Modi Orrax

Location: You pick! A park wherever!
The night sky danced to the very melodies sung by the life beneath it. Distant stars twinkled and would shine bright, the moon of the planet and its cities lights illuminating its surface giving it a rather beautiful display of civilization and sheer strength of mind within sentience in the galaxy. Many of the Citizens had made efforts to partake in the park tonight, rumor has it there was a show, live musicians that many couples would flock to watch. An aquatic animal had been brought as well to give off some sort of captivating show as well, or perhaps they simply wished to enjoy the sights and sounds of the park itself, the natural beauty that filled the landscape. Indeed it was a night of leisure and perhaps pleasure. A gentle chilling breeze would push through the air causing many who did not possess some sort of natural affinity or protection from the cold to wear jackets...
Maybe it was the show, maybe it was in the landing area for your speeder, but as you enjoyed the night's air and activities you felt a bump to your shoulder which was immediately followed by a hand making for your data pad. You were quick with your reflexes this night, or perhaps it was the Force aiding you in preventing a theft from occurring, but nonetheless you've caught them. A young man with a rather rugged appearance stands before you. If it were any other moment he might've blended in with the crowd. A deep brown leather jacket could be seen covering his torso. Though the jacket was in nice condition, the shirt underneath was that of a heavily stained and lightly torn blue shirt. Dark cargo pants tucked into black combat boots covered his legs while his icy blue eyes met yours. Within the icy hues one of the perceptive sort could see clear surprise mixed with potential fear brewing underneath. The young man who was clearly no older than his early twenties swallowed audibly before speaking in a ginger tone.
"Oh uh... Hey there? Nice night eh?"