Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jorus Koth


NAME: Jorus Koth
FACTION: Neutral at the moment.
SPECIES: Human (Galtea)
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 5' 8"
EYES: Deep Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White/light


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Gut Feeling: Jorus has learned to trust his gut. It's never steered him wrong, once he listens to it. He seems to sometimes just fall on the correct decision or path that provides the best outcome for him. This has also made him extremely hard to surprise.

Crack Shot: Superb with blasters and projectile weaponry.

Nose for Credits: Has a keen business sense. Knows a good deal when he hears one.

Persuasive: Maybe it's the tone of voice, the subtle key words, body language or even something beyond all that. Whatever causes it, people listen to Jorus, listen and want to help the guy out. He makes sense.

Papers please: Jorus is a master forger. You need a fake credential Go to the slums and find a guy in the alleys. You need a new identity? See Jorus.

Languages: Basic, Binary, Bocce, High Galactic, Sith, Durese

Power Hungry (Weakness): There are people who rise through the ranks of a military though training and dedication. There are those who become leaders of nations through schooling, hard work and good morality. Then there are those who gain power through hunger. A never ended gnawing to outclass the next man. If he has to lie, cheat, betray and assassinate his way to the top, power will be his. Sometimes, this raw need overwhelmed rational decisions. He has enemies, he owes people and he has made terrible decisions because of this need.

Arrogant (Weakness): He is better than you. He is smarter than you, faster than you and stronger than you. Even if he isn't. Some people, enjoy proving him wrong.

Jorus, travels via public transportation at the moment. Catching a luxury liner from one port to the next.

Sometimes, people are born from a rotten line. The Koth line has almost always been filled with pirates, corrupt senators, violent murderers, con men and spouse beaters. However, his parents. Baylin Koth and Sei Koth, did their best to leave behind their corrupt lineage. Baylin Koth, his father was a simple man, who owned a small farm plot on Galtea. He worked hard, took care of his family and raised his children the best he could. But there was nothing he could do for Jorus, he was destined to be bad.

At first, it seemed as if he was a good happy child. He didn't argue any more than the average youngster. He helped around his house and he excelled in his school work. He had many friends and got out a lot. His parents were sure he had escaped the bloodline curse. Until his teen years, he started getting into fights and despite loosing most, they never lessened. He was always the instigator and never the victor. Then, his friends began to fight for him. He started a gang made up of other teens, they engaged in minor crimes. Vandalism, fighting, minor thefts. Most choose to ignore them. His father thought it might just be teen rebellion. Shame he didn't step in earlier.

Jorus had groomed his followers over time and finally they were loyal enough for him to ask them to help him steal a ship from the space-port. They got together, snuck in and found their target. Unfortunately it was guarded. In the following skirmish, three of his underlings were killed and one of the guards. As ring leader, Jorus got the worst penalty and was shipped off to a prison. He spent thirteen years there. In the beginning four years it was rough on him, he spent at least a six weeks out of the year in the infirmary. But over time, he gained 'friends' to protect him. He spent almost all his free time studying. Languages, for when he got out and forgery.

That happened almost accidentally. He needed access to the kitchen, to acquire another prisoner a knife (a failed bet) but wasn't given access to the kitchen work detail. He forged the papers to get in, got the knife and got out. Some of the other prisoners took notice and began asking for favors. He developed his craft during the rest of his stay. When Jorus was finally released, he had no money, no job prospects and no more power. He fell in with a mercenary group made up of other past prisoners and found himself being trained to fight, properly.

He was good with a gun, but pretty much useless any other way. He also found blood distasteful so quickly left. With the little money he gained from playing weekend warrior, he bought himself the tools of a forger and is now ready to begin his life anew, and hopefully start a new 'business' venture.





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