Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jungle ADVENTURE!!!!!!!!!

Break found himself on another errand of the Horde. This time to search for some artifact of the Vong inside one of the few hidden temples of this planet. As if getting here wasnt hard enough he could see before landing his ship that there was a Galactic empire ship here before him. Landed far off from where he was supposed to be mind you but that fact that they were still here would keep him on his toes.

He strode through the green terrain slowly taking in the scenery. Break had never been to a jungle planet before he mostly stayed in large cities, However he did like to read about them. The green treescape seemed to envelope everything. Even the sound was consuming animals and other natural noises gave a nice music to the place much more peaceful than what Break was accustomed to.

he had quite a way to go before he reached his destination so he saw fit to play with his ocular systems by flashing the blue lights in his eyes on and off. not really paying attention the way he should.

Katar practically glided through the underbrush of the jungle world. The Galactic Empire had sent their newest Inquisitor initiate after some rare artifacts from an ancient, long ruined temple of some sort. It was her first real assignment, and she couldn't have been more pleased. She let her instincts run wild, catching every sight, every sound, and every smell. She was two miles in when she stopped abruptly. There, in the distance, she could just barely see it through the trees. Two blinking blue lights. What an odd thing to see in such a wild place. Curiosity overpowered Katar. She climbed up into a tree near her and began working her way toward the lights from above. At last, she reached them. A small intake of breath could be heard from her as she discovered their source. It looked like a boy, and yet, not a boy. What was it? Why was it blinking? She sat, relatively hidden in the tree, and watched him/it.
*sigh* he had grown bored of flashing the blue lights on and off already, strange considering how much he used to relish it on Nar Shaddaa...
"NO." he musnt think about that now he had a mission. "Why has Dredge need of me here..." he pondered "I could be training right now...learning to hun..." before he could finish the sentence he realized he had drifted off again. He was supposed to pay attention...

*running thermal scan*

not tipping his hand to let the follower know he was on to them he kept walking. a medium sized life form was trailing him in the trees. almost human, but...not...

Break continued walking making sure not to make it obvious he knew. "A branch..." he would pretend to fall. if the tail attacked it was an enemy if not...well hell thing about that later

stepping on the branch he feigned tripping and fell hard to the floor with a heavy *thud*

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