Slowly the world around the youth would vanish, dissolving as if on a bad acid trip. When it was clear, a man would next appear, growing from a haze that seemed more in his mind than reality. Draped in flowing black robes, dragging along the ground around him, Damien arched a brow at the youth, "You honestly believed some form of temple was here on Mandalore? Or that this, the Mandalorian home planet, would house any form of such if there ever were one?" Damien asked, then slowly the real surroundings came into being. They sat beneath a starry evening, eyeing their surroundings would show they stood midst a large prairie.
Nowhere would his ship be seen.
"Do not worry, about your ship, pilot, or yourself. If I wanted you dead, you would be... as well as anyone else on this planet I wished." Damien said, then he gestured, "You can stand, no need to sit." At that he would approach slowly, his silken robes rippling ever so gently, "Firstly, I haven't read your mind, as I am not the kind to do so without permission, not anymore. So I don't know what you know." He paused, examined the youth a bit more up close, "Because of this I have to ask: what made you think there would be a temple here? There never has been, ever. Nor a sect anywhere near enough to be known as a Faction amongst the Manda... well until recent times. Daemon's are growing in number..."
At that he once more moved his hand, signalling to follow as he walked amongst the grass, "I heard you speaking with your pilot, I know you seek a Master... I will take you under my wing if you wish it."