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Approved Melee Weapon Junior's Lightsaber and Shoto

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Manufacturer: Noah Corek Jr.
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Very Light
Melee Type:
  1. Lightsaber
Size: Average


  • Both:
    • Dual-Phase Blade: Allows Junior to adjust the lengths of either blade on the fly
    • Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse System: This systems prevents the lightsabers from cutting off when submerged
    • Leather Wrapped Hilt: Allows for a better grip on the hilt
    • Flared Hilt and Pommel: Prevents slippage of the hilt out of the hand
  • Lightsaber:
    • Orange Kyber Crystal
    • Phond Crystal: Produces a powerful, burning lightsaber beam
    • Eralam Crystal: Produces a much more stable and powerful lightsaber beam
    • Improved Fencing Emitter: A type of emitter that makes the lightsaber more useful in parrying and therefore better in lightsaber on lightsaber combat
    • Dragite Lens: A lense designed to strengthen the beam of the lightsaber when focused through it
    • Superior Diatium Energy Cell: An increased power output energy cell
  • Shoto:
    • Orange Kyber Crystal
    • Jenraux Crystal: Produces a more agile blade, allowing the lightsaber to more effectively block blasterfire
    • Kasha Crystal: Helps to calm the mind of the wielder to make them more focused in combat
    • Improved Deflection Emitter: A type of emitter designed to help with the deflection of blaster bolts
    • Pure Kunda Lens: A lense designed to broaden the blade of the saber when focused through it, making it easier to deflect bolts
    • Superior Diatium Energy Cell: An increased power output energy cell
  • The Best Defense...: Junior built his shoto from the ground up to provide a well rounded defense against blaster bolts and being able to deflect and redirect them easily
  • ...Is a Good Offense: Junior's lightsaber on the other hand was built around pure offense which includes very damaging strikes and being able to parry an enemies attack easily
  • Loss of One: While each saber is capable of fulfilling the role of the other if Junior were to lose one or have it momentarily disabled his defense or offense would noticeably suffer depending on which one is affected
  • Melee Weapon: Junior's sabers are solely melee weapons and as such they fall victim to the pitfall of every melee weapon, they have an extremely limited amount of reach and while the blades of his sabers can be adjusted they can't be adjusted that much
Growing up Junior was raised on tales of both Mandalorian's and Jedi, as well as Sith when his parents wanted to scare him, and as such he was well aware of what a lightsaber was at an early age, even being exposed to his own mothers silver bladed saber. So to say he was excited when the time finally came in his training to construct a lightsaber would be a understatement.

When it came to the philosophy of how he'd use his sabers he actually took inspiration from his father's blade fighting style as opposed to his mother's. While his mother preferred to use a standard length lightsaber in each hand, his father preferred a long blade in his dominant hand for attack and a short blade in his off hand for defense. With this in mind Junior began construction of both a normal saber and a shoto.

As with most projects like this he came to his father to ask him for help acquiring some materials, knowing his father was both a tinkerer and had a tendency to 'acquire' interesting items. The first thing he needed we obvious, kyber crystal. While he didn't expect his father to have these he was genuinely surprised when he was presented with two kyber crystals, family heirlooms from an ancestor Corek who'd been a force user, which burn a orange color, one of the colors of House Corek. His father also gifted him some beskar alloy, originally meant for his beskar'gam, and a Thaleo leather Junior had acquired from his Verd'goten

With the kyber crystals taken care of Junior decided that some focusing crystals might be in order. For this he instead went to his mother who he knew would have some lightsaber materials squirreled away. He was proven correct when his mother provide him with not only two focusing crystals for each of his lightsabers but also emitters, lenses and energy cells that would suit the type of lightsabers and fighting style he was planning on using.

With everything he needed gathered Junior spent a long while crafting everything to exactly how he wanted and then spent at least three days meditating to try and piece everything together in his mind. After everything was said and done he finally emerged from his room with his lightsaber and shoto proudly clutched in his hands.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a pair of lightsabers for Junior
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Noah Corek
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Beskar Alloy (Lightsaber and Shoto Hilts) and Thaleo Leather (Hilt Wrappings)
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Very nicely made sub! The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
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