Jordan Achilles
I was once a kid, now I'm half shadow, half man
Any constructive and helpful criticism is greatly appreciated. Although, honest and constructive criticism makes me feel more sure about this before I go official with this species idea.
Name: Vaxius`Elcarnado
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Laboratory upon Umbara
Language: Galactic Standard, Clicking sounds
Average height of adults: 2.2 Meters
Skin color: Onyx Black
Hair color: N/A
Breathes: Type II, Type III, Type IV
Cellular Regeneration - Much like the Abyssin, this creature is able to have it's cells regenerate wounds to make it appear that the creature hasn't suffered any damage. Sadly, this feature is limited in a way. Unlike the Abyssin, it is unable to regrow limbs. But, the creature's cells can heal small cuts and scrapes within the matter of one to one and a half minutes, which is a much shorter time period then the Abyssin. While larger wounds can take up to one hour to forty-eight hours to heal. Burns are Near-impossible for the cellular regeneration to help heal due to the burns scorching the skin and wound, stopping any of the enhanced repair cells within the skin from making new skin cells. A near decapitation cannot be fully healed. The regeneration can merely help stop the bleeding but not help fully heal up the wound, wounds like this would take both the regeneration and cybernetics to fully heal up.
Mandibles - The mandibles of the creature are quite unusual and powerful. They are able to extend outwards, dislocating them selves from the jaw much like a snake can to eat it's prey, although things like this have become quite redundant due to the armor that people wear, although they are still quite useful. The teeth upon the mandibles are bale to bite through two inches of steel with a biting force of 65 Pounds. The teeth upon the mandibles are covered by a venomous mucus that excretes itself from glands located within the upper portions of the mandibles. The poison acts as a type of shutdown switch which slowly paralyzes the victim for a limited amount of time.
Resistance to pain - The few nerves and small nervous system of the creature limits the pain that the creature feels. Without as many nerves, the creature feels less damage and can keep on fighting before actually starting to feel the pain and grow weakened from the damage. Although it doesn't have the average amount of nerves, the creature is still able to move all limbs with full mobility.
Uncontrollable Rage - In acts of extreme peril or damage, the creature's rage will start to kick in. More formally known as, Adrenaline Rage it is apparent in very few races. A chemically enhanced form of Adrenaline will move it's way through the creature's bloodstream that will increase the sections in the brain which bring about anger along with increasing the muscle mass of the creature along with shutting off all senses except for sight allowing the creature to feel no pain at all and just go into a berserk state, killing anything within it's sight. Although this is quite powerful and dangerous to others, it is also dangerous to the creature. This Uncontrollable Rage will also make the creature lose all sense of it being in control and just it's body reacting to the stimuli or hostile actions of it's enemies, determined to rip them limb from limb. It could cause the creature to damage it's self at any cost to kill it's attackers
Fire - The creature is greatly susceptible to any form of fire or explosive. For one thing, the creature can't regenerate due to any type of fire or explosive damage to the body. For another thing, the oil secreted by the skin to help with cell regeneration is extremely flammable, even a single spark could send the whole creature up in flames. The natural armor upon the body also offers little to no protection from flames. If their are enough flames or a extremely powerful explosion, the flames will some what eat their way through 3 to 5cm of the skin/armor.
Outcast - Among the galaxy, hybrids are both feared and shamed. Such genetic alternation is most unnatural to people and it makes them feel afraid for their lives, and shun anything that is so unnatural although it appears natural. Due to this, some people will try to hunt these creatures down among the galaxy while others will seek to lock these creatures up in deep storage so that they will never see the light of day.
. Antennas reaching up from the rear of the head and then facing backwards
. Stinger-like arms proceeding from under the shoulder-blades and facing outwards away from the body
. Small narrow claws proceeding upwards from the heel of the foot towards the knee
. Three eyelids
. Skin is practically armor due to it's hardness and texture
. Horns running along the spine of the creature
. Small horns of varying size that grow upon the head
. Small Stinger-like arms located under the armpits and extending outwards to the front of the body
Average Lifespan: Unknown
Races: N/A
Estimated Population: 275
Diet: Omnivore
Communication: This species can communicate via clicks through their mandibles and their antennas. They can also speak galactic standard basic although with their mandibles, it sounds like they have a thick accent.
Culture: The Vaxius`Elcarnado had little to no culture to it due to it being grown and created within a laboratory and having little to no social contact prior to it's "release into the wild." Although, this doesn't rule out that it is impossible for it to have a developed culture, this is after all, only the first generation of this species. Only time will tell if this creature will have a developed culture or if it's existence will become short-lived.
Technology level: The Vaxius`Elcarnado doesn't have any knowledge of technological advancement. Although they have little to no knowledge of how to make their own technology, they know how to operate technology but it is unknown how they are able to operate technology. But, one theory is that since they have a great intelligence along with watching people in the labs working upon them, this had given them knowledge of how to use and maintain technology along with how to operate new technology quickly within the matter of minutes.
General behavior: A creature raised in captivity, secluded from any other races, will do horrendous deeds upon other people. The few of these creatures that were created were each held in a large cell and lived their for most of their life-time secluded except for a protocol droid or just a droid in general feeding them and a person through a one-way mirror observing them day and night. This had led to a violent behavior of the creatures across the galaxy wherever they lived. Although violent, the creature does show remarkable intelligence as to when attack and when to not attack.
Genetically Engineered
[To be added]
Genetic Information:
. Energy Vampire, For a Long Life
. Abyssin, For Regeneration Features
. Zabrak, For resistance to pain
. S'krrr, for some of the Insectoid features along with the appearance
. Xaro, For some of the Insectoid features along with the appearance
Notable Player-Characters: N/A
Intent: To create a interesting hybrid creature to the galaxy along with a interesting race for people to rp with and fight against