Snake Eyes
Thirty Third Level of the Goros Sector, Nar Shaddaa
The Red fifteen Casino, nicknamed fifteen days to pay, was as usual open for business, its doors bustling with trade, downstairs cramped and packed with bodies, all kinds of deals being done. Weapons being traded, spice, drugs, slaves, illegal contraband, exotic animal species, you name it here you could find it. There was always another booth to sit at, and always another out of the way corner to find what you needed, with the drinks and spice flowing.Around the throngs of people in the downstairs crowds, there were about twenty mercenaries downstairs, about fifteen upstairs and around the building, with about fifteen off duty catching some rest in the sub-basement. Four bars all told were downstairs with some VIP facilities upstairs, if you could get past the two guards at the stairs.
Music was blaring out, cartel mercs kicking back.
Basement Slave Auction
In the basement above the guards but below the casino, long rolling tunnels, cluttered with crates and other stock. took patrons toward the slave auction that was going on. Any debtors to the casino ended up here in the cages, it was the place to buy or sell if you were a collector yourself. Some of the slaves were rare species, or sub species and several of the cartel’s own were here looking over the auction, just because 50% of it went to them, the Uos crime family taking the other 50%, so they were guarding their profits just the same. All in all there were a lot of guns and eyes keeping tabs on tonight’s payday.
The usual crowds
From the floor above, lady blue descended through the throngs, veiled as always in her blue dress from head to toe, apparently she had some business to take care of tonight, and some contacts to make. Her hand trailed down the banister, the slightest sway to the twi’lek’s hips, not that you could see much of her body. She was escorted by a red Zeltron male, five trandoshans and the biggest reptilian Houk you ever saw. Moving to the back door she walked to unlocked it, and was greeted by a drugged guest almost falling into her arms.“Hello,” her lips, the only part of her visible beneath the veiled mouthed, “just who do we have here?”
Setup as requested, join in any capacity to pickup some slaves. Sorry about the delay.
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] | [member="Xander Black"] | [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]