Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Another Chance Encounter

Lok Maxus

Need moar non-Force-using female Zabraks!

Location: Spaceport on Ord Mantell, exiting a shuttle.

Lok walked down the boarding ramp with the dozens of other individuals landing on the planet, a pack of her things slung over her shoulder. Though she carried no weapons, the young Zabrak was more than prepared to defend herself with her fists -- something she was used to doing, growing up.

Ord Mantell was but one of many stops she'd be making, as the Zabrak made her way slowly but surely towards the planet of Mandalore to receive training. Even now, at the thought, a little flutter went through her heart. Was it excitement? Yes. But it was tempered with something more grim, due in part to why she was going in the first place.

For Thatch, her brother.

Pushing away her anxious thoughts, Lok continued on until she was in the lobby of the spaceport. She then pulled out her com and sent a quick message to her parents:

I've arrived on Ord Mantell. Will be staying here for a couple of days, then continuing on. Give Rouk my love, and tell him to forget about eating my stash of cookies because I already took care of them. Also, that is why there's a new bottle of toilet bowl cleaner. And air freshener. Take care. Lok.

Pleased with her message, she tucked the com away and pulled out one of the aforementioned cookies. Nibbling on it, the Zabrak resumed walking, already trying to think of the nearest motel to rent a room for a few nights.


[member="Lok Rekali"]

Malik walked through the spaceport carefully. Looking at everyone near him. Behind him was a young human male in about his thirties. His wrist were bound together and the thing to unbind them was in Malik's hand. "Ah kark you you dirty hunter! I did nothing wrong! You don't have to turn me into that filthy Hutt!" Malik turned his head slightly to look at the man as he walked. "Really? Then why did you have 10,000 credits on your head hm? You must have done something wrong to have me come after you now didn't you?" The man spit and Malik turned back with glee. Only to bump into someone when he turned. Malik fell to the ground and right when he did the prisoner went running. Malik sighed and used his wrist communicator "Niner, looks like I'm going to be late. I had a little trouble with the guy." The beeps of a R-9 astromech droid came from the comm, sounding quite furious. "I don't know! Just keep the ship running this shouldn't be long." Malik shut of his communicator and looked at who he bumped into. "Terribly sorry, I am didn't see where I was going." Malik stood up and extended his hand "I am Malik."
Slasher overwatched the Bounty Hunter [member="Malik"] chase the bounty, and apprehended him. Eventually, the bounty gave in to Slasher.

"Why did you have a bounty? I wan't to know whether to turn you back in to the Bounty Hunter or spare you. But I am Justice itself, I need the full backstory of this event before I make assumptions, and you don't seem like a innocent bounty."

The man then reached for his blaster. Slasher then revealed SlashSaber II, his lightsaber.

"You don't want to do this. I can destroy you and your afterlife depending on the choices you make in this situation."

The man shot anyway. Slasher deflected the bolts and then sliced off the man's arm.

"Your afterlife is eternal torture, unless you change your decisions after I give you back to this bounty hunter."

Slasher then took the bounty back to [member="Malik"] .

Lok Maxus

Need moar non-Force-using female Zabraks!
[member="Malik"] [member="Darth Slasher"]

The cookie Lok had been eating flew out of her hands and landed on the dirty, grimy floor of the space port. And while Lok was willing to do many things, eating food off of the floor here was one which she'd decline without regret.

Shrugging off her loss (there were more where that came from), Lok turned to face the masked man who'd caused the cookie's "death".

Her hand now free, she shook his. "Name's Lok, and don't worry about it." The Zabrak grinned. "I'm not so weak that I can't handle someone bumping into me." She nodded in the direction of the man who'd try to make a break for freedom. "Are you a bounty hunter?" The woman watched the fellow for a while, torn. On one hand, she felt for those who were hunted like animals for a crime too small to really be anything. On the other, though, she understood that not all bounties were misunderstood.

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