Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jounrey to the Sun Temple (Forcers/Open)

Location: Tatooine
Objective: Find the Holocron of the Sun Temple

She had felt it first. A rippling wave through the force that had drawn her here. The visions of days long past still lingered in her thoughts as she puled her tattered roughspun cloak tighter against the savage winds and blazing suns. There was great power to be found in this desert, an ancient Holocorn had been revealed to her.

To how many others she did not know....

A singular figure in Tusken Raider robes sitting atop a chair, wielding a steel pike with an white lightsaber blade at the end. A wave of sand rising up to annihilate a Tusken
Cavalry Column. A blazing battle, X-Wings plummeting into flames, swallowed whole by the destructive table above.

And then she had seen it.... the Sun Temple.

The massive structure was tall and imposing. A macabre weld of mudhutt. Held together with lashes from bantha leather, and a superstructure of Krayt Dragon Bones.

She was walking through the sands, far beyond the Dune sea. Behind her the Void Runner, her exploratory vessel and before her several hundred miles of uncharted badlands. Far off in the distance she could feel it. Ominous looming, calling to her. A mystery to be solved.

What is the mystery though? How were there Tusken Jedi? Were they even Jedi?

These were all questions that needed answering. And so she trudged through the sands, one spacers boot in front of the other. Steely determination in her heart, fire in her lazing blue eyes, stopping only to take a sip from a battered steel canteen....
Twin suns burned orange and crimson over an ocean of rippling sand, a crystalline sea that in time would drown all traces of civilization. Empty except a massive shadow. Something looming and dark, calling him desperately. It was a place of pain and heartache. It needed healing.

Tiland sat upright on his bedroll, hair falling loose behind him. Early morning suns beat down on his crude shelter, which he quickly disassembled. Not that it took much. Just draped his robes over his shoulders again and lifted his staff off the rock. Then he was ready and slogged forward, slipping and sliding in the deep sand. Sweat trickled down the back of his neck and he shook his head, trying to get it clear. He was losing moisture. That was unfortunate. But something had passed by in the night. A starship, by the sound of it and Tiland could just make a distant metallic glint out amidst the blinding glare from the sand.

That was where he hoped to reach before midday when the suns burned hottest. He had no desire to be out in the open by that time. So he trudged on, finding nominally solid footing with his staff before proceeding one step at a time. He sensed something different now. A life-force, some presence in the Force. It was too far away to discern readily, however. He paused, tapping his fingers on the staff, considering. Was it Sith? Certainly did not feel like, but neither did it feel like Jedi. Something in between? Or multiple individuals?

The Force was leading him now, giving him subtle hints at the direction he should take. It was in the same direction as the Force presence. Tiland knelt for a moment, closing his eyes and opening himself to the Force. It wasn't water, but it was refreshing enough to be water, cool and calm amidst the desolate wastes that surrounded him.

Trust... it seemed to whisper. Trust and go...

So be it.

Tiland opened his eyes, stood, and walked forward once more, following the leadings.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

Location: Beyond the Dune sea, close to temple.

Another feeling began to take her as she moved closer. It started small, first a small tingle in her hands. Next it was a small titiliating feeling in her navel. She paused, feet planting firmly in the shifting sands as the wind ripped across the open plains. The cloak flew slightly behind her in the breeze and the sand scratched against her goggles.

A tiny flutter in her stomach became a bit larger now. The force was muddy here, due to lack of life no doubt. What was it trying to convey?

She closed her eyes, letting her palms relax. As the thoughts and questions began to fade her mind became cool and calm like a pond recovering from the ripples of a cast stone. Her limbs felt lighter, the muscles tighter. Her jaw unclenched, her heart slowed, and the force took over, rushing to fill her like an empty vessel.

She felt it again, and this time steered her singular concentration into the feeling, nudging, prodding asking her invisible ally for assistance.

She was being followed.....

It was a lighter fotprint. Whomever it was certainly radiated a sense of light. A glimpse of justice, prhaps truth. Vassara herself was a mixed bag, having learned to conceal her motives and aspirations from the prying eyes of Sith and Dark Jedi. Still perhaps another lightsider could be a usefull ally. A single word floated through her mind and was cast out, gently floating through the currents of the invisible matrix for the follower to hear.

Location: Tatooine Dune Sea

One of the dreams had been simple enough: a desert planet with two suns. There weren't exactly many of those around, so cross-referencing with a feature from another of the dreams - what the archivist had suggested might be a Tusken Raider - brought up Tatooine. The being did state it was odd that there was one sitting on a chair, let alone holding a lightsaber pike - another nugget of knowledge the archivist gave him. She'd never heard of 'waves of sand' or much of a battle involving X-wings, though there had been a few skirmishes here and there. And, besides what had become Jabba the Hutt's palace, nothing of a Temple. Something else that had made an appearance.

So he'd come to Tatooine despite lack of evidence, without even having a place to start. He'd have to rely on the Force, something which was most decidedly not a strength of his. Put a Sith or enemy soldier in front of him, he'd work to stop them. Place him at a negotiating table between diplomats...yea, horrible job placement.

He'd started in orbit, simply watching it through the Force. There were strong concentrations of cables at the cities and spaceports, some scattered ones here and there in small communities. And there were vast swathes of nothing where only the wildlife lived. No doubt he'd sense the wildlife as he closed in, but at this distance he just wasn't able to. One place kept attracting his attention though: the Dune Sea. There was no logical reason for it, yet his attention had simply caught on it. Fixated, really. So he took the ship lower, into the atmosphere, though remaining high enough to cross the entirety of the plain in minutes. He'd have been insane to go wandering around down there.

As he closed he could sense the pull more strongly. Contrary to what he'd first thought, it wasn't within the Dune Sea itself but somewhere beyond it. More importantly, he wasn't the only one present heading that way. Oh, there was the native fauna such as dewbacks, banthas, and even something under the surface, but those weren't headed for whatever was calling him. No, those he was detecting were strong in the Force, and there was the sense of familiarity present. If his instincts weren't playing him wrong, he knew at least one of them.

The ship descended in his hands. Whatever he was being drawn towards was still ahead; given his skill with the Force it could be thirty meters or thirty kilometers. He'd fly, and if he passed it he'd circle back.

[member="Vassara Raxis"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"]
Harlok wondered why he was sent to this hellish place. The dual suns blazed over head, and his orders were very vague, but he had a location. His commander simply told him that he was confident that he would be able to feel when he was in the right place. He was given some extra equipment for his journey including a Z6 riot control baton in case he were to run into any Jedi. Harlok was excited to hear about this, but a little frightened as well. He hadn't seen any of the battle commanders even stand up too long against the Knights of Ren, but the also used force powers against them when things weren't going their way. He had done well in his pod, and ok against the Troopers they trained against, but he knew the longer he waited the worse things would get.

He landed in Mos Espa, and headed to the First Order outpost outside of the large spaceport to get his supplies on the ground and a last minute briefing from those on the ground. His contact procured a speeder for him, and Harlok got some good advice from his operative keeping his ear to the ground.

"There are many dangers beyond the dunes. Stay on the course I plotted for you or your likely to be in a nest of Tuskens or run right into a Krayt Dragon."

Harlok picked some last bits of desert gear including a guise of sandperson. Never can tell what you may need out there. He shot out of Mos Espa for a several hour speeder journey keeping his eyes on the land around him. Something felt off like danger could be lurking around any corner.

Elmora Raa

Bounty Hunter with a Bounty
Location: Tatooine Dune Sea
Objective: Kill Vassara Raxis and retrieve the Holocron

Elmora's orders were pretty clear. Eliminate the woman Vassara Raxis and retrieve the Holocron at all costs. Initially the task sounded easy, after all she was familiar with being payed a pretty penny to kill whomever she was asked to, without question. But what with the suns gaze beating down on her body while she trudged through an endless desert, she was almost certain she wouldn't make it to her target before dying from the heat. Never the less she lifted one lazy foot after the other and continued her way through this practical hell.

Her appearance suited well her position as Bounty Hunter, being smaller than most 16 year old Togruta, people tended not to feel provoked, that was until her lightsabers were sticking through their body. She took the flask from her belt and took the last dribble of water before throwing it over her shoulder, her brown and white head-tails flapping in the wind with her cloth cloak.

She touched her fingers to her head in order to focus what little force power she had into a vision, something to let her know where to go, or where she was even. Normally she would track foot prints and match them to her target with her scanner, so either this one was especially smart, or blowing sand was the only thing getting in between her and her target. Her mind casually swayed back to her Holo conversation with her employer... His appearance was completely untraceable and he definitely used a voice scrambler, only saying to kill this woman and retrieve the Holocron and without a reason, and who was she to turn down a task for some good coin (really good coin actually). Eventually some pictures came to her, a woman, and a temple. What better timing when she opened her eyes and saw the temple standing rigid in the desert, and she wondered how she hadn't seen it before.

She marched faster towards it, knowing that her target would be there as well and so would the Holocron, already thinking of leaving this place...
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Elmora Raa"] [member="Harlok Chistor"] [member="Audren Sykes"]


The word drifted back through the threads of the Force from someone ahead of him, likely the Force presence he had sensed earlier. He gave a half smile. That was easier said than dune. There was an indeterminate area of empty sand between him and this person, but now he wouldn't have to worry about getting shot as soon as he came into view. That always made things more manageable. Other presences flickered through the Force, one of which was familiar. The others were completely new, so it would appear he would be making new acquaintances here.

He knelt for a moment and took a drink from his thermos. Cold tea, while hardly something he loved, was necessary. It softened the edge of the shimmering heat that flickered around the edges of his vision. Now it was time for the reply. His hands clutched the gnarled wood of his staff and he let his thoughts drift away. Or tried to, anyway. The constant repetition of "It's hot" never quite went away and it muddled with his connection, working against the eddies he needed to send a message. Eventually though, he had a message.

I'm working on it.

Perhaps there was a bit of an irritable edge to the message, but he couldn't change it now. Tiland rose, leaning on his staff, and started out again, trying to be a bit faster. He kept slipping though and practically slid down a dune, robes flapping behind him like some sort of ungainly wings. He carried on for hours, only pausing to rest for a time when mid-day struck, sheltering beneath his makeshift tent, and hurrying on as the day grew older.

He was closer to the figure now and sent out a subtle message that he was near.

Elmora Raa

Bounty Hunter with a Bounty
Finally just passing the Dune Sea and being thankful the suns are drawing near to the horizon, Elmora huffed for breath, the hot air stinging her dry throat upon entering. Ignoring her thirst she looked at the Sun Temple, which was not far now, and sighed. She honestly just wanted this to be over with so she could collect her bounty, get the Holocron, and leave to where there's water at least. She had 'dealt' with Sith and Jedi alike so she was sure this woman Vassara Raxis would be no different, so she could kill her, and leave.

Elmora trudged forwards, treading uncomfortably with sand sloshing around in her boots. After the tenth time empty them she gave up, but she was sure there wouldn't be enough room in her boots for the sand and her swollen feet eventually. Pushing through the consistent pain of fat ankles rubbing against leather, she continued to stare up at temple, now finally drawing close.

She rubbed her temples firmly to concentrate on her objective, hoping she could still do it with the pain she was experiencing. Seeing her target very briefly she began to sense other presences at well, an old man, a knight, then they faded. She gasped for breath, only to be struck by the pain of her dry mouth and throat. Her mind trailed to other things, her eye, and the accident that left her blind. Her mother whom she never got to meet. Her old family in her Bounty Hunter's clan. She shook the memories out of her head, it was something she'd grown quite accustomed to.

[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Harlok Chistor"] [member="Audren Sykes"]
[member="Elmora Raa"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Harlok Chistor"]

Something was amiss. The pond wasn't still anymore and now she could feel them. The area around the temple was abuzz with a flurry of activity, sending ripples throughout the force. Ripples that passed through and around her. She drew the cloak closer now, moving still steadily one foot in front of the other. She was restless, hungry and her weariness sloughed off like a second skin dissapearing.

Someone was close she knew.... someone she had fought with before.

"Hmmmm." She muttered to no one. The sands around the temple were beginning to pick up now, lashing furiously across the wastes almost as if it were trying to protect itself. She could sense the path, straight into the main chamber, straight down. As she drew closer a black gloved hand emerged with a compass, battered and worn. It flipped open and her eyes dashed down to it. She was fast approaching the southern side.

A few more steps closer and she would enter under massive arches of ornately carved Krayt bones. Nothing seemed to stir in the entrance, except the power growing with a greater pull.

She felt the other mans message, the original follower hit her. She stood tall in the archway, casting off the cloak to reveal her full self. A rucksack and shotgun holstered at her back. Black coat, black pants with a red undersuit. Her blue eyes pierced into the dark hallways and her sense expanded now, fully unleashed. She began to meditate in place, letting the force sweep the area and in her mind a picture of where her threats were began to emerge....

Elmora Raa

Bounty Hunter with a Bounty
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Harlok Chistor"] [member="Audren Sykes"]
Elmora sat behind a grand pillar made of bone, resting against it to hopefully give her mouth a chance to reform saliva. She was out of water, had little rations, and they would do nothing to hydrate her anyways. So instead she waited for her target to pass by so she could mug her and than dispose of her thereafter. She thought about who this woman could be, and why there was a bounty on her in the first place, as she was provided no insight into the matter. Maybe someone who held a decent standing in politics considered her powerful? Shaking such thoughts out of her head, her mind turned to other things. For a glimpse she saw the old man again in her head, he was close... She could feel it. And her target as well, the fluctuations she felt through her mind did something to reveal her strength and potential, and suddenly Elmora felt less confident in the contract. Not that she couldn't totally take her down... Just that she wasn't used to her opponents lasting more than minutes. Then she would have to form allies, people she could count on to have her back while she was stranded here on the desert, people who could supply her with necessary things to keep her, well... Alive.

She could hear foot steps echo through the temple, and she lay her body flat against the pillar as to not reveal her position. After hearing them again her hand slowly crept to the handle of one of her lightsabers, ready for any threat...
Location: Tatooine
The Dune Sea

Ren remembered this place glancing up at the sun filled sky she remembered the heating bearing down on her till her skin felt like leather, her lips dried and cracked, her hair white as the sand the filled the deserts.

Here she was again. What was it about this planet? Was it the history associated with it? Was it the endless questions that still remained. Either way once again she was looking for the elusive oh where was [member="Lord Mythos"] or [member="Coren Starchaser"] for this one? She stood next to her transportation a dewback, it nuzzled her arm looking for a drink as well. "yeah yeah" It was slow moving but it wouldn't break down, though it could be eaten by a krayt or scared off by rancor, or sand people

Adventures abounded and echoed everywhere on Tatooine.

She had heard that there was the krayt dragon bone yard where hundreds of skeletons of the dragons had gone to breath their last. Perhaps today she would find them, or would she find something more? She reached for a cracker, chasing it quickly with the cold water.

Yes this trip was much different than the others.

[member="Elmora Raa"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Harlok Chistor"] [member="Audren Sykes"]
Location: Tatooine
The Dune Sea

Vasek trudged through the desert, trusting the Force would guide him to his destination. The Kaleesh didn't really know why he was here, and he was pretty sure he was going insane for being here. He knew there were other Force-users here. He could feel their presences, several powerful Force-users, all headed for the same place, he assumed.

He continued on, determined to reach this place the Force was calling him to. He didn't know where he was going, or what he was looking for, but the Force had made it clear to him, that he needed to be there. So he kept on.

​Why did it have to be on Tatooine? Of all places, why here? I hate sand--I hate heat! I just want to go bathe in some nice cool water...

​He shook those thoughts out of his head. He needed to stay focused, or he would surely die out here. He paused a moment, and took off his mask, something Kaleesh rarely did, and wiped the sweat off his face. Replacing the mask, he took a small sip of water, to keep himself hydrated, then continued on.

​Surely I must be almost there. I've been travelling for so long now! It must be close...

[member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Elmora Raa"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Harlok Chistor"] @Audren Sikes
[member="Elmora Raa"] [member="Audren Sykes"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Harlok Chistor"] [member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Vasek"]

Location: Main hallways, First Chamber

The sun was beginning to set behind her back, going down in a golden blaze of glory across the raging storm outside. Vassara stood a moment more, gathering herself, focusing on maintaining the meditation. Slowly one boot stepped out and she began to walk at clipped pace farther inwards through the temple. The halls were made of mud, painted with ancient runes. As she passed she felt a slight shimmer in her gut.


For a second she paused. And then her black gloved hands reached back and withdrew her shotgun from it's leather sheath at her back. It snapped to her shoulder and she thumbed the hammers back, locking all three barrels into firing position. Danger sense usually meant a trap. In fact any god explorer knew there was bound to be a few defensive measures in a place where something valuable was buried. Keeping her eyes frosty and her sense high she walked, continuing down the corridor to the main chamber.

But traps were not the only thing. There was someone here. Someone relatively untrained in the force whom made no attempt to conceal their presence. She might not see them, or know exactly where they were, but their ripples were like children smashing around a glass antique store. Definitely loud and definitely felt.

When there was a trap, she did what she knew best. Spring it.

A loud piercing whistle escaped her lips, echoing off the hardened obsidian walls of the chamber...
| [member="Vassara Raxis"] |

There has been an awakening; and I have felt it.

Vilox Pazela stood on board the Libertas, the exploration craft he had procured from the Shadow Dynasty and outfitted from the Red Ravens, once a galactic spanning criminal Empire sentenced to the annuals of history. Much like the various secrets that were held on the barren, scorching hot desert plains of Tatooine. But the Dark Master was powerful in the Force, with knowledge procured from a time that was yet to come.

Eyes closed, immersed in the power of the Force, the former Sith Lord felt the ethereal trappings of the dark side consume him; and in that consumption, he was gifted a name.

"Vassara Raxis," he whispered to the empty bridge, that commanded an empty vessel. Eyes opening, the Dark Master lifted a palm ahead of himself, and by his will alone, the Libertas begun to make it's move.

It's course set for Tatooine.
Vasek stood atop a dune to catch his breath, and look on ahead. As he finished off the last of his water, he noticed a large Temple-like structure not to far away from him. ​There it is! That must be where the Force has been leading me. Finally I can get out of this blasted sun.

He continued on with strength renewed, now that he could see his destination so close. But the Force suddenly struck him with a warning. ​There's gonna be a lot of Force users here, many of them may not be friendly. Most of them are probably more powerful than I, so I may have to talk my way through this for once. Or form some alliances.

​​He walked a little faster, hoping to reach the Temple before at least some of the others. He wasn't even really sure what was in the Temple, but he knew it was important. Otherwise the Force would not have called so many of us here.

Let's get this over with. ​He thought, as he came up to the Temple's entrance. He entered the Temple, just in time to hear a loud, piercing whistle, echoing around the chamber. He put his hand on his lightsaber, ready to fight if need be, but for once in his life, hoping he wouldn't need it.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]
| [member="Vassara Raxis"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Harlok Chistor"] | [member="Elmora Raa"] | [member="Serena Bouie"] | [member="Vasek"] |

The ability to allow oneself to be immersed in the ethereal wrappings of the dark side, allowed them to do something unnatural. But even the powers of the dark side were limited to the laws that governed the Galaxy. Even Vilox Pazela has to abide by them, despite the will and power to break them.

Arriving in the Tatoo system, the Libertas found itself once more in the void, derelict and afloat. Pazela wouldn't blame any scavengers who wanted to try and take the vessel. Whilst he was planet side, the Dark Master wouldn't be able to stop them either. All they would find is an outdated ship, a dead crew and no files entered since the 830s. Enough to scare and generate stories about some ghost ship they might've found above Tatooine.

Stood on the bridge, Pazela opened himself up with the Force and exerted his will over it. As he opened himself up, he attuned himself to it's ethereal pull and concentrated. He perceived a lost temple, which stood tall amid a lost desert and as he was pulled towards it, in a blink of an eye, he disappeared from the bridge.
The force did not always vibrate with life here on Tatooine though it flowed over and around all that lived there out here in the desert it was almost easier to feel those close by.

She closed her eyes and for a moment focused on the force there were others close, between the cleft of the canyon? There were, she was not able to determine how many, ‘ok’ she whispered to no one, ‘let’s go see what we can see”

Mounting the dewback she urged him forward and soon they were moving along using her force sense to lead them to wherever it was they headed.
The gentle roar of the dragons in the area offered little time for peace, or enjoyment. They were often large and dangerous when confronted and she had no desire to test her will against one.

The heat of the day was coming up soon they would need to top and rest for an hour till the suns moved. Perhaps she could find a cave, something that offered shelter from the scorching heat

They headed towards the canyon reddish rocks baring witness to the length of time they had stood, mocking all who came. She had been mocked before she didn’t think twice about their size, or presence she only urged her ride forward.

[member="Vilox Pazela"] | [member="Vasek"] | [member="Vassara Raxis"] | [member="Elmora Raa"]
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Vasek"] [member="Vilox Pazela"] [member="Elmora Raa"]

Tiland paused in his journey to study the structure. It was a wall of bones piled high here and within, he could sense the draw of the Force. So this was his destination that he had reached at last. Then he sensed the individual he had been in contact with. Someone powerful, that was for sure. A Master. And he could sense other, more darker ones. With other levels of power, although none had quite the darkness that had sickened Rain Keth. Intriguing.

He strode into the building, staff clacking against harder surfaces and sinking into drifted sand. It was chilled in here compared to the desert outside. He stopped as someone whistled, the sound echoing across the ancient chambers. He cleared his throat and called out.

"Well met, traveler!" He wasn't sure who this was, but this was the best way to call them forth. "Have you felt the call as well?"
[member="Elmora Raa"] @Audren Sykes @Tiland Kortun @Harlok Chistor @Serena Bouie @Vasek

The whistle didn'texactly have the desired effect. The old voice came from across the chamber and Vassar stepped out into the center, rasing the shotugn slightly. The mans presence was unassuming, more hunched and humbled than anything. The desert had a way of breaking even the hardiest of adventurers. But there was something very familiar about him...

"You're the one that's been follwing me?"

It was spoken in anuetral tone. She could tell from his stance he meant no harm, but safer was better than sorry.

"You have felt it then too? Whom do you hail from?"
And....there. He passed it. From the sky, he still couldn't see much of anything, but he cut back the throttle, engaged the repulsorlifts, and shifted the freighter into a wide turn. The decreased thrust allowed the vessel to lose height as it turned, and he ended up a bare thirty meters off the ground. Now he saw the structure, carved out of a bleached white material that reminded him of uncomfortably massive bones. The top of the place was the color of the sand around it, no doubt contributing heavily to the lack of visibility from the air.

With what he presumed to be a Temple located, the Padawan could now shift his attention to landing. Normally that wouldn't be much of a problem - more than a little bumpy maybe, but not a problem. Except he normally landed on landing pads. Solid surfaces meant to support the weight of a starship. Shifting sand, not so much. He instructed his droid copilot to find a relatively safe location for landing and hovered. Despite all appearances to the contrary, he wasn't idle, sweeping out with his senses to locate other beings nearby. They were definitely there, more than just the two he'd sensed earlier. This was going to be a more popular location than he'd first thought. When the droid beeped, Audren opened his eyes back up to see a blinking dot on the screen. As he looked at it, the droid modified the view to a wire framework, showing that the dot was actually a rock shelf large enough for the freighter to land on. Not exactly level, but close enough. Just a half klick from the Temple.

The Sephi carefully landed the vessel on the rock. As he left, he locked it up; it wouldn't stop a dedicated thief, but it would delay them. Besides the sidearm, vibroblade, and lightsaber, he carried a backpack who's primary pouch contained only water. Mesh pouches on the outside contained a few ration bars, maybe enough for two days if he stretched the water. His Jedi robes blew in the gusting winds - as did his hair - as he walked across the sand to the Temple entrance. His boots sunk into the loose turf somewhat, making it more difficult to walk, but he made it to the entrance without much issue. And just in time, as the suns were setting behind him.

There were multiple people already present, each of them with varying levels of power in the Force. He heard the tail end of a whistle as he approached the entrance and saw two beings before him. Less powerful than the one inside, it seemed. One carried a staff, the other just a lightsaber, and they weren't partners. Whoever the whistler was, the staff-carrier responded.

"Well met, traveler! Have you felt the call as well?"

The voice was familiar, one he'd heard before. Still, he couldn't quite place it. The person who'd whistled stepped out into the center of the room, weapon raised slightly. A face he knew, though she seemed more powerful, more sure of herself than before.

"You're the one that's been following me? You have felt it then too? Whom do you hail from?"

Audren stepped in nearly silence. Stone floors made the steps simple, but the scattered grains of sand blown in from outside crunched quietly. The halls themselves echoed, no doubt alerting those not looking in his direction of his arrival. The lightsaber-carrier had his hand on the hilt, thus so did the Padawan. He wasn't going to start anything, but if the other did then he would end it.

[member="Vassara Raxis"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Harlok Chistor"] | [member="Elmora Raa"] | [member="Serena Bouie"] | [member=Vasek] | [member="Vilox Pazela"]

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