Joshua Vantai

NAME: Joshua Vantai
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Jedi Padawan
AGE: 17 (Yeah I know, it doesnt match my profile pic yet)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8m
WEIGHT: 70kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
Force Alignment: Light Side
Personal Alignment: Lawful Good
Bright and Eager: Joshua is always eager to learn and is almost never in a downed mood. His eagerness to learn is also coupled with his bright intelligence and his quick learning skills.
Blade Wielding Prodigy: Joshua seems to have a lot of potential in the field of lightsaber combat. He's only been practicing it for 7 months though, but appears he could master it.
Unwavering Allegiance to the Light: Joshua's family upbringing and pro Republic views coupled with his eagerness and slight innocence makes him currently insusceptible to the Dark Side of the Force.
Kind and Friendly: Joshua is a very kind and friendly soul. He tries to be as kind and giving as possible to anyone. He probably couldn't even be found hurting a womp rat.
Aptitude for Space: Josh inherited his father's starship mechanical prowess, but he also found a small talent and liking in piloting, and spent time developing the skills.
Self Critical: Because his schooling was mostly dedicated to things he was good at, when he can't actually do something or messes up, Josh takes it very hard on himself and constantly critiques himself on everything.
Impatient: Josh never had a dull moment in his child hood, so time spent waiting is time spent wasted in his opinion.
Idealistic: Josh has unwavering allegiance to the Republic. Some might consider this good, but it makes him blind to any mistakes the state may make, and closes his mind to other outside influences that could be beneficial.
Weaker in Force Ideals and Powers: Where Josh excels in lightsaber combat, he lacks in his force abilities and Jedi ideologies. He may never master the advanced force techniques that the masters use. His impatience also gives him difficulty calming his mind and meditating like the other Jedi.
Over Confident: Also because he only studied things he was good at, and his parents and other adults always telling him he was a natural at certain things, Josh developed a strong sense of Over Confidence. While confidence is a very good thing to have... The level of confidence he has can make him commit bold actions that can hurt him in the end. His over confidence links with his self criticalness, as in when his confidence is shaken, he becomes extremely self critical.
Joshua was born into an upper middle class family on the planet Corellia. His father was a senior designer for Corellian Engineering Corporation while his mother stayed at home to care for him and his two younger sisters who are 2 and 4 years younger than him. He grew up in very fortunate circumstances. His parents were in a loving relationship and they both cared deeply for their children. Financial crises never hit his family because of their moderate wealth, but his parents made sure to teach him how to manage his finances well, so to say he was spoiled would be generalizing his family's class level.
Him and his sisters were all taught by private teachers who came to their home every weekday. Their parents believed in education tailored and built for each of their children's talents and interests, instead of throwing them into a public school where personal education would be limited. Because of his education situation, Joshua quickly learned what he was proficient in. Naturally, he had his father's ship mechanical understanding. Lots of his projects for his schooling would be to work on old CEC starships. He also found that with test driving the ships he worked on, that he loved to fly as well. This in turn caused his parents to hire a pilot instructor for him to further this skill. Lastly, he found that he enjoyed things such as math, science, and computers more than he did literary works, thus, he spent more time with those subjects.
His family relationships were those of a modeled family. Him and his dad would spend many nights together just tinkering with starships of different sizes, makes, and models, thanks in part to his father's high status in the CEC. On his 16th birthday, his father gave him an old outdated YT 1930 that he acquired from his work, and said that their project would be to upgrade the ship to standards higher than civilian ships. He also mentioned something about CEC Ships being great with their modification capabilities, nothing less than his father's pride in his work. His mother stayed home with the kids to raise them and supervise their schooling. He was very comfortable with his mother and could tell her anything. His 2 sisters had very different interests than he did, but he loved them just as much as the rest of his family. They often did things together like friends would, at the confusion of the other kids their age. Despite Corellia not being in the Republic territory, his parents have a very pro Republic view. It's part of the reason he ended up in the Republic. Because of his parent's views though and his upbringing, he almost had unwavering alliance to the faction, never doubting their decisions, even if they were considered wrong by most.
No one in his family, not even him, knew that he was force sensitive until about 8 months after his 16th birthday. His father and him were getting extremely close to finishing the ship that his father gave him. That night, they were installing the two military grade laser turrets into the ship that his father had conveniently gotten from CEC, but things weren't quite working out. Josh couldn't figure out why he wasn't able to get power to the turrets. He spent hours trying to figure it out. Normally, the ship engineering stuff came easy to him, but he was stuck more than he had ever been. After what seemed like the 11th failed attempt, he threw his tools to the ground in frustration, but this also made the other tools in the hanger fly up and fall back down. Him and his father looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what had just happened. Josh tried the motion again, throwing his hands down, which caused all of the tools to fly up momentarily again. His father looked at him in disbelief saying "Son... You're.. Force sensitive..." Not a single person in their family had been force sensitive, so it had come a shock to his family. He didn't know what it meant for his future, so his parents sat him down and discussed that his life could change if any of the force groups had found him.
As it was expected though, the next day, the local Jedi stationed on the planet had showed up to their house. He asked if anyone was force sensitive in the household, and they replied that Josh was. The family and the Jedi then had a long discussion on his new found abilities. He stated that the many other force groups would want him if they ever discovered him, and also explained that he was able to join the Jedi Order for the Republic, if that was the will of the family. His family, having their pro Republic views, were eager to have him join, if he wanted. After many hours of contemplating the decision... He chose to join The Jedi Order. He packed what he was allowed to, said goodbye to his family (luckily, it is not the classical way the Jedi used to be, thus he would be allowed to visit his family) and left with the Jedi to the capital of the Republic.
Once he got there, he was told he would begin in core classes, before taking the role of a padawan. Surprisingly, these classes came easy to him, because they were like his schooling classes, just with Jedi ideologies mixed in. He took about 7 months of the group Jedi classes with others, before he was promoted to Jedi Padawan. He had to be slightly rushed due to his older age. The next chapter in his life is being assigned a master to train him individually in the Jedi way...
Kyle Vantai - Father (42): Senior Designer at CEC. Lives on Talus
Iella Vantai - Mother (41): Lives on Talus
Kira Vantai - Sister (15): Lives on Talus
Naomi Vantai - Sister (13): Lives on Talus
YT 1930: The Immortal Nova