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Approved NPC Jost Cal Dayne

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Out Of Character Information:

Intent: To create an ally for Beltran Rarr in certain combat situations, as well as establish a non-descript method of transport for Beltran throughout the galaxy.
Image credit: Alan Lee via
Role: Second mate aboard the Sardonic Growl, sometime ally to Beltran Rarr
Links: Lupewaurreg

Physical Information:

Age: 43 Standard Years
Force Sensitivity: Non-force user
Species: Human
Appearance: Jost Cal Dayne is short for a human, standing less than one and a half meters tall. He is also considered to be overweight, with his weight equally well over two hundred and thirty pounds. He has a Caucasian complexion and balding brown hair. His eyes are also brown.

Social Information:

Name: Jost Cal Dayne
Loyalties: Himself, Lupewaurreg, sometimes Beltran Rarr
Wealth: Minimal. Jost is addicted to death sticks, a raging alcoholic and a degenerate gambler. All of these habits have one thing in common: they're expensive. It is something of a running joke between Jost and Waurr (Lupewaurreg) to see how quickly he can blow through whatever his share of their combined jobs is. Often, he has the credits spent before the two have even been paid.
Notable Possessions: An antique Blas-Tech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol he keeps on him at all times
Skills: Piloting, proficiency with blasters, knowledge of the black market and underworld contacts
Personality: Jost is a cranky, self-absorbed, degenerate gambler and addict. He sleeps late, slacks off, and usually has his credits spent before he's even made them. He is also highly intelligent and charismatic. He makes friends easily, and people often trust him with information they wouldn't trust anyone else with. He generally only seems to care about himself, but with that being said holds a deep sense of respect for his friend and captain Lupewaurreg.

Combat Information:

Weapon of choice: An antique Blas-Tech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol dating back to the galactic civil war

Combat function: Wildcard. Simply put, Jost is short, fat, out of shape and has never had even a single day of military training. In short, he is the last person any being would expect to be worth something in a fight, and therein lies his strength. Jost is often underestimated by his foes. While all of the above stated traits are true, he does have one skill. He has an extremely quick draw and is able to fire his blaster pistol with pinpoint accuracy. In a prolonged fight however, his usefulness dwindles the longer the combat continues. This occurs due to his lack of military knowledge and his complete lack of physical fitness.

Historical Information:

Jost Cal Dayne was born on Corellia approximately forty-three standard years ago. As a child, he was always getting into trouble with other children. He would lie, cheat and steal in order to get ahead. As a young adult, he added gambling, smoking death sticks and drinking to his skillset. By the time he had turned twenty, Jost had been forced to leave his homeworld due to large gambling debts owed to several less than savory individuals.

For the next few years, he would troll around the galaxy doing odd jobs on various ships until he came into contact with Lupewaurreg. The Wookiee took pity on him, and offered him a position on his ship as second mate. While Waurr was a fair hand at piloting, Jost was able to use his black market contacts to lead the Wookiee to the most lucrative halls. The two together have been able to eek out a reasonable living.
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