System Reboot
Break found himself on another errand of the Horde. This time to search for some artifact of the Vong inside one of the few hidden temples of this planet. As if getting here wasnt hard enough he could see before landing his ship that there was a Galactic empire ship here before him. Landed far off from where he was supposed to be mind you but that fact that they were still here would keep him on his toes.
He strode through the green terrain slowly taking in the scenery. Break had never been to a jungle planet before he mostly stayed in large cities, However he did like to read about them. The green treescape seemed to envelope everything. Even the sound was consuming animals and other natural noises gave a nice music to the place much more peaceful than what Break was accustomed to.
he had quite a way to go before he reached his destination so he saw fit to play with his ocular systems by flashing the blue lights in his eyes on and off. not really paying attention the way he should.
He strode through the green terrain slowly taking in the scenery. Break had never been to a jungle planet before he mostly stayed in large cities, However he did like to read about them. The green treescape seemed to envelope everything. Even the sound was consuming animals and other natural noises gave a nice music to the place much more peaceful than what Break was accustomed to.
he had quite a way to go before he reached his destination so he saw fit to play with his ocular systems by flashing the blue lights in his eyes on and off. not really paying attention the way he should.