Gray could feel the emotions flowing out of her in a flurried mixture. The self-loathing, the frustration, the sense of not being understood. She was completely focused on herself right now, no matter what she thought. It was beginning to get to Gray. He was trying to get her to understand her own actions, her own words, yet she was so focused on justifying running from her problems that she wasn't seeing how it was she was abandoning everything. Her people, her clan, her family, herself. She needed a slap across the face to bring her back to her senses. She needed to be shocked out of her pessimism to see the reality rather than the delusion she had fostered from memories of the past. She had even turned her back to him because she couldn't handle his gaze.
Gray stood up as he just looked at [member="Lady Kay"] as she continued to avoid looking and seeing him. He said as he just stood there staring at the back of her head, " Wrong. All wrong Kay. I didn't do it because I'm Mandalorian. Not because I'm brave. I do not know who he is, but I am NOT him Kay. I am Gray Raxis. Alor of Clan Raxis. Son of Victor Raxis. A man born on a ship. A man raised on a ship. A man taught how to fight, how to survive, from the time I was able to hold a pistol. I never knew what it meant to have a people. I never knew what it meant to have a home. I never knew what it meant to have actual friends. I was a mercenary who has killed more people than I can count or remember. I saw both of my parents die in front of my eyes from different causes. I have lost everything except my own life. That is who Gray Raxis is. Who I am."
Gray walked over to Kay with determined steps as he finished speaking. He placed his cybernetic right hand on her shoulder, feeling it shock him from the too quick motion. He didn't flinch like he normally would from the zap. He just tried to turn her around to force her to face him for the first time since he had arrived. He would attempt to put his other hand on her other shoulder and grip firmly with both so she couldn't run. He said as he stared down at her with a serious look upon his face, " That is who I am Kay. I have had my whole family, my whole galaxy taken from me no matter how hard I fought to keep it. I regret how I reacted to it as I fell into my absolute darkest depths. I was so far gone at one point that I was known for a time as the Bloody Man. I was completed dyed blood red from those I killed and from my own. I tried to throw my life away time after time. But that isn't who I am now. I was running from myself then. I abandoned who I was. And yet I came back from that Kay. You are doing the same. Things are painful. Things are getting difficult. You are facing old memories, and you are running. You are abandoning your clan, your family, and worse your self. You claim its to protect us, but its only to protect yourself. Running will only get you shot in the back Kay. If you face your problems then you may be cut down, but you may also beat them. Giving up means defeat. Running means you only value yourself. You are being selfish. You are claiming its for our sake, but you are only dumping your problems on us. That's what Jack did, and look how it turned out for our clan, our family."
Gray had to stop here for a moment. He was beginning to feel riled up. He was definitely worked up, but not in a bad way. He had more she needed to hear and it was all trying to force its way out at once. He just needed a moment to compose so he could say it properly. He went on with the serious look still plastered on his face as he held her there, " And that is not Lady Kay. That is not you. You are the kind of person so determined to help others she gets called stubborn both out of spite and warmth. You are the kind of person who gives up everything of herself for the sake of others. You are the kind of person who will sprint, not walk, straight into danger if it means doing the right thing. That is who Lady Kay is, not this pitiful excuse for her standing before me right now. The adopted sister I know would be glaring me down and lecturing me on all the stupid things I've done lately, not this person who refuses to even look me in the eyes and turning their back on me. Stop running and face your problems. Open up your eyes to reality. And tell me why I did everything for real this time around." He just stood there waiting on her. He had gotten carried away and ranted, but he couldn't hold it back any longer. This wasn't Lady Kay before him right now. This was someone else, someone weak and cowardly. Someone who didn't care for anyone else other than themselves. And them tarnishing his sister's good name was pissing him off.