Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[media] https://youtu.be/K3GaiaIDa0E [/media]
With Keira's armor more or less finished up, there was still one last piece that needed to be taken care of. It needed to be imbued, and for the type of working that Miss Blonde had in mind it wasn't going to be easy. Art of Movement was something that had to be done in the moment, focus had to be shifted allowing its user to perform feats known only to Olympians. So of course the whole process was going to be a real pain the ass, and to make things worse Miss Blonde had recently learned that Chen was indeed alive and Keira had been doing a few odd jobs for him. Which was what they were doing right now. The whole Two Birds One Stone philosophy. Now Blonde wasn't mad or anything of the sort, she just needed to get back to reading the weekly intelligence reports that Thalia sent to her. But enough of that, it was time to go and do the thing. And that thing was not going to be pleasant whatsoever.
Dressed in her new armor Miss Blonde decided to forgo her normal suit and tie in exchange for the more hazardous terrain they faced today.
"Welcome to the Rift ladies. One of my favorite areas of Tython. Simply lovely right? Anyways the job is quite simple, there appears to be some kind of demon killing my men along my smuggling lines. I need you to kill it horribly and secure my routes. Now, chop chop. Get it done." Vuhan's voice continued to be an annoyance before fading out.
As for Patricia and Keira, they stood on the literal slow boat to hell. Taking a small chartered boat through one of the smallest rivers in the area, they eventually made it to the rift. A massive canyon where Jedi used to go to sharpen their survival skills, and the perfect place to imbue Keira's new armor. So when the boat touched landfall the small crime lord stepped out and looked at the many kilometers long and deep rift in the ground.
"I ever tell you how much I hate you sometimes?" Blonde said with the robotic vocalizers in her mask shifting her normal voice.
"Well in case I haven't. Blonde would then lift up her armor's data logger.
"Thalia please set a reminder to let Keira know I sometimes hate her every now and then. That will be all." Blonde then lowered her arm then looked over to Keira with a smile under her helmet.
It was time to get to work.
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