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Julius Heydrich, Sith Admiral



NAME: Julius Heydrich.
FACTION: One Sith Empire.
RANK: Admiral, (Grand) Moff or Field Marshal [Will need to talk to Sith leadership.]
SPECIES: Base-line Human.
AGE: Fifty-eight, however due to genetic rejuvenation procedures, organ transplants and telomere lengthening, Julius appears to be a healthy thirty-two biologically.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 6'1.
WEIGHT: 164 pounds.
EYES: Grayish-blue.
HAIR: Raven-black.
SKIN: White, somewhat pale.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Non-Force Sensitive ( Processes a midichlorian count of 3,624 )

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Julius Heydrich, early in his life, was subjected to a unique surgery that interfaced cybernetic technology directly to his brain, including processors and calculating units. Due to this, along with minor genetic modification and specialized training, he operates as a sort of "living computer." His mind operates faster then the normal humans by many factors, allowing him to sift through vast amounts of data, analyze and react as if some sort of advanced calculator. This also grants him the ability to directly control most of his bodily functions, such as slowing down his own perception of time, suppressing his pain nerves, increasing the amount of memory being stored and the ability to recall them, to the more subtle abilities of using the most minor movements of his body to send subliminal messages and manipulate his facial expressions to a pin-point.

+ To help process the massive amount of information being received and processed from his implants, Julius soon resorted to high-guality Glitterstim. This had the benefits of easing the strain of sifting through such volumes of knowledge, along with granting him a latent telepathic ability.

+ Julius is quite thoroughly educated in Galactic history, strategy, rhetoric, arithmetic and other such pursuits, greatly aiding in his ability to effectively command his units both on and off the battle-field.

+ His implants, combined with the telepathic effects of Glitterstim grants Julius a significant resistance to mental assaults, from the force or otherwise. However, it is only a resistance - one that can be broken with sufficient power.

- Julius is addicted to Glitterstim. To maintain the effects, he constantly need higher influxes of the drug. If deprived of it for any sort of medium to long period of time, withdrawal symptoms will soon manifest itself, resulting in the hastening of neurological decay, hallucinations, debilitating physical effects and eventually death.

- Even with the implants, the processing of so much data requires a significant amount of energy to be devoted to the brain. Julius requires nearly double the caloric intake of an average male human of his size, weight and activity level.

- Julius, withstanding any external armor, artifact or other such technology is completely defenseless against the deployment of physical force abilities.

- Besides his implants and Glitterstim, Julius is a normal - albeit peak - human and has all the weaknesses of one.

- Though his implants allow him to memorize numerous fighting styles, retain basic military training and the like, Julius is no front-line combatant and would likely be decimated in any sort of straight-fight by many more skilled then him.

- Normally, the stress his implants place on his brain along with his Glitterstim would cause enough neural degeneration to kill the average human within months. However, his implants are able to repair the damaged cerebral tissue together with regular surgical operations. Unfortunately ( or fortunately, depending on one's alignment ) this only greatly hinders the process, not completely halts it. Julius' brain is still gradually degrading with less pronounced effects. Eventually, he may succumb to schizophrenia or any-other mental illness, if not death itself.


Julius Heydrich is only rarely caught without his uniform, ironed, cleaned and dressed impeccably along with a neatly trimmed beard. He is somewhat tall, possessing a lean and hungry visage about him, with a decently muscular physicality. Nothing to write home about, attractive-wise.


Born to a decorated ship-captain upon his flag-ship in the middle of a naval battle, it would be accurate to say Julius was not only conceived in battle, but raised and educated for the position of command. At a young age, likely due to his father's connections, he found himself as a officer-cadet amongst the Sith Empire's front-line strike squads. He served admirably, with a sharp-eye to exploit break-throughs and a vigor to prove himself as a effective commander. Early, resentment was fostered against his Sith overlords when one particular Sith Lord summarily executed his commanding officer for a temporary retreat in order to position his men in a more potent location, since he had apparently "disobeyed" orders that were already nebulous.

Using personal fundings of his family estate, he organized a experimental procedure that would grant him greater ability to analyze and exploit combat situations. The operation was a success, and with this cybernetic boon, he soon sky-rocketed through the ranks of the Navy, which he had transferred to. However, the effects of the implants increasingly caused painful headaches, vomiting and general debilitation, which Julius, on the advice of his personal physician, treated with the use of glitterstim, which cured him mostly of such problems at the cost of addiction.

Regardless, throughout the decades, Julius has clawed himself a high-ranking position within the Sith's conventional military forces. And yet, one is not satisfied so easily....


As his personal flag-ship, Julius commands the Basileus, a gravity-well equipped, refurbished Pallaeon-class Star Destroyer. Along with more efficient power-generators and minor stream-lining improvements, the ship contains a special "command chamber." Using his cybernetic interface, it links Julius directly to several of the ships command systems as well as linking him to the communications of other capital ships in his fleet. While by no means able to operate the Pallaeon-class Star Destroyer by himself (unless in an absolute emergency and in a greatly, greatly, reduced capability ) it grants him greater control over his ship and fleet's systems.





( Dune provided some inspiration for several attributes of this character. )

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