Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Juko Cassius

Juko Cassius

FACTION: The Order of the Silver Jedi
RANK: Jedi Apprentice
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
BUILD: Athletic, lean
EYES: Mismatched hazel and blue eye (blue is cybernetic)
HAIR: Dark brown

Juko has a unique connection to the Force, allowing him to sense the life presence of a world the way other Force users would with sentient beings. This comes at the expensive of lackluster telekinetic and telepathic abilities. He's a good pilot, skilled duelist, and wise for his age. His unorthodox views and recklessness nature can often clash with partners.

Juko wears a charcoal grey tunic with deep brown undertunic and slim, smooth tabard. His faded robes vaguely hint at their Jedi heritage, but modifications and age hide it well enough to disguise their origin. Twisted leather straps wrap across his waist for a utility belt with silver steel clasps. Thin felt and fur padding lay across the back of his neck and shoulders as well as leather patches lining beneath the robes that give him some defense. Beneath his robes, he wears ancient krayt hide Jedi bracers discovered during a research mission on Ossus. Once worn by Jedi Wayfinders who helped plot ancient hyperspace lanes to keep their lightsaber secure, they are faint brown leather with white straps where Juko is able to conceal his lightsaber and retrieve it at a flick of his wrist. He has a mythosaur banded tattoo around his right bicep, a gift from Mando clan Ordo to mark him as a friend of the clan.

As a child, Juko was always seeking new adventures. He was a wide-eyed youth with hazel eyes and sandy hair, all of which turned far darker as he grew older, he was born in the grassy, expansive agricultural fields outside the major cities in the Hapan capital. Raised by his mother and older brother, his father had left long before he was born and had since picked up spacing work that had taken him off-world. Juko was discovered while an infant by a Bith Jedi journeying from the temple who sensed his fledgling capabilities in the Force. Although preliminary testing found no results, they took him for further testing at the Jedi chapter house. Once assured Juko possessed a high enough midichlorian count and the predisposition for further training, the Jedi Order received blessing from his family to train him and he was taken into the protection of the Jedi.

As a youngling in the Order, he was trained at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. On the grassy plains of the world, the Jedi Enclave was a training center and sanctuary that also served the capital for the local government. Unlike many of the Jedi trainees, Juko was able to become a part of many of the citizen’s lives around him and the happy, curious boy would be found traveling throughout each and every one one of the nearby settlements to help when he could and visit settlers outside the Enclave. As a student, Juko was well-disciplined and enjoyed his studies. He was gifted in sparring, specifically dueling, given his unnatural love of studying rigorously and applying it to the delicate and precise lightsaber form of Makashi. Despite this, he noticed he was far behind many of his peers in lessons, often unable to perform many of the basic feats of telekinesis and telemetry. His instructors advised patience, but time continued on until Juko was one of the oldest students still at the Enclave who had not been made an Jedi Apprentice to a Master.

By the time Juko was thirteen, he was so ingrained in the lives on Dantooine that he assisted at the local hospital and starship port when not at the Temple. Unknown to him at the time, the Jedi Masters at the Enclave were discussing Juko leaving the Order, unable to continue his training or at least moving him to some form of Steward role. Although he was one of their brightest minds and skillful lightsaber trainees, he had not been taken as a Padawan and still struggled with his connection to the Force. In his moments of meditation, the things Juko felt would overwhelm him, overload his system. He saw the Force in a grand plan that he did not understand. It felt like the galaxies swirling together, and when he reached out, it was like intertwining with the gravitational pull of an entire planet. The Council decided that he would receive additional, extensive training as a Padawan - since their resources and Masters were spread too thin. He would travel to other temples to learn.

He spent this time as a Padawan within the walls of the great temple fortresses of the Jedi Order on. He frequented the Archives and was able to refine his abilities with Makashi, empowered by repressed swashbuckling dreams of missions he rarely got assigned to. During this time, it was discovered by the Jedi Council that Juko was an Omen in the Force. A Force Omen was an ancient Jed’ii belief in beings that could attune themselves to the energy of entire worlds. Incredibly uncommon, these Omens could sense emotional states and strange visions from making a Force connection with a planet. They could also draw strength from the connection. This often caused abnormalities with a user’s connection with the Force and was what had caused Juko stunted development with the Force while in early training.

Without a master, Juko became a member of The Jedi Exploration Corps, or ExplorCorps, which was an archaeological and research branch of the Jedi Service Corps maintained by the Jedi Order. Pathfinders were trained to survey and chart the myriad stars and planets in the galaxy, and the ExplorCorps was made up of Jedi Seekers who used their skills in navigation, surveying, and survival to achieve this goal. The group was instrumental in the discovery of many of the galaxy's ancient, forgotten secrets as well as the mapping of several of the galaxy's hyperspace routes and cataloguing unknown flora and fauna. As members' missions often took them into the wild parts of the galaxy and exposed them to tremendous danger on a regular basis, they had a reputation as the hardiest, most courageous, and most battle-hardened members of the Jedi Service Corps. This reputation attracted those Jedi from across the Order who had a taste for adventure or who desired to hone their skills in combat and survival. Although Juko had made great impressions during his training, he was still young and was assigned a partner for the early stage of his career. Fellow Pathfinder, Pilot and Explorer, Hex Bournescar was a Togruta male that was exceptionally talented at flow-running and Force telepathy.

The pair worked well together, traveling on missions for the better part of two years, both gaining reputations as capable Pathfinders though with a bit more pageantry and spectacle than the Council of Reassignment’s preference. Juko volunteered them both for an assignment to investigate the dark, mysterious world of Dathomir to research their dangerous apex predators called Rancors. Dathomiri rancors were larger than off-world specimens, with full-grown adults in the range of eight to ten meters tall. They had been on top of the world with mostly successful efforts when they were attacked in the night by a pack of Rancors. With Juko’s focus being pulled away to his Omen powers testing the power of Dathomir radiating with the Dark Side, Hex was critically injured and close to death when Juko was able to summon enough power through his fear to repel the creatures using forked-blue lighting energy. Sustaining his own injuries, Juko retrieved Hex and escaped the world to retreat further back into the Core. Hex was mortally wounded, forced to replace most of his torso and limbs with cybernetics, and eventually reassigned to the Agricultural Corps. With a damaged eye, Juko was given a cybernetic one, though it was mismatched, now with one blue cybernetic eye and one brown.

After spending months at the Temple in contemplation and recovery, Juko was finally given leave to take up his own research and missions as a Pathfinder. Given his own Jedi Starfighter, he began the journey for the area of space he had been curious to visit most of his life. The Unknown Regions. Juko’s studies had become obsessed with the Hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy that prevented even the most concerted efforts of intergalactic travel. With blessing from the Council, he began following leads concerning the disappearance of ancient Jedi who were researching the same phenomenon from the Gardaji Rift. However, this time in his life became a complete mystery to the outside galaxy. His transmissions became less frequent, until it had been over a year since the Order had heard from Juko. In their final message, he claimed to have contracted a virus. With no other communication, the Order eventually presumed him dead. However, he was able to use his unique connection to the Force to stave off the illness and continue to survive far out in the Unknown Regions.

Unsure of his destiny, he returned back to the civilized galaxy, but did not return to the Jedi. Instead, he ventured to Kashyyyk. There, he integrated into Wookie culture, became a member of a clan and even Shadowclaw - protector of the village. There, he discovered Nova, a Shadowlands Varactyl, a subspecies of the majestic, giant reptavian herbivores native to Utapau found only in the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk. Juko discovered her and has proven that she is the last of her sub-species on Kashyyyk. When he tried to introduce her to a small population of Varactyl on Belsavis, she continued to follow Juko and refuses to leave his side. Nova’s breed have purple, off-white, lilac and lighter colors on her crests and the feather ridges along their backs rather than blue and green. Although notably curious and often obstinate, Nova is incredibly loyal and obedient, has strong, long strides and bounds to navigate the uneven and vertical surfaces of her homeworld, even feet that have adapted with tiny hairlike structures that allowed her kind to climb the giant and ancient wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk. Varactyls are very intelligent creatures who long remember previous riders and Nova often responds to Juko with short, loud hooting calls. But Juko knew that he couldn't hide forever, the Force and the Jedi were calling out to him.

SHIP(s): N/A


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