Shiim to the arm, followed by a downward cho mai left the training droid without a hand. The fact that it wasn't even powered up, and thus was stood completely still, didn't make much of a difference. It was something, right? He'd managed... something.
Leaning back in his hoverchair, Eliphas disignited the amber blade of his saber and let out a long sigh. There were various marks smattered across the metal body of the deactivated droid, each of them clearly not where they were intended to land. It was hard to reach from his chair, hard to get the right angles, and maneuver the way he wanted to. Still he'd kept at it.
Placing the hilt of his saber into a pocket on the seat, he carefully pushed himself to the edge and brought his feet down to the floor. One foot pressed firm, then the other, though he didn't immediately bring himself to a stand. It should have been getting easier by now, but it wasn't. He should have been able to take at least a step or two...
Instead when he pushed up and tried to balance his weight he slumped right back down, missing the chair entirely and landing on his butt.
"Empress" he huffed, as he rubbed at his sleepy eyes. Maybe it was time to reach out for actual help, attend formal PT sessions, but he didn't know how and felt awkward bringing it up with his Master, even if
Starlin Rand
had been urging him to do precisely that. Who'd have thought that Eliphas Dune of all people would feel a sense of pride too strong to ask for help.

Yet here he was.