Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just starting out, could use some advice

My game plan for Har Har to start is to have him find a Sith holocron and start learning the ways of the Dark Side from it. I don't really want to go up against anyone at first, because I'm just learning my way around the site, and don't want to get into any open conflict. If someone wants to assist with my discovery, or get rescued, or just run past each other and say hi, or find ourselves in the same place at the same time but agree to divvy up the spoils of the site we've both conveniently stumbled upon at the same time, that'd be fine.

I was thinking of using the upheaval on Korriban as a place to find the holocron, given its history and the amount of violence currently going on there (and with thanks to @Heath Valhoun for mentioning it). Would that work? Is there a better, more out-of-the-way spot, or maybe am I better off inventing my own asteroid where something was buried long ago?
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I concur with Caltin. Korriban is either about to be destroyed, or still remain a hotly contended area with all sorts of war. There are also the worlds of Dromund Kaas and Malachor V, just to the north of Bryn'adul space.

Watch out for those ones. They wanna kill everything.
Exegol seems like a nifty place. Is there anything I need to know from a site perspective before I start writing, like it's now owned by Ewoks, or there's a really good place for ronto wraps that opened up, or it's now a Jedi stronghold? Anything that would prevent me from just stumbling upon it and being drawn to the surface by Something?


Exegol seems like a nifty place. Is there anything I need to know from a site perspective before I start writing, like it's now owned by Ewoks, or there's a really good place for ronto wraps that opened up, or it's now a Jedi stronghold? Anything that would prevent me from just stumbling upon it and being drawn to the surface by Something?
Exegol is the hidden capital of the Brotherhood of the Maw. The Brotherhood is the lead Dark Side faction at the moment, and though they have many Sith, they aren’t a solely Sith organization. Find ‘em in Factions to read up on their profile more!

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