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Jorj Car'das, and the Aing-Tii

Well-Known Member
So, I remembered something interesting that I read about on wookieepedia a long time ago.

There is this smuggler guy, Jorj Car'das, who apparently spent a lot of time around the Aing-Tii later in life, and despite not being force sensitive learned how to manipulate the force, "he could make an object instantly transport itself from one location to another." - Wookieepedia.

Is this possible of all beings, or is Jorj in some way a special case where they infused him with some sort of power, kind of like the Reborn and the Valley of the Jedi in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast?

Would a being belonging to a species that is ordinarily Force Blind (not being able to perceive the force as a race), be capable of having some limited ability of the force if they spent a similar amount of time learning from the Aing-Tii?

What do you think?
Interestingly, the Aing-Tii aren't unique in being able to teach their Force abilities to people who would ordinarily test negative for Force-sensitivity. The sources that created the Fallanassi specifically note that many of their recruits test negative. The Matukai have also been known to teach their abilities to people who test negative; it just takes a decade or two, like it took Car'das. There's also a minor, obscure cult that may be able to instill telepathic powers.

Far as I'm concerned, it all comes down to this: FU versus NFU isn't a yes/no, it's a sliding scale.

Counts as low as 2,000 midi-chlorians per cell provided no sensitivity to the Force;[8] an average Human had less than 2,500 per cell, while a mildly Force-sensitive being such as Nova Stihl had a count in excess of 5,000.[9] According to Sith Lord Darth Tenebrous, a being born of "pure force" might have a count of 15,000 or more, implying that most Force-sensitives did not have a count that high.[10] Jedi had especially high midi-chlorian counts, and of them Anakin Skywalker was said to have the highest ever recorded[2] at over 20,000
I believe Aing-Tii, Fallanassi, and Matukai techniques can help people with very very low midi-chlorian counts make the most of their limited potential. I also believe you could interpret the statements about NFUs (Car'das and the Fallanassi/Matukai trainees) as saying that their midi-chlorian counts are below the Jedi testing threshold. It's also worth noting that very very minor force-sensitivity, known as Force-attunement, is much more common in canon than is popularly known. Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Governor Tarkin...the list goes on. From the quote above, I'd imagine you could say Force-attunement is somewhere around 3-5k, and Force-sensitivity is high four digits to low five digits.

I could go on at some length, because I'm a nerd about this stuff. One of these days I'll do a big ol' writeup and list all the sources and so forth. Bottom line, I don't think Force-dead species could learn from those traditions...but there aren't many of those. Even most of the Vong stopped being Force dead at the end of the NJO books.
Well-Known Member
[member="Jorus Merrill"] You misunderstand a little bit, but all good information! I said a force blind species, not dead. They exist inside the force, but as a species are incapable of touching it. I believe the Ssi-Ruu are among this category if I'm not incorrect.

"It was believed that there were no Force users amongst the Ssi-ruuk and as a species as they were blind to it." - Wookieepedia
[member="Fatty"], Han Solo was not force sensitive, yet when Jaina was walking down the aisle on her wedding day, she sensed the force within him. Its not sure if he naturally had the force, or if he "attracted" it from being around Luke, Leia, and his kids who were all force sensitive.

I wouldn't see why not, and even then, there are instances in the force where someone can gain force sensitivity.

There are even rituals that can enhance your force sensitivity. If this were done on someone without the force, it would give them the ability to use the force. As for the side effect... It can be anything from going insane, having no clue how much power the person has, Or even become a "Sithspawn"

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