Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Juro Tanaka

NAME: Juro Tanaka
RANK: Shogun (though he prefers the rank of Captain in anything but extremely formal events)
SPECIES: Human (Asahian)
AGE: 54
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 200lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: White
SKIN: Olive/Asiatic
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, very mild Precognition. He is unaware of this and believes this precognition to be a mixture of "gut feelings" and luck.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

  • Brilliant Tactician
  • Luck and Gut Feelings (See the entry on Force Sensitivity)
  • Inspiring Presence
  • Natural Leader
  • Calm Under Fire
  • Honorable
  • Old
  • Honorable
  • Not quite as able in physical combat anymore, due to age.
  • Severe Arthritis in his legs
  • Heart Murmur

While Tanaka is of short stature, his bearing and presence are far more pronounced than most others. His hair and beard are white and his face old and wizened. Despite this, he stands straight and holds himself to not only the Asahian Fleet's standards, but to his own.

Born into the Tanaka family as the eldest child, Juro was raised to eventually ascend to his father's rank: Shogun. The oldest of four siblings, the other three his sisters, Juro strove his entire life to serve his people as best he could. His family made sure Juro's education was among the best on Asahi and, when his knack for Naval combat was realized, enrolled him into the Asahi Naval Academy located in Saisho no Aki, the planet's capital.

He quickly rose through the ranks and soon found himself an officer of the Asahi fleet. Tanaka served his people to the best of his abilities and participated in putting down local uprisings or full scale conflicts on Asahi. He dedicated thousands of hours in the simulation tanks, pitting himself against even the most brutal opponents until even the most difficult, no win situations the simulators could throw at him were no longer up to par.

Later in life, the Shogun, Tanaka's father, passed on leaving the seat to Juro. He ascended to the position and, as both Grand Admiral and Shogun of Asahi, now dedicates everything to his people and planet.





An Unlikely Pairing (Kaori)

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