Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Julia


854 ABY was when Julia was born, right in the midst of the Sith Empire waging war. The girl was born to a single mother on Dantooine whose husband had been killed in action serving the Empire in war. She grew up viciously poor, without much formal schooling besides what her mother was able to teach her, and thievery was eventually she tried to settle on when her mother became too sick to work. Unfortunately, as a 5 year old girl, you're unlikely to have much success in that particular area. She was caught by the authorities, who in an attempt to ID her, realised she was in fact, force sensitive.

The Empire had been gathering young children for some time, in a project intended to construct living weapons out of the prospect children, thrust into brutal and inhumane training and conditioning. Julia was taught to compete with her fellow prospects and encouraged to be far better than them, and her already internalised survival instincts became a horrifying asset to the young girl as she passed the arduous trials, underfed and not given enough rest to properly recuperate most of the time. Julia, as well as her young prospects, was also forced to suppress her connection to the force.

When the other children were beginning to form close groups or teams, at the behest of their trainers, Julia was a difficult one to fit in. She'd come to be distrustful, and it wasn't until she met fellow candidate Gregor that she really began to actually open up and feel less completely alone in the emotional arena that the Sith had constructed for the children. The more boisterous and shockingly jovial young boy gradually became a close friend, for all intents and purposes, the only one who actually knew her.

This relative peace and stability was not to last, however. Finally at the prime age, Julia and her other similar aged prospects were whisked away to be experimented on like cattle, given painful, experimental enhancements of every kind you could name, all to transform the now eleven year old girl's body into one common to someone twice her age, with unbelievably physical potential beyond. Inbetween these enhancements Julia was in stasis, and the pain made much of the period an agonising blur.

Once the Dark Council were satisfied with the augmentations, Julia's time had finally come. In the following years, her and Gregor were sent on numerous missions of clandestine and high profile nature, sent to kill force sensitives, rebel leaders, and towards the end of the war, pretty much anyone that the Dark Council could excuse sending the duo against. Their suppressed force sensitivity meant that rogue Sith or Jedi had no chance of sensing the two, so most of the time, they fell before they could retaliate. Whilst Gregor's style of action was usually improvised explosives, and remote weapons, Julia's job was the opposite - close quarters combat. Her vibro blade became her strongest asset.

Near the time that the Sith Empire truly collapsed, Julia and Gregor, alongside another pair they worked well with, had been sent to raid and destroy a Galidraani weapons factory; they were unsuccessful, having been intercepted by a large number of rebels who wished to join the legions of their clansmen abroad. Gregor was shot in the head, and one of the other pair they'd worked with had fallen similarly. Julia and the remaining soldier were separated during the chaos, and completely isolated, the woman attempted to fight her way to a ship, just about escaping off-world with heavy wounds.

Now completely alone in the universe, Julia found herself at a loss for what to do. When she arrived on a safe planet, she fell into a depression, missing Gregor immensely and feeling completely aimless. Out of desperation, and a need for a purpose, she now takes up odd jobs, usually protection work, mentally and physically unable to do anything else. Her current home is Kothlis.
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TypePowerProficiencyTaught ByThread
ControlForce Concealment▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-Link

FormNameProficiencyTaught ByThread
VShien/Djem So▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮---

TypeSkillProficiencyTaught ByThread
CombatMelee Proficiency▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮TrainersBackstory
CombatHand-to-hand Martial Arts▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮TrainersBackstory
CombatBlaster Proficiency▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮TrainersBackstory

TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
KeepsakeSmall decorative coinRetrieved on one of her many missions, of unknown origin.Backstory
WeaponM.I. Model 5 Compact Blaster CarbinePrimary Rifle, snatched from a rebel on her last mission.Backstory
WeaponMerr-Sonn Type CC Blaster PistolPrimary SidearmBackstory
WeaponHekler'Kok Survival MachetePlainBackstory
Personal ShieldDS-102 "Aegis" Personal Energy Shield (Buckler Variant)Strapped to arm during jobs, provides a directional shield against energy weaponsBackstory
ArmourOS-124 Tactical Ballistic Vest (Standard)Generally worn under her clothing during jobsBackstory
ArmourTenebrae Pattern Commando Armor Mk. IStashed within her home, not usually wornBackstory
AugmentationsProject GammaHeavy alchemical basisBackstory
VehicleBes’galaar Speeder BikeCheap personal speeder bike used to commute between job locations. Deceptively fast.Backstory

NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
GregorClosest FriendDeadBackstory
Artur (Γ013) Artur (Γ013) Close? FriendAliveBackstory
Kalyn Shif Friend/AllyAliveGameplay
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