Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Jonah Verd


J O N A H__V E R D

  • Age: 22
  • Species: Human (Korun, Umbaran)
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Force Sensitivity: Yes

Jonah is a man of above-average height and a toned physical build. His most obvious characteristics are his dark complexion, neatly-trimmed black hair, and amber eyes. In terms of attire, Jonah favors wear that allows him to conceal firearms - such as trenchcoats. More often than not, Jonah can be seen wearing a pair of sunglasses. (Even at night.)​


+ Martial Training: Throughout his upbringing, Jonah received a formal education in the usage of blades and firearms.

+ Forceborn: Between his heritage and upbringing, Jonah is talented in the usage of the Force. He is especially creative in applying telekinesis.

- Flash: Due to his Umbaran heritage, extreme flashes of visible light are especially disorienting to Jonah.

- Ignorance: Having spent the entirety of his life outside of the Galactic community, Jonah lacks knowledge about many social norms, recent major events, faux pas, etc.​


"The only gift I'll accept is my name."

The man called Jonah came to be within a remote corner of the Galaxy. Dubbed the Shiraya Expanse, his home was all but a cage made of golden bars. On paper, Jonah lived in luxury. His hometown as a jewel within a desert, affording everyone he knew a prosperous existence. What's more, his father and mother ruled over the entire Expanse. To say that Jonah had it good would have been the understatement of the century. And yet, he was far from satisfied.

For what satisfaction was there in growing fat on the edge of creation?

Jonah had grown up hearing the stories. They all had. The history of their people was a long, winding road paved with triumph and tragedy. At one point, under the leadership of his father, the Southern Systems formed a Confederacy that challenged the stars. At another point, that great union was rent apart by a threat from beyond. Those who survived made a new life here in the Expanse, far away from the Galaxy's chaos and struggles.

For most, a life of comfort away from suffering was a paradise. Yet Jonah yearned for more. He craved to see the stars. Hungered to pen his own story that the next generation would recite as gospel. Jonah wanted to ascend. So it was that he cast aside the gilded princehood that had been his life. He took not a single coin from the coffers. He called not a favor from those who flew his family banner.

On that day, Jonah accepted only the gift of his name.

All else, he would take.

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Something Something Spooky Place - Jonah encounters the Nightsister Elder Lyssara Talis Lyssara Talis on Dathomir. There, he manages to convince her to take him under her wing. His eyes are opened concerning the true nature of the Force and of the nature of power in the Galaxy.

By the Pricking of My Thumbs - Jonah encounters a woman named Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd on Nar Shaddaa after a mercenary job gone wrong. Together, they cut a bloody path through a cartel's storehouse, pilfer many valuables, and establish an interesting partnership. Things take an interesting turn when they open a holocron that was within their gains...

Is There a Doctor in the House - While fulfilling an assassination contract, Jonah encounters a healer named Naya Naya on Nar Shaddaa. With a gun practically to her head, he demands to know who she is and what she is seeking...

Never a Bad Deal - As payment for mercenary work on Tatooine, Jonah receives a mysterious amulet. However, the jewelry seems to have a mind of its own and practically drags him before Loxa Visl Loxa Visl . Her relationship with has yet to be revealed...

A City of Fear - Jonah and Leven Jeyd Leven Jeyd venture to New Cov alongside the forces of Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron . There, they take advantage of the havoc the Sith is wreaking to rob a bank of several thousand credits. Before things can go too far south, the duo make a hasty retreat offworld.

No Sleep Till Brooklyn - While investigating the library temple of Krayiss II, Jonah encounters a Sith acolyte named Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano . Perhaps their mutual interest in the temple will result in a fruitful partnership...

It is Paved with Good Intentions - Jonah is hired to transport a native of Vicondor home from Nar Shaddaa, following an Imperial attack. With ample payment promised beforehand, both are shocked to see the Vicon's home reduced to rubble. While demanding his just compensation, Jonah is interrupted by a Jedi named Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne - whose intervention may quickly escalate...

Ready of Not - On Nar Shaddaa, the destitute are usually hired as fodder for the cartels. Recently, an unknown force ( Viviane Viviane ) has been preying upon these unfortunate souls, leaving them dead or dying. Jonah is hired by the cartels to get to the bottom of the spree before it impacts their recruitment efforts...


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