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Julius Paceus

Julius Paceus

Name: Julius Paceus
Faction: Imperial Remnant
Rank: Cadet
Species: Human (Crinan)
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Blue-grey
Hair: Brown
Skin: Normal complexion
Force Sensitive: Yes


Physically Fit - likes to keep himself in top physical condition, especially if it involves swordsmanship as he is highly skilled with a blade.

Tactical Mind - has a very good grasp of tactics and military strategy from the tutelage of his father and from time spent studying the greatest tacticians from history.

High Intelligence - has a very high IQ, allowing him to learn, analyze and memorize things rapidly.


Emotional - Has a hard time hiding his emotions, and can sometimes allow them to overrule his better judgment in a given situation

Disrespect to authority figures he doesn't personally like - rather self-explanatory, but Julius does not like many authority figures except for those that he personally likes and will let his opinions be known about the situation.


Normal skin tone with a muscular build. His eyes are a dull blue-grey, and hair is a darker shade of brown. Likes to dress in neutral colors, but once he joins the Imperial Knights, he will stick to the standard uniform and armor.


Born and raised on Crina in 812 ABY, Julius Paceus is the second son of a military general in the Crinan Defense Force. Growing up in the shadow of his older brother for much of his life, Julius tried to emulate both him and their father by starting towards a military life from an early age.

When he was eight, Julius's mother died in the constant civil war that was raging across the planet, and this only galvanized him into pushing himself even further, even as he was haunted by the event. Noticing his second son's devotion to the art of war, Julius's father took the boy under his wing and began teaching him right alongside his older brother.

Reaching the age of thirteen, Julius tested into the Royal Military Academy just as his older brother received his first command assignment in the military. Two years into studying at the academy, Julius discovered his Force Sensitivity when he began to have sudden flashes of knowing what he had to do for certain situations he would find himself in.

Upon graduating the academy with high honors and a commission in the Crinan Royal Military, Julius found himself serving under his own brother against the insurgency that had been plaguing the world. It was on one of these combat missions that his brother was killed by an enemy sniper, devastating the young man for a time. After grieving for his brother, Julius started focusing even more upon learning and applying the arts of war until he eventually reached the rank of lieutenant and was known amongst certain insurgency circles as the Steel Blade for his proclivity to wield dual vibroblades.

When the Empire arrived and put down the rebels for the most part, Julius signed on to serve amongst the Imperials as many Crinans did, and he also began to pursue an interest in developing his Force powers and joining the Imperial Knights.

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