Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just Some Questions

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I feel like taking a shot anyways lol.

So I've been looking around for ideas on my first character but I had some things I wanted to ask so I know what to do and what not to do.

First off when it comes to the Avatars for a character does it matter what they look like or where they're from? Not sure if it's strictly Star Wars based pics that are allowed here or not.

Second is it possible to transition a character's age over the course of time? I had the idea of mine sort of growing up as he grows stronger sort of thing.

Is there a limit to what sort of equipment my character can have? Still working on a backstory but if they were say super rich or something would I be able to say they have like a private mansion or the like?

Finally is there a real major difference between the One Sith and the First Order? By that I mean are ideals very different? Are they allies or enemies? That sort of thing.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks. :)

1. Anything from all media is fine.

2. Yes, absolutely. You can start and finish at whatever age you want, and progress over time as you see fit. I've been RPing Matsu for about two years, and she's aged by about 15 years in that time. But there are plenty of people that move much slower or much faster. All up to you.

3. No. Have mansions, have nice clothes, have armor. As long as its justified for your character, it's all good. However, if you want armor/weapons/ships/etc. with the any of the materials restricted on the site, you'll have to meet the requirements before being able to use it.

4. I'll let something from those factions give you the lowdown on their philosophies since it's been a while since I was a member of the One Sith. There are differences though, as far as I'm aware.
[member="KnightofRen101"] I find it's sort of a divisive issue within the community. We're set a fairly substantial amount of time after the current canon, and more often than not I've seen it abused. There's no rule directly against it so if you feel it's well-justified in your character's story you could add it as an interesting detail.
Distant, distant relation (by this stage it'll be about 25th great grandchild).

So long as it doesn't give your character access to any special powers or items.

Basically, it's flavour only.
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Cool. Thanks again. :)

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

That does make sense, and yeah. I was going to have it be someone's descendant from a long line generation. No special items or anything, just something to add with the backstory and motivation. So yeah, just for flavor :)

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