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Character Jorel Kaan: The Wayward Sith

The Wayward Sith


NAME: Jorel Kaan

FACTION: None as of yet

RANK: Sith Master


AGE: 33

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6’1”

BUILD: Slim/Athletic


HAIR: Black

SKIN: Blue


LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic, Cheunh, Minnisiat, Ur-Kittat, Sith, High Sith, Dathomiri, Massassi, Droidspeak


Poker Face: Jorel is a hard man to read, making it difficult to tell what his intentions are. He is also much more resilient to telepathic attacks than your average Force user.

Expert Duelist: Jorel is a master of Makashi, Jar’Kai, and Trakata, making him a dangerous opponent.

Thoughtful Action: Due to his Chiss heritage, Jorel is naturally a logical individual. He is able to tactically find himself out of most situations with relative ease.

Stone Cold: His personality might have merit, but it has made him more enemies than friends through the years.

A Born Pariah: Considering the unpopularity of Force users among their own people, Jorel has almost no connection to his home, and would likely come across serious resistance within Chiss space.


Jorel is a well-groomed individual, and keeps himself healthy. He is tall and athletically built, making sure to keep himself in fit form. He is usually seen with a black suit, and a long, red, armorweave jacket. Jorel usually wears black gloves, and keeps his lightsabers at his sides. His piercing red eyes and cool demeanor can make him come across as intimidating, or at least indifferent and cold.


Jorel is a calm, collected individual (for a Sith). He thinks of things logically, and only releases his anger when absolutely necessary. He values action more than words, and often finds ego to be an undesirable trait. He is also a rather solitary man, only choosing to make himself known when it serves a purpose. Most might be put off by his personality, but if you can get into his inner circle, then he is loyal to the core.


Jorel was born among his own people, but quickly found himself at odds with them. As his Force powers became evident, his family became incredibly concerned. The Chiss are known for their aversion to Force users within their ranks, and would likely have him executed. His family, wanting to keep him safe, turned to an unexpected ally, a Sith lord. They made Jorel leave with this mysterious Sith, and he never looked back.

Jorel spent many years with the man he would come to respect. He wasn’t the same as the rest of the Sith. He taught restraint and control, as well as acceptance of passion. This played to Jorel’s logical sensibilities as a Chiss, and he became a prodigy. There were many years spent under the tutelage of the Sith lord, and eventually he was deemed to be a master. This seemed to be enough for Jorel, for a time. Eventually, however, he felt the galaxy calling out to him. His master had been living in exile, and Jorel was aching to see more of the galaxy. He said goodbye to his master, and embarked on a journey of self-discovery and knowledge, never looking back.



The Intruder: A modified star courier, with twin ion engines, a hyperdrive, a navicomputer, and four L-s7.2 laser cannons


-a pair of curve-hilted red lightsabers, each with a Krayt dragon pearl
-a long, red armorweave jacket
-a custom Firewasp speeder bike
-three DRK-1 droids, each armed with a stun blaster

None yet

None yet


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Nobuyoshi Suzuki- Ludwig, The Accursed & Holy Blade
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