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Character Jonyna Si, The New Sentinel of Harmony


Too many characters, I have



Jonyna Si
The Eye of the Storm

"I am no longer the woman who cowered in fear of Stormtroopers. I am the Eye of the Hurricane. The window into serenity, surrounded by heaven's wrath. The question is, will you survive it? The Fury of the Storm?"

NAME: Jonyna Si


FACTION: Galactic Alliance/New Jedi Order

Jedi Master, Sentinel of Harmony



SPECIES: Cathar Subspecies, Denik

AGE: 30, though technically 930

SEX: Female and very proud of that fact.

HEIGHT: 185.42 cm

WEIGHT: 300 pounds of mostly muscle.

EYES: Blue, though a hint of flame can be seen when she gets angry.

HAIR: Auburn, with tan fur.

SKIN: Light

FORCE SENSITIVE: Extremely. While certainly no chosen one, Jonyna often compares herself to a young Anakin Skywalker. In reality, she has no real concept of exactly how powerful she is.



  • Pyrokinesis ~ Perfected
    • Jonyna's primary force power, the Cathar learned it through years of self taught practice, using it primarily as a way to keep herself moving throughout the battlefield, keeping her movements erratic and unpredictable. Though she is capable of using it offensively, she tries not to as burns tend not to look very heroic after the fact. She has developed this power to the point of being able to summon firestorms should she be given the time to harness the full power of her force abilities.
  • Alter Environment ~ Mastery
    • An ability she learned through study with her mother on Cathar, Jonyna has gained the ability to fully control the elements around her. From causing the earth to shake, to whipping up twisters, to manipulating the ocean, Jonyna commands nature at a level most would only refer to in myth. While she prefers to keep herself to using her blades, this is a powerful tool in her arsenal that she has honed for years.
      • Aerokinesis ~ Mastery
      • Hydrokinesis ~ Mastery
      • Terrakinesis ~ Mastery
      • ElectroKinesis ~ Mastery
  • Increased Durability ~ Mastery
    • An ability that Jonyna has honed after years of fighting off Stormtroopers in the Imperial Era, Jonyna is practically a walking tank at this point given how much punishment she can endure without really noticing it.
  • Force Sense ~ Mastery
    • An early force power of hers, Jonyna has honed it to the point of Mastery. Trained after years of fighting, Jonyna is able to hone not just her senses, but her ability through the Force to track anyone one with the Force through rain or shine.
  • Reduce Injury ~ Mastery
    • An ability she picked up while researching ways to master her Increased Durability, this allows her to walk off even broken limbs, and an ability she plans to master in the coming years.
  • Force Resistance ~ Mastery
    • The first of Jonyna's newest abilities, Jonyna's mental shielding was brought on with her fight with Darth Wallgof on Caldera, and since then she has dedicated many hours of study to this ability since, in an attempt to make sure her mind is never compromised as it was then.
  • Telekinesis ~ Knight
    • The first ability Jonyna ever learned, naturally it's the one she's struggled with the most. The precision and focus required has always been a weakness of hers, as such she's only ever reached that of a knight in controlling it. Her strongest aspect in it is the ability to manipulate the wind, but basic telekinesis is not beyond her.
      • Force Whirlwind (Aerokinesis) ~Mastery
      • Force Push and Pull ~ Mastery
      • Force Shockwave ~ Knight
      • Saber throw ~ Knight
      • Force Bellow ~ Knight
      • Force Crush ~ Adept
  • Force Familiar ~ Knight
    • An ability she learned alongside Kahlil Noble on the moon of Alsha, Jonyna has since honed the ability to summon the spirits of her crystals on command, allowing her to call on the aid of them in moments of need, or to act as simply another set of eyes for her, along with any abilities the crystals may have.
  • Tutaminis ~ Knight
    • An ability she faced on Caldera, Jonyna dedicated herself to learning it as well. She's gotten the hang of it in the past few months, and can reliability use it to deflect blaster fire and lightsabers, as well as other energy based attacks should she see them coming.
  • Electric Judgement ~ Knight
    • An ability she learned from Vulpesen Vulpesen , Jonyna has spent the last six months honing the ability to be on par with a knight of her caliber, and can now summon the bolts of justice on a whim, and smite those who would do harm to the innocent.
  • Force Stealth ~ Knight
    • Trained in this ability as part of her Shadow training, Jonyna has trained herself to hide in the crowd, as well as in the open. To your average Force User, she appears as your average civilian.
  • Shatterpoint ~ Adept
    • An ability she observed from Valery Noble on Caldera, Jonyna has gotten a hang of it, but is still learning the ins and outs of an ability still very new to her.
  • Curato Salva ~ Adept
    • An ability she learned training with her new mate, Jonyna now has the ability to not only shrug off fatal blows, but heal from them. While she's still learning this technique, it's one she plans to master in the coming years.
  • Force Speed ~ Adept
    • After fighting @Quintessa , Jonyna spent months trying to mimic the ability she saw. While she is only able to do so in short bursts currently, she has finally able enhance her body in a way to move at speeds near supersonic.
  • Plant Surge ~ Adept
    • Learning from @Corazona von Ascania on Ukatis, Jonyna learned to commune with nature itself, asking small favors from the Jungle she grew up in.
  • Golden Flash ~ Adept
    • Learned through the process of building Kta Dom Lya, The Golden Flash is an extremely powerful Light Side ability that allows Jonyna to imbue her elemental attacks with the Light Side of the Force, and repel dark siders. While it's power is undeniable, it requires her utmost concentration to do it at present, and thus forces her to commit to the action or else she be overcome by the Power.

  • Fireproof: Due to her mastery of Pyromancy, Jonyna seems incapable of being set on fire.
  • A True Hero: A paragon of her own virtures, Jonyna has an unbreakable devotion to these ideas. Do Good. Protect the Innocent. No Torture. Any attempts to sway her against those ideals are a fools errand, as she seems to have psychologically conditioned herself to be incapable of going against them.
  • Master of the Elements: Jonyna seems to be one with Mother Nature herself. Able to command the forces of nature, Jonyna is able to summon storms and flame with seemingly no effort. She is also able to navigate seemingly any environment, through both instinct and experience.
  • I studied the Blade...: A Master in traditional blades, though entirely self taught. Her fighting style is a mix of traditional swordplay, a strange adaptation of Form I, IV, and VI, and pure improvisation.
  • Trained under a Jedi: Trained under the force ghost of Jedi Knight Sylvar, as well as her mother Cici Si, Jonyna trained in Form I as well as Form IV and VI, getting to the point of a jedi knight back during the era of the Empire. Though she rarely uses the stances in their traditional forms, she seems to mix and match techniques from them at will.
  • A Tail?!: With her Denik biology, Jonyna has a prehensile tail that she often uses to wield a third weapon. Tricky cat...
  • On Cathar We Rumble: Incredibly skilled in hand to hand combat, with the benefit of claws on her feet.
  • There's HOW MUCH in that bank account?!: Much to Jonyna's surprise, her savings account from 900 years ago remained when she got unfrozen, leaving her with a substantial fortune that she rarely flaunts.


  • A Stubborn Paragon: Jonyna sticks to her morals even in the face of adversity, sometimes to her own detriment.
  • A bit of an ego: Jonyna can be cocky at times, seeing herself as the paragon she tries to be. It can often bite her in the butt. While heroic speeches and mocking the bad guy can be cool in the moment, it does leave her open for retaliation.
  • Rebel Heart: Jonyna's past as a part of the original Rebel Alliance can shine through at times as a disregard for rules, and a need to justice. While Jonyna has made strides to move past this, many of her core beliefs still show in how they were shaped by the Rebellion.
  • Tribal Mind: The Cathar often finds herself at odds with the 'sophisticated' folks of city planets, as her upbringing lacked the cynical nature of the more advanced societies, and she often finds her unbridled optimism and carefree nature to clash with those of the galactic high class.
  • Only just learned to Read: After years on the run from the empire, Jonyna only now, 900 years later, had the chance to sit down and learn to read. While she has come a long way, she still struggles at times to read complicated words, and anything above a high school level is a challenge for her.
  • Percussive Maintenance is Clearly the Solution!: With her inability to read, and lack of any formal education, is it any wonder that Jonyna has no idea how most technology works? Lucky she has a droid to do most of the heavy lifting in that department...

  • Owner of Si Tech
  • Master Blacksmith
  • Freelance Lightsaber Designer
  • Jungle Warfare Expert
  • Master Tracker
  • Dancing Queen
  • Hobbyist Guitar Player
  • Animal Lover
  • Keeper of Cathar (Denik) Tradition

  • Cathar
  • Huttese
  • Galactic Basic
  • Jawa
  • Twi'leki
  • Rodese
  • Binary
  • Wookie

    *As Jonyna is mostly illiterate, she can speak, but not read any of these languages outside of Cathar and some Basic.

A Cathar of many years, her stripes mark her heritage with pride. Across her legs, tattoos mark her subspecies' ritual sense of maturity, marking her as open for a mate. Along her chest, another tattoo marks her family crest, a tribal tradition of her people. The scars that are hid by her fur are many, while several bits of war paint show her schooling under a master that many called dead. Wearing a jade collar traditional to her people, it connects to a white top, with a set of matching robe pants, giving her total freedom of movement. She usually wears a quilted coat over it, giving her a chance to cover up in the cold, and hide what's inside.

Jonyna often finds herself a spirit of rebellion, whether that be against the Empire she fought 900 years ago, or against the traditions of the jedi she seemed to push back against. Whomever it is, she often finds herself in opposition of anything she disagrees with. Never one to conform, she acts as a free spirit in the galaxy, going where she's needed and helping those in need. A kind soul at heart, the cathar woman is a bundle of emotion at most times, having a spunky nature behind a snarky mouth that she often can't control.

However, when it comes to her family, both those she made along the way, and those she was born into, she often gets incredibly sentimental and attached to those around her. Loyal to a point of worry, she would rather die figthing for her friends than betray them in their time of need.

Born 28 BBY, the young cathar was wisked away from her planet by the jedi order to be trained in the jedi temple, when tragedy struck before she could arrive. Order 66. Not a jedi herself, the 5 year old hid away between transports, avoiding detection and making it to the Outer Rim, out of the eyes of the newly forming Empire.

Having never had the chance to learn the codes of the jedi, Jonyna mythologized the great heroes that she was promised to join the ranks of, forming her own code in place of what she never learned. In the coming years, she trained, scavenging cortosis from old battlefields and forging it into a blade that would act as her lightsaber until she could build a proper one. She would eventually become a bounty hunter, though she preferred the term vigilante, as money was of no real value to her. She would ferry from planet to planet, helping those in need and taking only what was gifted to her, until she came across a former jedi padawan that would train her in the ways of the force, even as she pushed back against what she deemed outdated ways of thinking. Slowly mastering her emotions, befriending an old battle droid and a tie pilot turned rebel who filled out her crew.

Upon finding an old jedi tomb on Ryloth, she would help secure it from Imperial hands, only to find it contained the ghost of a fallen jedi master from the ages of the Great Sith War, who she trained under, finally earning her first saber, a ruby blade holding her family's kyber crystal, a gift from her mother upon her long awaited return home.

When finally, the day of the Battle of Yavin came, her crew were busy coming across an unknown planet that held, what the locals told her, was a curse that would make one of them fall into a deep sleep.

Now, she awakens, in a different time, lost from her friends and family. Now on Coruscant, the woman joins the NJO, finding new friends and taking up the role of a Jedi Knight that she always wished to have had.

Since being unfrozen, the Cathar has fought alongside the best jedi of the modern day, trained to the point of mastery of her main abilities, and taken on a padawan. Now she seeks to take out the remains of the old Empire, become the Jedi Master she always joked about becoming, and seeking to find her place in the wild galaxy.




Saber Class X-wing with D1-C3 Astromech Pilot Nickname: Skytiger Image Source


Modified Consular Class Cruiser, The Tenacity.



Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara - Captured and delivered to the GA.

~ Invasion of Ukatis
~ Ascania Medal of Altruism

~ Invasion of Coruscant
~ Invasion of Coruscant
~ Defender of Contruum and Umbara
Combat Record:


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Too many characters, I have

Mom - CiCi SiMunya - Valery Noble Valery Noble Mando Rival - Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla
Son Turned Knight - Ko Vuto Ko Vuto Grumpy Mentor - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Her Destiny- Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof
Daughter - Rayia Si Rayia Si Mini-Me and that's not a good thing - Braze Braze Crazy Xeno Foe - Domina Prime Domina Prime
Third Paddie, Boy of Steel - Aris Noble Aris Noble Teacher and Colleege - Amani Serys Amani Serys Stimky Siff - Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Pet - Guffy the RacyonFriendly Crazy Rebel Leader - Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Extra Stinky Siff - Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Astromech - D1-C3Jerk - Vulpesen Vulpesen I Forgive You - Carduul Akahl Carduul Akahl
Home-Tree - Ran Dom KuunFriendly Mando - Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad The Monster - Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Weird Nephew - Nir Si Nir Si Kinda Cute - Rik Perris Rik Perris Bastard - Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
Former Boyfriend - Giran Thraker Giran Thraker Classy as Fark - Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Mauti'Era - Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
Boyfriend Gone Missing- Taam Moghul Taam Moghul Bookworm in a fun way - Efret Farr Efret Farr
Lyrana - Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Thick as a City-Tree - Elias Edo Elias Edo
Hope to Win Over - Varys Amun Varys Amun
Jonyna Si, Rebel Jedi Knight, is frozen in ice in 1 BBY, fighting with her friends against an Dathmorian Ice Witch, waking up in 900 ABY to a galaxy now changed, the jedi taking her in as one of their own. She quickly took up the rank of Knight seriously, going on missions and taking the chance to catch up with the galaxy.


After the battle on Caldera, Jonyna spent a few months training up to meet the new standard of the Galaxy. Her encounter with the Sith shocked her awake of her own ego, forcing her to adapt.

After returning home to Cathar, Jonyna encountered the modern remnants of her old enemy, The Empire. The fact that they still existed filled her with a vengeful streak, and it led to her getting in trouble with the NJO council.

During her streak of violence, Jonyna found solace in taking on a new padawan, Ko. Shortly after, she also came across Rayia, who she took on as well. Now she acts as a tribal leader within her culture, a master to her two padawans, and a Shadow in training.

The GA/Enclave War:
With War on the horizon against the Mandolorians, Jonyna prepped for a war to come. Now the mandos fight against both the NJO and the GA as a whole, and Jonyna is dragged into the middle of it.

A Shadow in Training:
Semi Complete

Under the instruction of Valery Noble Valery Noble , Jonyna now planned to become a Jedi Shadow, hunting down threats to the NJO and the GA in secret. How that would develop would have to be seen...
Old Love, Rekindled:
Reuniting with Giran Thraker Giran Thraker gave Jonyna a chance to unwind, and rekindle a love she thought once lost.
Getting a Life:
After a meeting with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Jonyna sought to quote "Get a Life.", finding a life outside of being a Jedi.

The More Things Change:
Once more, the shadow of the Empire looms over the galaxy. Jonyna Si, former Rebel Jedi, must take up the sword against the Empire once more:

Son of Man:
Given a promotion to the Jedi Council, Jonyna was given the chance to take up the role of Sentinel of Harmony, taking the chair over from Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . With big shoes to fill, she looks to stand as a beacon of her people, and of the Order she calls her family.

Flames and Waves:
After meeting Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze , Jonyna couldn't help but fall head over heels with the mando, despite her history with the culture famed for their brutality. Now, she hopes to find a middle ground between their culture, and a way to find peace in her own home-life.


Jonyna 1.0:

Jonyna 2.0, Chaos Edition:

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