Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jovian Coopre v2

(picture didnt show up rip)
Name: Jovian Coopre​
RANK: Bounty Hunter / Explorer
HOMEWORLD: Coruscant​
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 174 lbs.
EYES: Black
HAIR: Black
Pilot: Ace Pilot, I should say. Jovian has an expertise of flying. He can't fly all of them (cruisers give him the creeps for how big they are) but if it has a pair of wings and steering handle then it's up in the air and gone.​
No sweat!: Coopre can handle himself while being under pressure. Not a lot, but just a medium amount of pressure to get what he needs to get done done.​
Fast as Lightning (not literally): Coopre has a lot of stamina, allowing him to run farther distances and have a resourcefulness in competitions.​
I'm freaking out!: Jovian has a little history behind him, causing the bad memory's to overload his brain sometimes. This leads to his anxiety attacks. Poor guy.​
I'm freaking out! x2: Remember when I said that Coopre can handle some pressure if times had him to control it? Yeah, well a lot of pressure can lead to another, you guessed it, anxiety attack. Oh boy.​
What did you say again?: Jovian is not a good listener. Sorta. He'll listen in on what he has to do, but then when some of the non-important details, he starts to wire out and not listen.​
Lightsabers: Lightsabers (particularly red lightsabers) scare Coopre to death, due to what happened (read bio to find out).​
Coopre has a slim, fit build. He mostly has his hood and helmet on, usually. Sometime's he'll take it off, but f he does the receiving end will see a scar running down from his cheek to his jawline. Woo. He'll have his rifle around his back sometimes but always his hand-cannons in there holsters. For a protective safety. He's not that rugged. He's ready for anything that comes his way. You name, he has it (not everything but, you get the memo). Coopre wont really dress in anything else but his usual outfit, except when there needed.​
Being a new born baby on Coruscant, he had nothing he wanted to do when he grew up. No goals. No ambitions to set his life out to. Fast forward to the teenage years, the mugging, stealing, and vandalism started to happen. He had a usual set of friends to hang around with, to do the same criminal activities with. But then, there was that day. And he won't ever forget it. Coming home, getting dressed, and got ready to head out, when he heard a scream and the activation of a lightsaber. He rushed outside to the back and all he saw was his mothers mangled body and t he deactivation of a lightsaber. A red lightsaber. He won't ever forget. Fast forward to 17 years of age, when he learned how to pilot star-fighters and use long range to medium range rifles and blasters. He was grateful for the help he was getting, but his master wasn't around to accept it when he was done, because he was killed too. RIP father figure. Fast forward to now, 29 years of age and a life ahead of him. What to do now, right?​

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