Fallen Knight
SykoCorp Power Plant
The power plant was deserted, everyone had clocked off for the day and everything was silent. Then the sound of a large explosion could be heard coming from inside one of the buildings, following the explosion came a figure shooting through the side of said-building. Trailing smoke, Cas sailed through the air before coming to a stop, slamming against one of the cooling towers. Sliding down and onto the floor, Cas groaned "Don't worry... nothing's broken... 'cept my entire body..." he sighed, struggling to move or get up. The beating he had just took was by far one of the worst.SykoCorp Power Plant

Emerging from the hole in the building Cas' body had created was a mech towering over nearly everything at 8ft tall. Cas and his Padawan Yenna had spent the passed half an hour fighting against whoever was control this hulking metal of terror, tearing up the streets of Denon in the process, much to the dismay of the Jedi Knight. The Jedi duo were brought to Denon following some corpo espionage threatening to harm innocent lives. Following a tip given to him by Tess... or Xan, Cas and Yen were led to some unmarked facility disguised as a warehouse where they, drumroll please, encountered this mech. And, of course, immediately met with... resistance.
Coughing up a bit of blood, in the time the mech strode over to Cas, its thundering steps creating tremors with every movement, the Kiffar took the time to project his thoughts to his Padawan "Yen... get outta here." he continued struggling as he attempted to move his muscles. In all the life and death situations Cas had been in, things weren't looking too good for him right now, Yenna would be better off getting out of there while she still could. As far as dying went? Being taken out by a mech walker wasn't so bad. What sucked though, was that he wouldn't even get the chance to see Yenna Knighted.