Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Another Day on the Job

* OOC Thread *



Vuie ‘Srahum pushed her way into the club, immediately drawing many glances from the patrons. It didn’t surprise Vuie, though it did bother her. Xanti aren’t exactly a widely known species, as their presence in the galaxy is fairly restricted to their homeworld. This usually resulted in stares; Vuie hated how these pitiful aliens stared at her…she found beyond disrespectful. She pressed through the patrons crowding the floor, shoving the stubborn ones out of her path. The smell of the Hutt penetrated her nostrils…she found it absolutely revolting; good thing she already had a disgusted look on her face when she came in.

She finally found herself standing in front of the criminal underlord himself, Silda the Hutt…one of the more powerful Shell Hutts on Circumtore. For the past few months Vuie was doing ‘errands’ for Silda; escorting shipments, roughing up competitors, and otherwise taking out the proverbial trash. She was beginning to tire of the Hutt…he was cheap and his jobs dirty, and Vuie desired something a little more…honourable.

“Silda,” Vuie barked, “shipment safe here. Credits….now.”

Silda laughed a hearty chuckle before replying in Huttese, his ancient RA-7 protocol droid translating for him, “Silda finds humour in your simple speech and straight-forward attitude. The advisor will grant you your credits as usual.”

Vuie gave a soft nod before heading to the back to collect her credits, until Silda interrupted her…

“’Srahum,” the RA-7 unit called, “There is another job for you. Report to the Captain of the Sukaro. You will be part of a team to retrieve some…antiquities. Bay 42, tomorrow.”

She reluctantly nodded again and stormed off; Vuie did not want another job…but she knew she wouldn’t be able to get her credits from her last job without this one. She only hoped she would have an out after this...
Vuie huffed as she marched towards the landing bay. Not only did Silda force her to do another job, but it was a job where she had to deal with others...some of whom would out rank her...which did not sit well with Vuie. She'd much rather be waist-deep in bantha poodoo than have to take orders from some inferior species. She only hoped it would be a quick mission. The streets of Circumtoren city were densely packed with most every kind of low-life or mercenary you could imagine; Vuie gripped her equipment chest tightly.

She could see the bay number now, and began to wonder what sort of crew Silda had assembled for whatever they had to go and fetch for the him...
Julian Valentine had not been seen in this quadrant of the galactic disc for almost half a decade. Although a student of Valentines had risen to infamy across the galaxy, Julian himself had fallen into obscurity. His perfect record had been marred by a defeat, his reputation for being an undefeated bounty hunter was tarnished. He had gone back to his roots to train, seeking out old friends from the Red Ravens. Julian Valentine had traveled to Neos and met with Lysle, affectionately called Lysle of the Hydian Way by those who knew him before his claim to fame. He spent several years on Neos working with the Mirage as muscle and hauling in high-profile criminals who crossed Lysle. Yet nothing is permanent and Julian was back to his old habits.

A slicer by the name of Spook who worked for the Red Ravens gave Julian a lead on a job and Choden Yonten helped provide the contacts needed. The bounty hunter was making his way to the landing bay, a twin-winged helmet held under his arm that resembled the shape of a hammerhead, a long barreled rifle slung over his shoulder and thick blaster pistols magnetically attached to his legs; of which were mechanical. The loud metal thud of each electronic footstep was profound enough to turn heads in his direction. To his right was a Xanti, but he couldn't tell whether it was male or female. It would have been far taller than Julian had it not been hunching over. Julian looked ahead and noticed it was moving to the same ship, so he held out his hand, "Sukaro, right? The name is Julian Valentine. Bounty Hunter."

[member="Vuie 'Srahum"]
Vuie paused as the human extended his hand and his verbal greeting. Her eyes gazed into his, then up and down his attire. Not Captain, she thought. Vuie judged him for a few seconds, the awkwardness growing between them...not that Vuie felt awkward. She could tell he wasn't of any rank on the ship they'd be embarking on soon enough. Her best guess was probably a mercenary, like her, or maybe a bounty hunter. No matter the case, she didn't feel as though he was he deserved the strange human gesture that he was offering. She straightened up, so she could look down on him, then chuffed as she adjusted her equipment chest on her back, and continued on her way to the Sukaro.

If after this was all said and done that Silda still withheld her earnings...she'd kill the slug where he stood. Vuie was tired of being assigned to teams with; these men like...Jewel or whatever he said his name was. She was better than this. She's proven herself to the Hutt time and time again...but he keeps wasting her talents on guard jobs, and protecting convoys.

As Vuie stewed with her thoughts, she finally took notice of the ship. Her heart sunk and her anger boiled over on the inside...the thing was ancient. It appeared to be fairly well armed, but that didn't stop it from being old and probably obsolete. It was for certain, she would kill Silda with her bare hands after this.


Another man, to Vuie's disdain, who was leaning against one of the loading ramp's actuators talking with a droid, spied her and the man behind her. He sprung up and strolled to intersect them, the droid in tow.

"Greetings!," he exclaimed, "you must be 'Srahum, and you sir are Valentine I'm guessing? Either way I've heard a bit about each, and want to introduce myself. I'm Captain Heiley, and this is the Sukaro." The man looked rather content with himself. He stood there in front of Vuie and Julian looking how you'd imagine basically any pilot in Huttspace to look like; rugged, greasy, and full of himself. He stood just a bit taller than Julian, but not quite as tall as Vuie if she was standing straight; this pleased her immensely.

The droid to his side cut in, "And I am J9. The steward and co-pilot of the Sukaro." It was quite articulate for a LOM-unit. It was also puzzling for the absence of any Gand, for those who knew the history of the droid. He continued, "While on my ship you will obey orders and respect the wishes of the Captain and I. I will now show you to your bunks. When the rest of the team arrives we will do a mission briefing in the conference room. Follow me."

Vuie just hoped she didn't have to share a room with the Jewel man.

[member=Julian Valentine]​
"Get one thing clear, Droid!" A soft tenor voice with a metallic click came from the shadows. A tall slim figure, clad in dark leather with facial features hidden under the shade of a large brimmed hat, walked towards them not missing a word that was said. The Circumotorian sun and the lights of the landing pad would slightly glimmer through the dark visage giving way to the large red hues, blue skin and nose-less face of a durosian male. A light gust of wind would bristle his long tailed duster back, exposing two LL-30 blasters holstered comfortably on either hip. A clear tell-tale sign that this individual was a dangerous gunslinger, confident in his ability for the up close and personal types of negotiations. "Obedience cost credits.... respect is earned!"

The dark figure stopped just feet away from the gaggle of mixed races and droid. "The name is Anse Tavho" He greeted by pinching the brim of his hat and slightly nodding his head in a backwater fashion of courtesy and manners. " I believe you were expecting me Captain!"

[member="Vuie 'Srahum"] [member="Julian Valentine"]
Captain Heiley could not help but just grin, "Very well Mr. Tahvo; Silda promised a handsome reward for this mission, but as per the conditions of this obedience, no payout. And you can take that up with Silda."

The Captain slid his hands in his pocket; he was obviously not intimidated by any of the characters present, as he knew all their types and had worked with more difficult people before. He could tell just by his look, that Anse definitely possessed the skills and talent to demand a certain respect, but at the same time Heiley had a particular distrust of bounty hunter types. The word he had received about Anse was that he was he didn't get the nickname 'Devil' for no reason. Heiley would rather not work with such types, but unfortunately his gunslinging skills were just too good to pass up on. The crew he'd assembled for this job had to be perfect...and perfectly well-rounded....he hoped.

"Respect is hard to come by these days, but I just want everyone to work together as a team on this job, respect or not." Captain Heiley let his wish be well known, "Capisce?"

[member=Anse Tahvo]
Long.. awkward.. silence. Julian held his hand out still, studying the eyes of the alien who was now rearing their head and adjusting their back to their full height. Menacingly tall. As the alien huffed and moved on Julian slowly slid his out-stretched palm along his temple and muttered to himself, "Too slow." He readjusted his arm and took the helm from under it and gently placed it over his head. The helmet was smooth oval, lacking any features of a face. A neon red light beamed in a semi-circle around what would be his forehead and cheeks.

The ship were fast approaching was in better condition than Julians own. He knew a ship wasn't worth its salt unless it was old, beaten up and despite the odds still in service. You could trust a vessel like that. He stepped in line with the strange alien and heeded the words of both the captain and droid with a curt nod. His head turned when a strangers voice spoke up, a Duros with a cocky attitude gave the droid some lip. "No one taught him the meaning of good first impressions," Julian mumbled to himself in quiet surprise.

[member="Vuie 'Srahum"] [member="Anse Tahvo"]
"We have an understandin'.." The bounty hunter agreed to the captain, his large squinting eyes looking over to Julian with recognition who mumbled to himself. Of course Anse would recognize Julian, he was a renown figure in the same line of work. A man with the almost flawless record. Such a reputation was hard to beat, especially when the job itself was solely based on reputation and his was all about getting his mark. Yet, his name faded for a while..... which was good for Anse and many other bounty hunters. He had always wondered what happen to the legendary hunter, he had always hoped that the man had died and ceased to be the competition. Unfortunately here he was, in the flesh.

The other creature, Vuie, he did not know let alone know what species she was. The creature was awful homely looking, the only female thus far and certainly not one for men folk to be grappling with unless they were into such style of inter-racial experimental relations. What she did look like was a warrior and his old man had always taught him to never peck a fight with something uglier than you for they had nothing to lose. Such an aspect that could be useful in this venture he was sure of.

Anse looked back to the captain and his lackey droid "Don't ya worry, thinkin we all get along just fine!"

[member="Julian Valentine"] [member="Vuie 'Srahum"]
The attitude of this other bounty hunter was surprisingly coming across as very attractive to least more so than the Jewel. She listened as the Captain addressed Anse, and nodded with approval; she couldn't have said something like that better herself. Julian's muttering bothered her a bit...for a Xanti it was important to always speak clearly so you may be judged for what you say. And obviously if you weren't comfortable saying it aloud for everyone to hear, it wasn't worth saying.

After the talking had ceased, she gestured towards the droid, and followed it up into the ship; she planned on changing into her combat gear sooner than later.

Captain Heiley nodded in agreement with Anse, before saying, "Well, you fella's might as well head inside too, J9 will show you to your bunks. It's not a terribly large ship but you should find enough room for any equipment you have." The Captain just returned to leaning against the loading ramp's actuator, waiting for the rest of the team to show up.

[member=Julian Valentine] | [member=Anse Tahvo]​
[member="Vuie 'Srahum"] [member="Anse Tahvo"] [member="Julian Valentine"]

Astorian walked from the darkened corner of the hanger. He looked around calmly as he had to be positively sure that this was the ship he was told to come to. Walking Down the stone plated path he headed for the ship. He had been told that there was A meeting he must attend there. Seeing the ship he saw the group walk inside and sighed. "Late.." he breathed and headed out towards the ship. As he walked into the old looking ship he looked around the hold. "Sorry i'm late" he said to the group at hand as he walked towards them and took a breath "Had a run in with a few rogues" he told Vuie in a vacant and calm voice as he leaned onto the hulls old steel wall crossing his arm with a sigh
Captain Heiley welcomed Artorian as he strode up to the ship, "Welcome aboard! And don't worry, you're not late. J9 will show you your bunk and he'll answer any questions you may have."

Vuie sauntered into the ship, following behind J9. He opened the first door to reveal a small room with two bunks in it.

"You can claim this room," J9 said, turning to the rest of the hired crew, "The rest of you can share the other bunks over here." The droid walked down the corridor a little ways before showing them a large room with four bunks inside. "There should be plenty room for you and your equipment in here. After you have unpacked, take a seat in the conference room for briefing."

After J9 had left, Vuie closed the door to her room, and dropped her equipment chest to the floor, opening it so she could slip into her armour. Since this was going to be a team mission, she needed her ranger helmet so she could speak more freely. After a few minutes, she was clad in her bone-white ranger suit; Vuie felt at home in it. With her blaster holstered to her side, she entered the corridor and made her way to the conference room.

[member=Julian Valentine] | [member=Anse Tahvo] | [member=Artorian Solaire] | [member=Katria Vekarr]

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