Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just a simple retrieval mission, right?


“Of course. Inform the Vicelord that it will be done immediately. Given it’s location, I’ll begin with Monastery and the Sanctum there. Has a team been selected yet?”

“It has. They’ll be waiting aboard the ship within the next few hours. They and the crew will be under your oversight, and you may add to the roster as you see fit.”

“Excellent, thank you. Is there aught else I should be aware of?”

“That will be all. Transmitting the appropriate files for the Temple on Monastery now. Good luck, Archivist Van-Derveld.”

The holo projector flickered and went out as the transmission ended, and Firenne sat back in her chair. Silver eyes blinked sightlessly for a moment as she mulled over the task she’d been given. In the Confederacy’s original incarnation, there’d been an order of Templar Knights, akin to the present-day Knights Obsidian. At their height, there had been a Sanctum for the Templars on every world under the Confederacy banner.

But like everything in history eventually did, they had faltered and faded away, to eventually be replaced by the present-day Confederacy that built itself upon their ashes. They’d drawn knowledge and strength from the mistakes of the past and sought to be better than they had been. Their successes had been notable, and their failures few and far between.

In the years since it’s rebirth and the creation of the Knights Obsidian, the old system of Sanctums had been systematically stripped of useful materials and components, leaving behind a shadow of what they had once been. As an Archivist of the Knights Obsidian, it was now her task to retrieve any historical records and information that had been left behind in the computer banks and the old archival systems.

It was exciting and daunting all at once, and it took several minutes before Firenne found herself capable of clear thought. Rising from her seat, she launched into a flurry of activity, pulling out secured cases and opening them to pack the necessary items she’d need from her office in the Archives. Amidst the process, she tapped the softly glowing blue button on her private holocommunicator, a smile finding its way to her lips as she waited for Rylan to pick up.

That…was another development in her life that she hadn’t expected. A wonderful one, granted, that had been making her rethink certain decisions she’d made in her life. She sighed softly, her thoughts wandering off on her as she continued to pack, mumbling softly to herself in the process.

[member="Rylan Kordel"]
The knight was alone, which wasn't unusual for him, he spent most of his time on his own, sometimes he'd go and visit Firenne in her archives, in fact he had probably spent more time there than he'd usually admit to anyone, the woman had caught his interest over the weeks and months since his arrival in the Confederacy. Not being with anyone at the moment though, he was exercising, he still had some pain from the injuries he sustained on Coruscant during it's fall, and it was frustrating to him, it left him out of action too long, and it wouldn't be long before the Vicelord would need his Knights, all of them, in operational order.

Just as he was doing a final chin-up, the faint chirping of his communicator started in another room, and so he dropped from the bar, and walked from the make shift gym/living room of his apartment, slowly rotating his shoulder with every step, till he was in his bed chamber, looking down at the communicator for a moment, his brow arched, only a handful of people had his code. Finally he reached down, picking up and hitting the button on it, just letting the silence filter over the line for the briefest of moment before finally saying something, "Yes?" one word, and it was more quizzical then anything.
[member='Firenne Van-Derveld']​


"...right, extra data spikes go there...flimsi and silverpoints here...oh hell, I'm going to need another case for the holorecorder and data cards..." mumbling to herself, Fi deftly packed things as she spoke, making a mental list and checking items off of it as rapidly as she thought of them. The air around her was a flurry of activity, with different items floating off of shelves, settling themselves into cases, and settling on the desk beside her, waiting to be plucked up and examined.

Lylek roused at the back of her mind, amused at her flurry of activity and the peculiar sort of efficiency she exhibited with such a task at hand. The scarification on her right shoulder pulsed softly with light, and she smiled faintly and realized that Rylan had already picked up and answered, and also likely wondered what tangent she was off on this time. He was marvelously tolerant of her sometimes wandering mind, and she adored him all the more for it.

"Rylan! Hi! I'm sorry...I'm here, honest. I'm being sent to Monastery to clear out what's left in the computer banks of an old Sanctum. Been given a team and everything...I...would you come with me? Please? It'll be a different sort of mission than we've had lately. Delving into the original databanks of the old Confederacy, when they had Templars and Sanctums instead of the Knights Obsidian...can you imagine what interesting things we might find? I mean, most of the physical things are long gone, of course, but..."

Firenne blinked, and stared down at the comlink, suddenly intensely thankful it was an audio only transmission as she realized she'd been gesturing with a great deal of enthusiasm and dropped half of the items that had been levitating around her. She winced, and took a deep breath to compose herself.

"...ok, I was rambling a bit, wasn't I? Sorry about that...uhh...don't worry about the noise, I may have just made a complete mess of my office...nothing to worry about...I'll stop now." she added sheepishly, cheeks warming with a rapid blush as she pressed her fingertips to her lips.

[member="Rylan Kordel"]

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