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Approved Tech Joint Battle Command and Control Platform - JBC2P

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  • Manufacturer: Freebirds Industries, Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • Model: JBC2P
  • Modularity: Integration with the Wind-Talker Class Personal Com Array, Freyja Comms Array, FAL Jamm Buster Comlinks, Alviss Electronic Countermeasures package, Tyr Tactical Command Network, Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: A stupid amount of processors, RAM, wiring, and communications technology to include receivers and
  • Command and Control are this thing's specialty. So a key note with all of the systems listed above, is that they all work great on their own, but when trying to interface with other comm systems security, because they are all different, they can't get a perfect handshake across. It's like you have a guy speaking huttese, a girl speaking Mando'a, some poor schmuck in the center speaking Basic, and nobody can understand who's saying what without severe difficulty. But now, that is a thing of the past, as with this things ability to handle multiple differing types of communications security, with the raw processing power to run all of the different types of comm sec at once, you have seamless integration across the board with different types of communications. This is due to this communications system being able to store and run multiple styles of encryption and decryption protocols seamlessly allowing for huge crossover integration among systems without having to step down their security protocols.
  • Being a massive Command and Control Network node, this specific system can also use the communications, data-links, and all the raw information pouring into it to give commanders a real time display of units on the ground. This will display not only their locations, call-signs and numbers, but also if their networks provide the ability to, raw sensor and video data from each node within its communications network. This will allow you to monitor everything from round counts, to soldier health, environmental conditions and even get live streamed data directly from a specific squad's or droid's point of view. This will give commanders an unprecedented amount of information about their units, the enemy and the battle space.
  • This system has two specific modes to operate inside of, a secret/military setting, and a civilian/unclassified setting. The military settings on this command and control node offer a much more responsive, in depth controls and more data flow as it sticks to trusted networks only and forces any connections that aren't a part of these networks or outside of what it considers "secure" parameters to either disconnect from it or be essentially sidelined as it prioritizes military/secret traffic. This mode unlocks the full functionality of this system and engages all forms of encryption protocols so that it can not only network with any preset comms system that's been introduced to the system, but does so without actually compromising any of the other networks' security. The Civilian/Unclassified settings of this system are a reduced power, reduced functionality version that causes any and all portions of this system that are considered unnecessary for specific civilian operations, or access to any classified secret or above material cannot be accessed. And while the Secret/Military settings of this system can certainly step down and perform Civilian/Unclassified functions, the latter cannot step up to perform the same things of the former. This is to ensure that the security systems itself are secure, ensuring that the datalinks present are uncompromised and their encryption are not only inaccessible to the public, but anyone who isn't specifically authorized to utilize them.
  • Further functionalities of the C2 system in military applications is being able to receive location data from units in the field and their targets and relay that to Fire Control Units of supporting units and their systems. This allows for this node to act as a Global Positioning System of sorts giving even the munitions aboard a much more accurate trajectory data to allow for increased pinpoint accuracy of smart munitions. This relies on the spotting methods utilized by friendly forces in the field, meaning that this system is only as good as its operators.
  • System utilizes physical access only to receive security updates making outside attempts to access the system even more difficult as there is not maintenance mode or an access route without massive security protocols present unless directly accessing the system. And even if you directly plug in, there's still enough security in place to prevent from the average Private Joe Snuffy from accidentally getting into stuff that he shouldn't. Is it near as much as the wireless access points? No, but that doesn't matter when you have to physically get to the thing.
  • Seamless integration of multiple high level security communications: This Command and Control node allows for unprecedented levels of communications integration and warfare command and control. This system is meant to bring many high level security and communicating systems together seamlessly and provide the most expansive and greatest information sharing possible this way. And it does all of this while also allowing for each system's security to run at its highest protocols.
  • God help you if someone gets to it physically and knows what they're doing: This console has one massive weakness and that is physical access to the system. Because if someone gets a hold of this, they have all of your encryption keys, and access to your entire communications network. And sure you could easily disconnect your comms from this system that puts you back at square one, and renders this whole thing moot. So guard this thing like your life depends on it, because this system can not only save lives, but take them if a hostile party gets their hands on it.
One of the biggest problems with communications arrays is that while you have many systems that offer extreme levels of security, unless they are widely adopted, they aren't as widespread enough to make it feasible to run these systems at their highest security protocols. And so, in the interest of making this a reality of the past, the Engineers of Freebirds Industries sought to end this problem. And their solution, was actually quite simple. Make a massive mainframe style communication array that has the ability to not only connect to each of these sub systems, but run their highest levels of encryption and communication security making the connections as secure as possible. And with updates delivered only physically to the system, and all wireless traffic going into and out of this system heavily monitored, this makes hacking into this system a massive undertaking. That being said, this thing is supremely vulnerable from physical hacks, as in, physically getting to the system and managing to access a physical port on it to hack in. Which means you need to guard this, as with the ridiculous amount of information that goes through it, and the unparalleled command and control abilities offered to its users, makes this a prime target for enemy hackers. So keep this thing well under guard, or risk your entire network being compromised.
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