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Join the Terminus Imperium Today!

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
:: Terminus Imperium ::
"Let it be known that no one defies the Terminus Imperium"

..:: Overview ::..

The Terminus Imperium is a loose confederation of individual warlords holding the titles of System Lords; taking advantage of the power vacuum resulting from the dissolution of the Lords of the Fringe and the weakening of the Omega Protectorate. Its unique designation as a Kratocratic Fiefdom causes the Terminus Imperium to often be factional and prone to chaos, with only the Supreme System Lord's own power holding it together.

As it is a Kratocracy, those whom rise to power do so through physical force, social maneuvering or political cunning to secure their positions.


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The Terminus Imperium

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Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
As it was brought up that some might be having trouble with the previous font I had been using, I've gone through and switched it to a new font. If this is still difficult for some to read, please inform me and I'll switch to a new font for easier visibility.

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