Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character John Q

Name: John Q
Homeworld: Asteroid Mine 747a in the Unknown Regions
Faction: Sith Order

Human, 26-year-old, male, 6' 3, 220 pounds, force sensitive, untrained, brown eyes-hair, miner helmet with bandana.
Good with his hands, repairing things, and very durable, miner all his life. Obstinate, obsessive, detail-oriented.

Work Experience
John is a man who gets shit done. He comes from a long line of men that sweat in bandanas and spit in buckets. They would then boil each other's spit over a blue flame until it was drinkable. Working 20 hour shifts inside an asteroid with big bucket scum-oceans of spit they would jackhammer into the ore and the vibrations tore up their muscles and they shrugged and grinned and went back the next day and did it all over again. That's just how it was with those guys. When two meatheads collided there was no negotiating or union dealings– they just went at it. You aint seen a brawl until you seen a no-gravity asteroid miner's brawl, like fighting in water with no water. Same bare-knuckle beastliness birthed Darth Bane. Look how he ended up. He bit a guy's thumb off, you know. Thus, John comes from this long line of tough-guy-sweaty-mechanic-asteroid-mining men. But he is generally good at solving problems. An action man– hates thinking.

Statement of Purpose
He just makes stuff happen. He does this even at his own risk. Nobody gets as much done as quick as he does in as little time. Logically John became a Sith. He feels like here is a culture that always wants to get stuff done but never gets enough done. He can make them more productive. The Sith magic makes him obsessive and detail-oriented. John Q will solve your problem. Just throw him in- he's ready.

Skills: Pilot, Technological expertise

Red lightsaber
Jedi Utility Belt
Comlink phone

Ship: YT-2400 Light Freighter

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES : Not the best talker. Frequently puts shoe in mouth. But very proficient at action scenes.

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