Vuie 'Srahum
Tech Ranger
Vuie ‘Srahum pushed her way into the club, immediately drawing many glances from the patrons. It didn’t surprise Vuie, though it did bother her. Xanti aren’t exactly a widely known species, as their presence in the galaxy is fairly restricted to their homeworld. This usually resulted in stares; Vuie hated how these pitiful aliens stared at her…she found beyond disrespectful. She pressed through the patrons crowding the floor, shoving the stubborn ones out of her path. The smell of the Hutt penetrated her nostrils…she found it absolutely revolting; good thing she already had a disgusted look on her face when she came in.
She finally found herself standing in front of the criminal underlord himself, Silda the Hutt…one of the more powerful Shell Hutts on Circumtore. For the past few months Vuie was doing ‘errands’ for Silda; escorting shipments, roughing up competitors, and otherwise taking out the proverbial trash. She was beginning to tire of the Hutt…he was cheap and his jobs dirty, and Vuie desired something a little more…honourable.
“Silda,” Vuie barked, “shipment safe here. Credits….now.”
Silda laughed a hearty chuckle before replying in Huttese, his ancient RA-7 protocol droid translating for him, “Silda finds humour in your simple speech and straight-forward attitude. The advisor will grant you your credits as usual.”
Vuie gave a soft nod before heading to the back to collect her credits, until Silda interrupted her…
“’Srahum,” the RA-7 unit called, “There is another job for you. Report to the Captain of the Sukaro. You will be part of a team to retrieve some…antiquities. Bay 42, tomorrow.”
She reluctantly nodded again and stormed off; Vuie did not want another job…but she knew she wouldn’t be able to get her credits from her last job without this one. She only hoped she would have an out after this...