"Kreigshiffe Vor"
OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION- Intent: To codify Augustus's squadron for roleplay.
- Image Credit: Fleet Symbol
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Augustus Von Strauss, Empire of the Lost, Invasion of Mon Cala Chapter 1: Above Salt and Sulfur
- Fleet Name: [Official Designation:] 9th Quick Reaction and Attack Squadron, [Widely Called:] Jormungandr Fast Attack Squadron, Jormungandr Squadron
- Classification: Quick Reaction Force, Fast Attack Squadron
- Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, Augustus Von Strauss
- Fleet Symbol: This is painted on all of the hulls of the Squadron and their fighter complement.
- Description: Jormungandr Squadron is a quick reaction/attack force. They are meant to arrive, cause chaos within or hold back enemy fleets, and tactically withdraw when the main force arrives.
- Headquarters: Mon Cala
- Ports of Call: Mon Calamari Sector [The planets controlled by the EOTL]
- Goals: Territorial security and to respond to all threats that would harm the Empire of the Lost.
- Reputation: Relatively new, Jormangandr Squadron has not seen any major conflicts, their precursor was present at the invasion of Mon Cala. Their quickness and close-quarters tactics helped them save the day and push back the Tingel Arm Coalition. Overall, the veterans from that battle who make up the members of Jormangandr, are seen as effective and ruthless, but in smaller circles are seen as over-ambitious. They are seen as a pain in the side by pirates in the sector.
- Fleet Size: Small
- Lead Ship: Freyja-Class Fast Destroyer, Ragnarok
- Composition:
- Freyja-Class Fast Destroyer, Ragnarok [Flagship]
- 7 Starfighter Squadrons
- 1 Support Squadron
- Freyja-Class Fast Destroyer, Fenrir
- 7 Starfighter Squadrons
- 1 Support Squadron
- Hofund-Class Fast Cruisers
- Tyr, Hel, Agir, Ymir
- 2 Starfighter Squadrons per
- Tyr, Hel, Agir, Ymir
- Loki-Class Fast Corvettes
- Mjolnir, Gungnir, Gleipnir, Gram, Draugr, Valkyire
- 1 Shuttle for embarking and disembarking per (non-combat)
- Mjolnir, Gungnir, Gleipnir, Gram, Draugr, Valkyire
- Freyja-Class Fast Destroyer, Ragnarok [Flagship]
Captain Augustus Von Strauss, Commanding Officer, Ragnarok. Squadron Leader
The idea for smaller quick-reaction forces came about after the invasion of Mon Cala. At the time Captain Augustus Von Straus was stationed on the Heimdall, a fast battlecruiser from the same line as the rest of the squadron, and the namesake of the class. He had originally been running anti-piracy tactics with a task force of nineteen 'fast-classed' vessels as part of a stress test to see how the vessels would fare against those types of enemies. Thankfully, Captain Augustus and his task force were close to Mon Cala when they received word it was under attack, they arrived and held the line against the invaders, only pushing in to support Moff Maldor Mecetti after the death of Emperor Velran Kilran. The task force was badly damaged and most of the vessels had to be sent in for repairs.
After the invasion, Captain Von Strauss wrote a report about the necessity of defensive and offensive quick-reaction forces and submitted it to Navy High Command. Following his recommendation, he was given command of the 9th Quick Reaction and Attack Squadron, unofficially dubbed the Jormangandr Squadron by its personnel. Taking the Ragnarok as his command vessel, they now patrol the Mon Calamari Sector mainly in an anti-piracy capacity, by taking out large groups and illegal stations. Yet, as of 30/1/903, the squadron has not been deployed in any major conflicts or battles.
The Jormangandr Squadron has a unique three-layer formation, similar to an onion, and can be deployed in either a port, starboard, or fore manner. The six Loki corvettes are on the outside, providing a strong picket defense against enemy ordinance and fighters. The next layer consists of the four Hofund cruisers, which act as a secondary picket line, missile platforms, and the first line of strong anti-capital ship weaponry. The last and final layer consists of the two Freyja destroyers acting as heavy capital ship artillery. The squadrons limited fighter squadrons are scattered within the formation, but able to support or fight once the squadron reaches their position. In essence, enemies will always be seeing corvettes on the outside, then cruisers, then destroyers in the center. This formation also allows for vessels to drop back and be replaced if extensively damaged.
Jormangandr Squadron has unique engagement tactics as well: [Photo]
- The Squadron deploys fighters and begins moving at a staggering full-speed flanking maneuver.
- When at the right position and distance, the Squadron adjusts its course to point directly at the enemy fleet.
- At this point, the squadron has three different options for its next course adjustment.
- It can turn away and disengage, leaving it open to rear shots into the, up to this point, well-protected destroyers, facing their rear-facing weapons.
- It can turn away and continue the flank around the enemy, unleashing broadside after broadside into, hopefully, unprotected rears of vessels.
- In the unlikely event that the squadron completely breaks the enemy's formation, the third option is to charge directly into the enemy, relying on the fast vessel's protection and close-quarters fighting abilities.
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