Jordan Achilles
I was once a kid, now I'm half shadow, half man
Any constructive and helpful criticism is greatly appreciated. Although, honest and constructive criticism makes me feel more sure about this before I go official with this species idea.

Standard Kalio'Renko Appearance

Three Kalio'Renko Warriors on Patrol

A set of three different Kalio'Renko's
Name: Kalio'RenkoDesignation: Sentient
Homeworld - Custom Planet/Karo
Colony 1 - Felucia
Colony 2 - Korriban
Colony 3 - Hoth
Colony 4 - Rishi
Colony 5 - Manaan
Colony 6 - Mon Calamari
Colony 7 - Endor
Language: Galactic Standard Basic, Kalin
Average height of adults: 2.0 meter - 2.7 meters
Skin color:
Common - Pearl White, Amber Orange, Onyx Black, Hickory Brown
Rare - Moss Green, Turquoise
Hair color:
Common - Pearl White, Onyx Black
Rare - Crimson Red
Breathes: Type I
Strengths and Weaknesses:
(+) Thick Hide - The Kalio'Renko's skin is extremely hard and durable. It isn't capable of absorbing blaster fire of any type but it does do a good job at rendering vibroweapons made out of lesser metals almost incapable of hurting them. Although, they can still be damaged by regular weapons just it takes the weapon to be made out of either as stronger substance or for the weapon to have a great applied force, strong enough to breach the second layer of skin which is the thickest. But, this hide does suffer greatly against the extreme cold and and against the extreme heat. Which makes fire quite a valuable weapon to deal with the Kalio'Renko's thick hide efficiently. Another useful weapon against the hide is of course blasters and lightsabers.
(+) Strong Teeth -
(+) Predatory Night Vision -
(+) Iron strong Bones - The Kalio'Renko's bones are nearly as hard as iron. The bones are completely solid, decreasing movement speed along with flexibility so that the bones act as if they are made out of a hard steel or iron substance.
(=) Zealot - Religion is a type of 'lifeblood' to the Kalio'Renko. Religion is favored above all other standards of the objectives and intentions of the species, anything they do....they do out of the will of their gods. Although, this isn't necessarily a genetic trait shared by the whole species, roughly 99% or 90% of the species share this 'trait.' Almost any Kalio'Renko is willing to die and fight for their religion to live on and for their religion to not be taunted or accused false.
(-) Predatory Night Vision -
(-) Diet - The Kailo'Renko can, and will only eat meat. If one tries to eat any type of vegetation or edible substance that comes from a plant, the creature will most likely vomit it up and get sick in the process. The reason this is is due to the stomach acids not being able to fully dissolve the vegetation due to it's molecular structure along with it acting as a type of poison once it gets into the intestines.
(-) Birth Rates - The Kalio'Renko doesn't have quite a high birth rate despite their large numbers upon multiple worlds and upon their homeworld. This particular race, for a time had quite high birth rates but that all changed during the Gulag Plague. During the Gulag Plague, their numbers greatly decreased by the millions leading this race to inbreed and clone to keep their race alive. Despite this being successful, the birth rates of the race was greatly decreased along with some members of the species not being born with reproductive systems, disabling them from being able to reproduce for the better of the species.
. Canine-like Jaw Structure
. Predatory Claws
. Predatory Talons
. Asymmetrical horns proceeding from both sides of the head where the ears should be located
. Small feline or canine shaped Eyes
. Canine or Feline ears proceeding from the lower outer jaw
. Small Asymmetrical horns proceeding from below the larger horns
. A set of three small thorns proceeding from each shoulder outwards away from the body
. Roughly three foot furry tail
Average Lifespan:
Childhood - 0 - 11
Juvenile - 12 - 19
Adulthood - 20 - 69
Elder - 70 - 100
Ancient - 100+
Forgotten - ???
Races: N/A
Estimated Population:
Homeworld - 8 Billion
Colony 1 - 1 Billion
Colony 2 - 25 Thousand
Colony 3 - 478 Thousand
Colony 4 - 310 Thousand
Colony 5 - 50 Thousand
Colony 6 - 150 Thousand
Colony 7 - 621 Thousand
Diet: Carnivore
Communication: This species can speak galactic standard basic. It can also speak it's own, fully developed language, known only to a few outsiders. This custom language consists of a completely unique alphabet and runes only fully known to the Kalio'Renko. To a few outsiders, it appears to be a form of Mando'a but in reality, Mando'a is simply the foundation of this language, it has been changed enough to show only a small hint of the Mando'a but also show a great deal of a completely new language that is hard to master. [WIP]
Technology level: [Describe societal technology level]
General behavior: [Describe general behaviors]
History: [Describe an abridged history. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn, this is where to add links to the thread(s) where your new species was developed. A development thread, whether of creation or discovery, is required for all genetically engineered/alchemically created life forms being submitted to the Factory.]
Notable Player-Characters: N/A
Intent: To create a unique sentient feline to live within the galaxy, along with allowing users to play as a strange yet mostly balanced war-like and zealot feline race.