Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jusik Criminal Syndicate is......

Thanks and I know. :)

If any of them contact me I'm more than willing to make the organization a subsidy of South Systems. :) Their last post was at the beginning of the month so I just went ahead and pulled the trigger.
South System Syndicate is currently doing talks to merge with the Hutt Cartel, so you will likely see Tatooine be part of the Hutt's soon once every active member finishes tossing in their vote.

Which... will be soon, not many of us are active, and those who are are pushing for the merger.
Monty Jusik said:
Thanks and I know. :)If any of them contact me I'm more than willing to make the organization a subsidy of South Systems. :) Their last post was at the beginning of the month so I just went ahead and pulled the trigger.

@[member="Monty Jusik"] @[member="Thraishe Krine"]

There are two from SSS that have been active this past month in roleplays; so please don't assume that we are dead. I see that you are already planning dominions in your Forum discussion without even applying for a major faction status yet-- much the less when we are in the process of voting to merge with the Hutt cartel.

Tatooine still belongs to SSS, and I'm sorry, but planning dominions when it still belongs to another faction is just plain rude.

It's one thing to use it as a generic base of operations, another when there are still active and have been discussing merging for the past two weeks to try to save it and do something with it.

At the very least you should have contacted one of us to talk things through. -- otherwise that is just rude.
I think it's rude to assume that just because a member mentioned it in the far future that the faction or it's leader would condone something like that. @[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Maybe you shouldn't go of what a member suggests for the far future before putting up a post such as this, it's an unwarranted assault on my character and that, is rude.
We aren't applying for Major Faction Status for several reasons

1. We have four people.

2. We will probably be subsidized into either SSS or the Hutt Cartel very shortly.

3. I don't feel my faction would be ready for it yet even if we had the members.

4.We're not even a day old yet.

I want to make it clear to all staff my intentions so someone else can't try to get my faction shut down for what is frankly, an annoying assumption.

My group will only be using Tatooine as a generic base and we are NOT planning any dominions currently, my member simply suggested we put up the things required to have them in the future. Much later down the road.

@[member="Danger Arceneau"]

@[member="Ayden Cater"]
People can plan whatever they want to plan, but until Staff gives them the go ahead for faction status, they cannot act on it.

Let's let Staff do their jobs without causing further arguments that aren't necessary, guys.

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