// Outdoor Junk Market
// Outdoor Junk Market
"Huh." Pink hands turned the pronged cylinder over, a discerning gaze squinting over the rusted device. "I'll give you 200."
The Ithorian salesman, who'd been watching her like a hawk from behind his table of wares, balked at the offer. "Two-hundred?" He sounded out, shaking his head to the side with vigor. "This is a genuine imperial part, stripped from a First Order cruiser! Worth at least 500. At least!"
Galactic powers rose and fell, but the Junk Market on Terminus thrived as it always had. Maybe moreso since the First Order had relinquished their influence. A sprawling mass of endless stalls and dry energy, you could find anything from stolen ship parts to smuggled arms, to cheap eats. All legal on paper, and there were darker vices if you knew where to look.
The Zeltron snorted. "From which era? Before I was born?" She scraped at some of the rust experimentally, and it chipped off underneath her nail. "Hmm. 250." She held it up to the clouded sky, looking for a logo or a stamp that would confirm the sensor baffler's authenticity. She'd forgotten how curt and to the point people were in the Outer Rim.
"Careful with that!" The vendor hissed, clambering up onto the table to try and nab the Zeltron's wrist. "Uh-huh." Yula stepped to the side, still trying to make out the faint impressions on the device's casing. "I'll give you 240."
Hilal Vizsla