Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jora 'Konaree

Jora 'Konaree



NAME: Jora 'Konaree
FACTION: Formerly The Moross Crusade. Currently N/A.
RANK: Shipmaster
AGE: Thirty-seven
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 7' 10"
WEIGHT: 178kg
EYES: Yellow
SKIN: Dark grey


[+] Stature - The Xanti are a naturally tall and powerful race. They're capable of easily taking on numerous humans civilians at a single time.
[+] Warrior - From the moment they can fight, the Xanti are taught in the ways of war. They're bred to be warriors. Jora is no different.

[-] Zealot - Jora is headfast in his beliefs, making him a fanatical and unreliable person.
[-] Stubborn - Jora refuses to listen to reason, and simply cannot be reasoned. Diplomacy boils down to conflict if you give him the chance.
[-] Traditionalist - Jora has a code of honour, and refuses to break this code. He carefully walks the thin line that can bring glory or shame upon his family.
[-] Idiot - Jora is no genius, and he's not smart either. His culture and society has moulded him to follow a leader, and foolishly believes himself greater than others. Were Jora to become leaderless, he would not know what to do with his life.

Jora 'Konaree was born in the Unknown Region. He was raised in the 'Konaree Keep, unknowing of whom his father was like the other children of the 'Konaree, though it was said that the Kaidon paid special attention to Jora. This knowledge bred deep rumours of who his father actually was. He was raised with a group of other children and would perform daily rituals and tasks. Solving puzzles to challenge the mind and fighting trainers to teach the body. He was raised to follow a series of strict codes set by all Xanti to follow. It was how it has always been, and if it required his death, it shall always be so. It was heresy for a Xanti to go against ones own culture. Such vermin deserved a fate far worse than death.

Like all those who weren't blasphemous heretics, Jora 'Konaree joined the Moross Crusade from a young age. He served as a member in the Xanti military. His physical prowess allowing him to rise through the ranks. The Moross began to recede into the darkness, becoming nothing more than a faint shadow of it's former shining glory. When they all but seemed to disappear, some Xanti began to disperse. And in following of his leader - so too did Jora. When the Shipmaster was killed in a clan skirmish, Jora was promoted by the Kaidon of 'Konaree Keep to Shipmaster. Since then he has faithfully served his people, and by the request of his Kaidon, he has begun his travels - alone - to the Outer Rim Territories on a pilgrimage.​





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