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Character Jon Rhalin

Jon Rhalin

Admiral Jon Rhalin


NAME: John Rhalin

FACTION: Rimward Trade League (Associate Status)

RANK: Admiral in Pantoran Navy, Candidate for Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly

SPECIES: Pantoran

AGE: 22

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5ft. 8in.

WEIGHT: 170lbs.

EYES: Blue with yellow fleks.

HAIR: Dark Blue

SKIN: Light Blue


  • Athletic: For much of his life, Jon has trained his body to overcome health issues and reach pinnacle physique for that of a member of the Pantoran military. Such training not only improves his fighting ability, but also makes him incredibly healthy.
    • Much of his training consists of martial arts, as well as weight lifting and swiming.
    • Said fitness often is applied for his military career, as well as his hobby of hunting.
  • Nobility: Jon was born into a privilaged position as a member of one of Pantora's noble families. While the society is rather egalitarian in nature, such a position still garners much respect from those in and out of Pantoran society.
  • Strong-Willed: Jon is very driven, and will hardly let much get in the way of his goals, with him being rather unyielding.
  • Idealist: He is a firm believer in the principles of Pantoran culture, as well as strictly adhering to a moral code of honor.
    • Jon is prone to trying to inspire others to such a code of conduct as well.
  • Coolheaded: A great boon for his occuaption, Jon is often seen with a stoic expression, and is well known for being very calm in the face of adversity.
    • Also makes him harder to read by facial expressions.

  • Strain of Nobility: While Jon is not terribly troubled by this, the fact that a certain image must be portrayed by members of Pantoran nobility can still put a strain on any member a person of such status.
  • Stubborn: While his strong-willed nature can prove beneficial when striving for a goal, it also means he is rather unbending, and may not be inclined to accept alternative solutions to a plan already set in motion.
  • Idealist: While his strong ideals and honorable conduct may inspire others, and be seen as a great thing, it also means he is prone to getting into conflict with more pragmatic individuals.
  • Limitations of Stoicism: His coolheaded nature, and stoic expression worn regularly, makes him harder to reach and could put off others seeking more affective communication methods.
  • Green Admiral: While he is a capable military leader who earned his rank, Jon is still a young man and a recently promoted Admiral. His lack of experience is something even he is well aware of.

A tall, brawny specimen of the Pantoran people. Jon is the pinacle of a Pantoran commander projecting strength in both body and demenour. He has a large muscular body with noticeably broad shoulders, and a generally athletic build. His face has somewhat blocky features with a strong jawline, nose, and cheekbones. His eyes are distinctly blue, compared to the typical yellow present in Pantorans, likely due to a genetic mutation in his appearance. This theory is then shown more with the fleks of yellow present in his eyes. He keeps his hair cut short, with an undercut on the sides while keeping it shortly trimmed on the top as well as having it parted on his right side. He then has a finely trimmed mustache, chin patch, and underlip patch. On his face he has the typically seen yellow face tattoos of Pantorans marking his home, family, and status as an Officer in the Pantoran Navy. He is typically found wearing his military uniform, well-made Pantoran outdoors-wear, or well-made Pantoran "suits". He then typically has a stoic expression on his face, barely showing much emotion regardless of the setting, yet may have a slight smile appear during times of celebration. Overall, Jon shows a pinacle image of discipline among Pantoran nobility and military.

Jon was born to a family of nobles on Pantora. While House Rhalin is not as storied as other noble families on Pantora, it is well-regarded as a staunch military family that has served Pantora since times in antiquity. Many members of the family have been Officers in nearly every major conflict Pantora has been involved in since the Clone Wars. Thus, Jon found himself born into a strong family of servants to the Pantoran people. However, Jon was born a sickly child. For his very early years, he took a great interest in learning about the world through holo-journals and recordings of historical footage. In particular, his studies centered around wildlife. With a galaxy so filled with technology, the natural world produced great interest in the young boy.

While his condition was not terrible with the technology available, where he could at least live a long life in comfort, Jon was compelled by the stories of his forefathers and wanted to serve Pantora as they did. It was then that he began to break out from that sickly state. Through his family's connections, he managed to receive training from some of the more well-known atheletes on Pantora. While continuing his studies of nature withing Pantora's system, as well as other planets known for wildlife, he slowly transformed from a scrawny boy of noble birth to the athletic build seen today, and beat the various issues of health that plagued his early childhood.

In his teen years, he continued this practice of intense education and physical fitness. Part of which began by taking part in hunting trips with Talz on Orto Plutonia around the time he was fifteen. Jon loved the frigid wilderness of the planet his homeworld orbited. Much of it remained unspoiled despite all the years of history passing. It inspired him, in a way. It was a time capsule to the time of his forefathers. It also boded well for the system as the Talz seemed rather intrigued in guiding some noble boy of Pantora. From what Jon would recall fondly, curiosity in how he would fare seemed to be their main reason for accepting the offer to guide him due to credits hardly meaning anything in their more primitive culture. For the young Jon, it seemed that all that effort to "make his body" as he put it, truly culminated.

Shortly after his excursion to Orto Plutonia, around the age of seventeen, he commissioned in the Pantoran Navy. The body was hardly much to speak on. In such times where Pantora was left to fend for itself, the navy seemed more as a means to protect against the small bands of pirates, slavers, and spice traders that typically plagued the surrounding area of the system Pantora found itself in. It was hardly much to contend with the greater powers of the galaxy if they set their sights on Pantora and Orto Plutonia. However, Jon loved it. It was a position in which he served his people like the members of his family had before him. The ships under his command were from the times Pantora fell under the previous regime of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Much of their past infrastructure, in fact, is still used on his world for its defense to this day. With his great aptitude, and a slight bit of his noble name, he quickly ascended from Left-Tennant to Admiral within the span of four years.

Freshly an Admiral, Jon does not wish to rest on his lawrels at all. He sees a galaxy rife with dangers he would have to protect his people from, yet he lacks much authority to act on that revelation as merely an Admiral. It would take much longer for him to gain the title of Grand Admiral where he could command the entire Pantoran Navy, thus he set his sights on politics. He was quickly elected to the Pantoran Assembly where he was among the representatives within the province of the world his family had lived in for all the centuries of history. His title is recently won, and already he has championed bills that centered around the bolstering of the Pantoran Navy beyond the leftovers from the previous power to occupy the system. Now, the seat of Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly is up for election, and Jon through his hand into the fire there. For him, he rationalized it as a means to fulfill his dream of securing Pantora from the enemies beyond its system. However, others in the Assembly see it as an ambitious young nobleman trying to sieze power. He has a great uphill battle to climb to reach this new seat of authority and service due to being up against more established Pantoran politicians. However, he may just win with the external support of the Rimward Trade League, which poses as a great ally for Pantora to take shelter in with the Sith Order's domain on Pantora's doorstep.




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