Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Judgement
FACTION: Instruments of Chaos
AGE: 20
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 120 lbs.
EYES: Silver
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale (Burned)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Skill With Blades- Judgement has spent years learning to wield her rapiers, and can use them effictively.
Stealth- Judgement has a natural ability to disappear into her surroundings.
Charisma- When Judgement speaks, others tend to listen.
Skill With Explosives- She has a natural affinity for explosives, and uses them quite a bit.
Hate of Government- Any form of government is one she wishes to destroy, and is often unwilling to work with.
Resolve- She will do anything for her cause, no matter how it affects those around her.
Idealist- Judgement honestly believes that there is good in everyone, and is somewhat gullible.
Bad With Firearms- Judgement has had no formal training with firearms of any kind.

Judgement's pale skin is obscured by a black cloak, the hood obscuring her black hair. Her face is covered by a white mask she has burned permanently onto her face, and her silver eyes are barley visible through them. Her rapiers are always on display on her waist.

Born on Corellia, the woman who would become Judgement was the daughter of a mercenary who fought for anyone and everyone. She travelled the galaxy with her father, and when she was thirteen years old, he began training her to use a blade. Soon, she graduated from a vibroblade to a pair of ancient rapiers; while old, they were still strong enough to withstand a vibroblade; and she simply slipped them through weak points in armor.
But, when she was seventeen, her father was attacked by Republic soldiers; he was killed, and she was violated by them for several hours.
When they left her for dead on Tattooine, she finally understood that governments did nothing but hurt those they claimed to protect. In order to stay anonymous, she found a white mask; which she burned onto her face, forever erasing the girl she was before, and became Judgement.
Over the next three years, she trained herself even more, and swore that she would free the galaxy, no matter what it took.



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Anarchist On Coruscant
Evasion Studios
I'm rather pleased that all the stats do not read "Unknown" and you actually created a person behind that mask. That's not often done, so I appreciate it.

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