Josef King
Jedi Seer

"Though the force- all things are possible."
General Information
Full Name: Josef King
Aliases: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Species: Near Human (Human, Miraluka)
Planet of Origin: Coruscant
Voice Sample: Sample
Occupation: Jedi Knight
School: Jedi Consular

Discipline: Jedi Seer
Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive
Affiliation: Jedi Exile
Physical Information
Height: 5’ 10
Weight: 188 lbs
Physical Build: Mesomorphic
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Dark

Psychological Information
Cautious - Humble - Reserved - Peaceful - Aloof - Honest
Josef King came into knighthood under the Silver Jedi Order, a more conservative school that broke away from traditional teachings at several points. Where most of his peers were committed to mastery over the saber, and marched with the Alliance to war, King instead focused on diplomacy and peacemaking. A pacifist and a firm believer in the Living Force, King actively petitioned the SJO to withdraw from galactic conflict- a stance that eventually lead to his withdraw from the order. His pacifism should not be mistaken for weakness however, as King will defend himself the others around him if diplomacy fails.
King possesses both a sharp wit and dry sense of humor, and is prone to speaking in story and allegory. He uses his humor as a buffer, and keeps a constant aloofness between himself and his closest companions. In many ways, he represented the strength of the old Jedi Order: steadfast, selfless, and modest.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Strengths and Weaknesses
Jedi Seer
- Serving the Jedi Order as conduits to the Force, the Seers were responsible for receiving Force visions and interpreting them for the Jedi High Council. King is often plagued by visions of potential futures, which usually serve as his primary motivation during his travels. He often finds himself stumbling into events of great importance, and has either helped or harmed most of the major factions during his travels.
- Once King makes up his mind, there is little that can change it. Paired with his selfless nature, the Jedi Knight ends up throwing himself in the path of danger- often with little chance of escaping uninjured.
- Josef King is a fully trained Jedi knight, and possesses a powerful connection to the force. Due to his miralukan heritage, King has a natural mastery over Force Sight and is able to detect the finer ebbs of the Force around him.
- Combat is a last resort, reserved for only defending himself or the others around him. While trained, he lacks practical experience in swordplay- a skilled opponent will quickly overwhelm him in a duel.
- More of an ethical principle then an actual form of lightsaber combat. Form Zero is the idea that Jedi should know when to use their lightsaber and when to find an alternative means of solving a problem. King is a diplomat and peacemaker, and considers himself a skilled orator.