Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Journey to Lenico IV


The jet black shuttle tore out of hyperspace within view of the dull, dead planet of Lenico IV. The Sith Master, Darth Solipsis, had become fascinated by ancient tales of Ortolan shamans who lived on through their descendants. Tales of those who escaped death.

He had read of a conflict among Sith here, within one of the colonies that orbited this deserted world, long ago. Lenico Colony Blue has rested on the surface, destroyed and covered in sand for over four millenia. The tribes that existed here too, long gone, killed off or driven away in exile. Their search for knowledge would be nigh fruitless without a solid lead.

The dark starship pierced the upper atmosphere and made way for landfall, parting the clouds as it descended lower and lower. The Elder shifted his gaze toward his apprentice in tow, along for the ride. He had told her nothing of their true intentions here only that they were to train amidst the desolate rock and desert of Lenico IV.

"Prepare yourself."

Maestus Maestus

She knew their destination, but nothing of the "why" behind it. Then again, she was used to such. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis would reveal their purpose soon enough.

Her eyes gazed out a porthole as they dropped from hyper space. She let her senses reach out to the planet. She felt......Nothing. Yet, anyways. She was not quite strong enough to scan entire planets for Force signatures. And she had no way of knowing how far her reach extended, so she always took this effort with a grain of salt.

She did get feelings over nothingness. Barren ground. She tried to decipher what they were doing on such a world. Ye yes, Solipsis had his reasons. Sometimes, his lack of info sharing frustrated her. Her not having all the info crippled her attempts to plan anything.

She glanced at her master as a thought entered her mind. Perhaps that is his ultimate goal. Keep me from scheming against him. She considered this for a time.

Or perhaps, he was testing her. Seeing how she reacted walking into a situation with little prior knowledge. Or was it 2 birds, 1 stone. Test her and inhibit her from plotting. She felt confident in that assessment.

As her master told her to prepare, she pulled her senses back. Then took a moment to draw the Dark Side to her, buffeting her for what may come.

An interesting locale, Master.



"The terrain and it's husk of a world have little to offer. We are here for it's history, one long buried." The Sith Master stared out into the abyss as they closed in on the desolate planet. "There was once a colony over this world, brought down by a Sith. We will start where it supposedly fell and begin from there. This world is harsh, without suitable rations and water we would perish rather quickly. We must traverse the desert and seek out signs of this lost history, I will teach you along the way."

Darth Solipsis scowled, his eyes followed as his head shifted to Maestus for but a moment. "We are entering the atmosphere." The vessel began to shake as it came further within the gravitational field of Lenico IV. The Sith Lord held on steadily, his eyes focused as they descended. The vessel pierced the clouds, parting them in a heavenly wave of plum gas

The shaking slowed and all but vanished, the Sith Lord brought the shuttle in for a landing as a massive field of mechanical scrap covered in a age's worth of sand came into view. This was it, Lenico Colony Blue, or what was left of it after millenia among the barren earth.

Maestus Maestus
That scowl told her he was either in her brain meat again. Somehow. Note to self. Plot against him when he isn't around. Duly noted.

She gripped the wall beside her as they started rumble bumping through the atmosphere. Thankfully, she was becoming more accustomed to the beating that flying through atmospheres dished out. She closed her eyes and let her senses unfurl towards the planet. Searching for any sign of life.


Once the bumping stopped, and she felt no life signs, she opened her eyes. Well that's a beautiful hunk of metal if ever she saw one. She had heard her Master's warning of proper rations and preparations. She stood and went into the shuttle and prepared gear and rations and whatever else Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis would have her collect.

Gear ready, she was highly intrigued about the lost knowledge they sought. Knowledge was her greatest strength, and greatest weakness. Knowledge bread power. The more she learned, the stronger she became. But she was also aware of how far she still had yet to go. A vicious, never ending cycle.




The shuttle touched down against the dry desert, kicking up clouds of sand and dirt as the earth rushed up to kiss the landing gear. Steam poured out from beneath the underbelly of the vessel forming thick clouds of hot mist throughout the area. Then there was light, floodlight flashed on and a steady mechanical hum called out as the loading ramp dropped to unload it's occupants. Solipsis rose from his chair and silently walked away to depart the shuttle and walk the surface of this world for himself.

The black robes that marked him as a Sith flowed against the dry wind as it pressed against his form. His descent into the arid plain gave him an idea of the natural obstacles they would face from the climate as they trained here and explored the surface for the secrets he sought. His boots pressed into the sand as he stepped off the ramp, his yellow eyes scanned the horizon before settling on the gigantic scrap yard that was the sand covered remains of the ancient Lenico Colony Blue.

"We have much to discover."

The Dark Lord pressed on, his cloak battering against the winds as he closed in on the debris toward what appeared to be an entry into the dangerously unstable construct. The path beyond the threshold was dark and riddled with shredded halls and twisted metal. An entire settlement, an entire space station destroyed by a mere conflict between two acolytes. What could of spurred them on so? What had brought such measures to be taken? They would discover the answer to this, perhaps it had something to do with the myth he sought.

Maestus Maestus

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Ever the good lil slave, I mean apprentice!!!! Maestus packed all the required provisions on her back. She stepped down the ramp, and the wind whipped her black robes violently against her legs. She pulled the hood on her cloak up around her head, and as tight around her face as she could get it for the time being.

Following her Master, she crossed to the god forsaken structure and entered. Eternally grateful for the lack of wind in here, she took some time to study and appreciate their surroundings.

What are we searching for, Master?


Darth Solipsis continued onward without a hint of acknowledgement to his Sith Apprentice in tow. His form met the darkness of a nearby shadow blanketing an adjoining hall and vanished as it merged with the inky blackness. The sounds of his steps all but disappeared alongside his physical presence, only his dreadful signature in the Force haunted the area with intense feelings of hatred and sinister contempt. A chilling feeling.

Minutes passed, there was no sign of her master as the halls began to blend in. What test was he giving her? What sick game was being played? The time for such thoughts was fleeting, mere seconds after passing by a lone broken column, the form of Solipsis emerged from the darkness as a sharp hiss pierced the air. His lightsaber ignited in a brilliant flash of crimson light as he swung forward to strike his apprentice down.

Maestus Maestus


She followed her Master without question or need of incessant direction or conversation. She was one who relished and upheld the value of silence. Her nose crinkled as they entered and she turned her head to see what, if anything, was worth looking at.

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis wasn't exactly known for staying in one place, so that didn't make Maestus think twice. She took what little free time she had to take a few steps after the direction her Master had gone. Then she froze. If she had hairs on the back of her neck, they would've have stood straight up from her skin. What the...

Her hand was up and her saber flashed into her hand. Thankfully ignited by her Force Signature, the purple plasma exploded in sparks as it came up against her Master's saber.

She held him back for a second or two. But she knew that despite his frail and weakened physical appearance, he was more than a formidable opponent.

She held no misconceptions that he cared for her survival. Just as she had little for his. Save that she was not done learning from him. She respected him greatly. He was an excellent teacher in his own right. So far, she had proved an apt pupil. She was, after all, still alive. That was enough of a participation trophy for her. She did not require pats on the back and constant attaboys.

She shifted her weight to her left. As she did, she let her guard fall. She whipped around, flipping her saber around to hold it backwards, or upside down. As she whipped around, she dropped to the floor. Her saber was on a direct collision course with the back of his knees.


Good. It would of been disappointing to have slain his apprentice so soon. Her senses had not betrayed her, she had done well intercepting the blade of Solipsis as the two came crashing into each other in a brilliant fusion of red and purple light. She veered to the left to guide his saber away, smart move. He followed through and studied her by the second as she reversed gripped the weapon she carried.

The swing came fast but he had been ready, his grip already fueled with Force-imbued strength to augment his frail body. His lightsaber rose overhead and came crashing down on her own with immense brute force. He hacked away at her own strike in an attempt to send her faltering back. His stance was disciplined and powerful, to the trained eye there was no question what form he was using at the very moment.

"Where did you learn Shien? Or perhaps you thought you'd try something new. Allow me to crush your feeble ideas here and now."

Maestus Maestus


She held her saber firmly as he hacked away at her. She found her feet once more, albeit a touch wobbly once fully upright. But she did not drop her saber, not matter how strong his pounding was.

Shien, Master, is that what it's called?

She shifted her weight once more, her feet spreading into a wider and more stable base. She recognized this as one of two things. A lesson or he was trying to kill her. Or both, as was the case with many of his lessons. There was usually an element of impending destruction.

What of the style you stand ready for? What is that?


"Shien is a variant of Form V, it is common to hold the saber with a reverse grip in such a way." He broke off from their engagement at the ready as he paced around her.

"What you see is Djem So, a variant of Form V as well, it is suitably useful in controlling the momentum of a duel and overpowering opponents with swift counter attacks after a proper defense." He closed in quickly, looking to exploit her position with a savage downward hammer strike onto her guard and a swift vertical swing. It would be quite obvious now that he was not looking to kill her, his mannerisms had proven time and time again he didn't like to speak to his prey unless he was trying to get inside their head.


Maestus Maestus


Shien? Djem So? What do the names mean?

She circled with him, not showing Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis her back. After a second, she attempted to mimic his stance and position. It felt awkward at first, as body parts were positioned just slightly off from how they normally hung. She moved in the position, following Solipsis.

When he finally did strike, she was unsure what to do as far as the position goes, so she reverted to gut instinct. The downward strike she met blade for blade, forming a cross with the dueling sabers. Anticipating a second strike, she snapped her blade down and to the side, sliding his blade away.

From the side position her blade was in, she brought it up and to the opposite. Aiming to slice her Master from hip to shoulder.


She was a gifted duelist, he'd give her that, but natural talent and knowing the basics of given styles was no substitute for decades of combat. To perfect the art, meeting blade for blade on the battlefield and in the confines of the dojo took practice, precision, ...failure.

His blade slid away from her own, a skillful way to setup her next counter. He could see it now even before it happened as the position of the blade gave away all he needed to see. His lightsaber tilted upward and rose as he stepped back to bounce the blade against her own in order to repel the attack.

With a clockwise spin he gracefully switched stance into that of Juyo, "Form V offers many advantages to one who wishes to control the conflict. Defense and quick decisive offensive counters, skilled users often pair it with Form III from which it's users gave birth to Form V."

A blood curling roar echoed from his lips, reverberating in a bellowing tone that pierced the ears violently. Taking off into a quick lunge he augmented his body through the Force and spun harshly, coming out with a sudden swing of aggression. She would either have to have a quick eye for defense or stumble, possibly worse lose a limb. He put her to the test with the switch of styles, ensuring she'd be aptly prepared for combating Jedi and rival Sith in the future.

Maestus Maestus


She was making mental notes as Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis taught about the variants of form V. She was given precious little time in between verbal explanation and practical application to process the information, which frustrated her to no end.

With quick, sure footwork, she danced sideways, safely out of the reach of Solipsis' saber. Instantly her stance was steadied, and she brought her blade up to meet her Master's own. She was reasonably sure he would over power her, seeing as his body was bolstered by the Force. But she had her reasons.


A remarkable effort, he applauded her footwork in anticipating his movements despite not knowing the full intricacies of the forms he utilized. Her basic knowledge and trained skill from early on had now been put to the test as she would have to piece together move by move what would come her way.

The saber lock between the two Sith was short and sweet as he released his contested stance to immediately batter away at her defense with swift powerful blows from Form V Djem So. He felt the Force empower him, strengthening his old bones and frail flesh.

"If you do not learn the intricacies of these forms a humiliation of defeat at the hands of a Jedi may be the least of your worries. Give in to your anger, position your blade as I have and strike me."

The Sith Master hissed, "Deeww it."

Maestus Maestus


She stumbled forward for a second as her Master broke the lock, such was the pressure and strength she had to use to simply hold him at bay. Thankfully, she had become quite graceful on her feet and was able to recover before the first of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis battering strikes came.

She did her best to block and turn aside each strike that came at her. The blocks and such were sloppy, unrefined. Seemingly done more out of instinct than training. With every strike her Master made, she was becoming a little more fatigued, adding to the sloppiness of her blocks.

It was plain in her final block, when she barely turned the deathly blow aside.

Then he spoke. And began to stoke the fires that he KNEW were always simmering just under her control. With the inferno rising, she flooded her own body with the Dark Side of the Force. She felt her strength renewed, her body and mind bolstered, invigorated and very angry.

She began to lash out at her Master. Some of her strikes were plainly Djem So. Others were questionable whether they belonged to any form. No matter official form or gut instinct strike, there was real power in each strike. She added in her body weight, stepping into Solipsis, staying within his guard.

She was seething and grinding her teeth. She reveled in the rage flowing through her, she truly did. But she was very dissatisfied with his ability to provoke her so easily. She needed to focus on her control, her will over self. She must master herself before she can become a master.


The ravaging thrusts and crashes of his apprentice's weapon against his saber were filled with emotion, with seething anger. He reveled in it, keeping his form against the pressure placed upon him over and over. He utilized Soresu quickly to shift the momentum as they doubled backward, thrashing and carving against the metal debris surrounding them. He felt the power in each hit, she was on the verge of rupture, her anger blinding her but giving her strength simultaneously.

"Sloppy. You limit your potential with blind lashing."

He snarled and hissed, moving to take control once and for all with a sudden shift to Djem So once more. The Elder swung precisely, aiming to counter her next hit and immediately follow up with an attack of his own on her as he aimed his free hand toward her and unleashed a volley of crackling red lightning.

Maestus Maestus

She was exhausted from the constant battering and battery she was undergoing. She really would have it no other way. The rush was amazing. To feel her rage and use it as fuel was freeing to her. Allowing herself to simply -be-.

She did not know how Light Siders did it. How they repressed their emotions. Allowed themselves no attachment. The Dark Side had no such prohibitions. She was free to be her authentic self. Thoughts of freedom granted her a second wind, she was determined to not fail.

Woah, then it got real. She truly did not know if Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis was training her or trying to kill her. With his methods and techniques, she never knew for sure. Usually it was some twisted combination. She had not failed though, she was still very much alive. And she intended to stay that way.

As he switched styles so did she, reverting back to upside down holding Shien. She stepped back with one foot, giving herself a steadier base. As her Master came at her with his saber, she swiftly blocked it. And then came the red lightning. She reacted out of pure instinct. She had never been on the receiving end of lightning, and had no desire to start now.

She lifted her own free hand, and unleashed a barrage of blue lightning. Her goal was to either disrupt his concentration, or to knock him out. If he died, well, acceptable loss when it came to saving her own life.

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