Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just another night at Red Fifteen



Thirty Third Level of the Goros Sector, Nar Shaddaa​
The Red fifteen Casino, nicknamed fifteen days to pay, was as usual open for business, its doors bustling with trade, downstairs cramped and packed with bodies, all kinds of deals being done. Weapons being traded, spice, drugs, slaves, illegal contraband, exotic animal species, you name it here you could find it. There was always another booth to sit at, and always another out of the way corner to find what you needed, with the drinks and spice flowing.

Around the throngs of people in the downstairs crowds, there were about twenty mercenaries downstairs, about fifteen upstairs and around the building, with about fifteen off duty catching some rest in the sub-basement. Four bars all told were downstairs with some VIP facilities upstairs, if you could get past the two guards at the stairs.
Music was blaring out, cartel mercs kicking back.
Basement Slave Auction
In the basement above the guards but below the casino, long rolling tunnels, cluttered with crates and other stock. took patrons toward the slave auction that was going on. Any debtors to the casino ended up here in the cages, it was the place to buy or sell if you were a collector yourself.

Some of the slaves were rare species, or sub species and several of the cartel’s own were here looking over the auction, just because 50% of it went to them, the Uos crime family taking the other 50%, so they were guarding their profits just the same. All in all there were a lot of guns and eyes keeping tabs on tonight’s payday.

The usual crowds
From the floor above, lady blue descended through the throngs, veiled as always in her blue dress from head to toe, apparently she had some business to take care of tonight, and some contacts to make. Her hand trailed down the banister, the slightest sway to the twi’lek’s hips, not that you could see much of her body. She was escorted by a red Zeltron male, five trandoshans and the biggest reptilian Houk you ever saw. Moving to the back door she walked to unlocked it, and was greeted by a drugged guest almost falling into her arms.

“Hello,” her lips, the only part of her visible beneath the veiled mouthed, “just who do we have here?”

Setup as requested, join in any capacity to pickup some slaves. Sorry about the delay.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] | [member="Xander Black"] | [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]​
Well, his job had taken him to a casino, not bad. He chuckled, pushing the main door open, he stepped in, eyeing the guy behind the counter. He wasn't sure if Sempra and Flannigan had showed up yet as he was the other side of the galaxy when the call came in. He shrugged, nodding to the guy.

"I'm here to see [member="Tadietti Tann"], you help me?" he asked slowly, crossing his arms. Slowly the guard pointed the Cowboy in the direction. Maybe he was scared by the aura of The Cowboy, or maybe he was scared by the guns. Whatever it was, the poor guy seemed terrified.

[member="Tadietti Tann"]
[member="Tadietti Tann"] [member="Xander Black"]

Jaster was returning from mission, he received a call from the Hutts of a slave action at this casino. Jaster didn't have the time, but he made it. His company, Umbrella Interest, needed the constant supply of slaves, and now they needed a special type of slave, and only one. Though Jaster wouldn't mind the medial work slaves could do for him as he was heading into the Unknown Region. He was already there, sitting and waiting for the host to provide the objects he was seeking. Jaster felt naked as he was forced to leave his weapons with the guards as he was not an Offical member of the Hutt Cartel, but a large investor in the slave and smuggling operations.

Being surrounded by criminals and guards was a little unsettling for Jaster as he prided himself in never getting his hands dirty. This time though he was forced to arrive personally as he had no current contacts to do the dirty work for him.

Jaster was out of his armor and in a civilian clothing. A black trench coat and black pants was all the civilian he had, he even had to wear black military boots as he didn't have any civilian. He had a pair of black sunglasses but it was too dark for him to see anything at the current moment.
I’ll play it as an NPC until someone lets me know different. If you've requested it this way for a PC sempra they can drop in at any time at slot 10.

as lady blue


One of mercenary guards shrugged to Xander, “don’t know any Tadietti ‘ere,” he scoffed, “maybe lady blue will know her, she’s in the basement,” a rather large looking scaly yellow trandoshan next to him grunted he was heading there to Xander. Nobody knew Tadi’s name anywhere outside of her family, and firemane, that was her protection and secret, and nobody had yet linked to the two identities together veiled and light years separated as lady blue always was.

The Basement Slave Auction, Jaster and Anyone else.

The door was opened and whoever it was escorted in, quiet as they were! Through the winding tunnels toward the slave auction in the basement, the corridors had been tidied up, but they were still basement tunnels for all that. The occasional guard or trader going about their business, or being propositioned by one of the woman, a dealer, or just someone begging something for free.

Center Stage

Cages in the background, the center stage was made of black metal and people were brought toward it and secured in place to be bid on, chained to the nearest wall. Veiled as always, lady blue tapped the arm of one of the many guards who was ready to begin. A large Trandoshan named Bssik started the bidding.

“The Raargath brothers,” Bssik called, rolling his reptilian tongue, and pointing to those on sale. Three Devaronians who couldn’t pay their debts, healthy sizes, of working age. Angel 12 was also brought up beside them, so that people could bid on either at the same.

Today’s auction was underway and it had started at item one and two.

"500 credits for each brother," a weequay called from somewhere.

Slaves up for Auction
1, The Raargath Brothers – Three Devaronian Brothers who couldn't pay their debts
2, Angel-12 a Diathim that had been captured by a bounty hunter.
3, Five unnamed Rattaki smugglers who had crossed the wrong hutt.
4, Aliava Sunne a green Tukian twi’lek, spirit temple healer.
5, Twenty loyal small Yimi that someone had lost in a sabacc game
6, Oknar - A honorable hulking great Houk that could do the work of twenty men resigned to his fate.
7, T’aa Sana A beautiful proud noble Hapan female who looked like she was born to wealth.
8, Two madclaw wookies with disgraced clan names.
9, An unnamed Zeltron pleasure slave.
10, *Unknown NPC/PC at the door.

[member="Xander Black"] | [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
[member="Tadietti Tann"] [member="Xander Black"]

Jaster followed the brutes, though Jaster didn't find the creatures honorable worriers. Jaster knew though they were very good hunters and often their senses were very good when looking for a living creature. He walked down the tunnel and with the beggars, Jaster didn't pay any attention to them. He knew on such a planet, they would either die or become slaves very soon, so why waist the money.

They reached the action, and when it began, the brothers seemed timid and practically useless, Jaster had the money, but the price was too high for either of them. Unless they possessed some kind of training Jaster didn't know. So he had to ask, "What they good for?"

After speaking he just waited for their responce.
Center Stage - Basement Level

“That’s 500 credits not 500k,” someone let on with a grin to Jaster , nobody much valued the brothers here either, though the price had just gone up again. "Ah their regular muscle, nothing special, its the Houk were interested in," the rodians in front of him exclaimed, "maybe as a bargain the wookies,"

Lights came up on the force cages revealing each occupant for the crowd to see, drinks being served to anyone that wanted them, there was wealth here in the underbelly of Nar Shaddaa, and it was about to be on show heavily as each cage now received a bid to move things along.

Each cage had its own seller standing next to it to take bids, often from runners who were sent from the upper balconies or the back of the crowd. The beautiful angelic Diathrim was getting a lot of attention, as was the houk who was bigger than a wookie and arguably stronger, even better he had accepted his life as a slave to pay off his debts, and looked like he’d be loyal, it was a strong selling point. The small Yimi were seeing a lot of action, though small they were by far the most loyal servants here, their race as a whole was loyal to any fair Master.

These were just the opening bids, but someone had already dropped a nice opening bid on the Diathim, which had some chatter from the mercs and other buyers, especially the more refined members here. Waitresses now doing the rounds and topping up drinks or offering them on trays as the bidding really started up.

Lady blue waited patiently with her guards on the upper most balcony of the basement, which connected to the VIP room above through some secure doors, three floors above, her podium overseeing things was a luxury booth, and there were a few more such booths dotted around for cartel members, wealthy guests or associates to drop by and sit in.

Slaves up for Auction – Current Bids
1, The Raargath Brothers – Three Devaronian Brothers who couldn't pay their debts. 800 Credits each
2, Angel-12 a Diathim that had been captured by a bounty hunter. – 50k
3, Five unnamed Rattaki smugglers who had crossed the wrong hutt. - 1k each
4, Aliava Sunne a green Tukian twi’lek, spirit temple healer. 5k
5, Twenty loyal small Yimi that someone had lost in a sabacc game – 400 Credits Each
6, Oknar - A honorable hulking great Houk able to do the work of twenty men resigned to his fate.10k
7, T’aa Sana A beautiful proud noble Hapan female born to wealth. 7k
8, Two madclaw wookies with disgraced clan names. 3k
9, An unnamed Zeltron pleasure slave. 15k
10, *Unknown NPC/PC at the door. Unknown Bid

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]​
[member="Tadietti Tann"]

Jaster looked as people were placing their bids, he just sat and waited. As the waitress walked around refilling everyone's cups with the alcoholic blend, Jaster placed his hand over the cup and shook his head. The waitress moved on, as did Jaster when looking apon the brothers, they would serve no use other then practice dumies for his gladiators.

It was true, Jaster was in the publics eyes a god send with his free medical clinics and relief efforts, always being the first boot on the ground. But Jaster wasn't truly that, he was greedy, and always looking for the upper hand, and now he was an avid gladiator addict. Though it was in his blood, Mandalorian were always pumped to see fights, expecily fights to the death. So beside his company trials he was looking for, he needed personal slaves, gladiators, and gifts to the Hutts. Here he saw them all, even the lovely Diathim caught his eye. Jaster had never seen one in person, he never visited their planet and wasn't high society enough to meet one. And the Hapan female would be another good women to keep him company, that or his officers.

"55 K for the Diathim," Jaster lifted his hand slightly, he knew it wouldn't end there so why get excited, "and the Hapan, for 35 hundred."

Now the test subjects, the Rattaki crossed the Hutts, so Sempra wouldn't mind if they possibly died. Next were the Yimi, loyal, strong types and each could fit in an Umbrella Contamination Suit, he'd only need them all through, but 400 a peice was too much, maybe he could get a bundle deal.

"6 k for the grey ones, and I'll take all the Yimi for," Jaster paused to think what was a good price, " 6,750, good price for the lot."

Now came the gladiators, the Houk was too much trouble, feeding it and finding it space, the rookies were half the price and just a strong, they would do. A twi'lek who heals would be good to keep his investments alive without paying his staff, so she would do as well.

"Final, wookies for 65 hundred and the green girl for 6, fair price, want more I'm gana need to take a closer look."

Jaster couldn't tell from his distance of they were healthy enough, being an owner of a medical company had its ups and downs.

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