Firenne Van-Derveld
~:[ S E C U R U S ]:~
“Of course. Inform the Vicelord that it will be done immediately. Given it’s location, I’ll begin with Monastery and the Sanctum there. Has a team been selected yet?”
“It has. They’ll be waiting aboard the ship within the next few hours. They and the crew will be under your oversight, and you may add to the roster as you see fit.”
“Excellent, thank you. Is there aught else I should be aware of?”
“That will be all. Transmitting the appropriate files for the Temple on Monastery now. Good luck, Archivist Van-Derveld.”
The holo projector flickered and went out as the transmission ended, and Firenne sat back in her chair. Silver eyes blinked sightlessly for a moment as she mulled over the task she’d been given. In the Confederacy’s original incarnation, there’d been an order of Templar Knights, akin to the present-day Knights Obsidian. At their height, there had been a Sanctum for the Templars on every world under the Confederacy banner.
But like everything in history eventually did, they had faltered and faded away, to eventually be replaced by the present-day Confederacy that built itself upon their ashes. They’d drawn knowledge and strength from the mistakes of the past and sought to be better than they had been. Their successes had been notable, and their failures few and far between.
In the years since it’s rebirth and the creation of the Knights Obsidian, the old system of Sanctums had been systematically stripped of useful materials and components, leaving behind a shadow of what they had once been. As an Archivist of the Knights Obsidian, it was now her task to retrieve any historical records and information that had been left behind in the computer banks and the old archival systems.
It was exciting and daunting all at once, and it took several minutes before Firenne found herself capable of clear thought. Rising from her seat, she launched into a flurry of activity, pulling out secured cases and opening them to pack the necessary items she’d need from her office in the Archives. Amidst the process, she tapped the softly glowing blue button on her private holocommunicator, a smile finding its way to her lips as she waited for Rylan to pick up.
That…was another development in her life that she hadn’t expected. A wonderful one, granted, that had been making her rethink certain decisions she’d made in her life. She sighed softly, her thoughts wandering off on her as she continued to pack, mumbling softly to herself in the process.
[member="Rylan Kordel"]