be accepted in the factory before you can use it in roleplay. But otherwise, he looks really interesting and we should definitely rp together sometime.
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
This just might be me but I am seeing a lot of unfinished code on your bio, also maybe spend a little time with the GE group before saying that you were promoted to such a high position straight off the bat without much back story.

[member="John Anglican"]

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