We Are One
Wild Space;
Confederacy Territory;
Her starfighter pumped back and forth in the turbulent winds. The Geisha, a Fanblade series starfighter from Geonosis, was very much subject to the winds. Of course, under the young woman's control it flew fine. Xenia had long since mastered the art of piloting, and felt just as safe in the cockpit as she did on her own two feet. There was something about the thrill, different without being better or worse, than fighting with your own body. Even so, she quickly found her landing zone. A series of scanning beeps sound from within the pilot's space, and a line of code came through to her systems. Landing codes, and permissions, standard for landing on any foreign planet. Inputing her information, perfectly legal paperwork, she was cleared, and finished the process.
It wasn't just raining. It was pouring. Rain spat from the skies like Xenia had never seen, and hammered against the glass of her spherical holdings. The entire starfighter folded into place before her own hatch was opened, silent and smooth. Except, there was nothing all too graceful thereafter. As the glass coverings opened, the rain began to shoot at her instead, all of a sudden a prime target to the weather's weapon. She scrambled, as best she could, out of the seat and slid down onto the durasteel maze around her. Slick floors the likes of which she had not expected caught her off guard, and down she went. The splash was more of a thud, really, when she hit hard on her side. Instantly, it was a mad dash, trying to get back into place, and conduct herself. Though, there was no shortage of under-the-breath-swearing, you can be sure of that.
When she was ready, the hatch to her starfighter closed, and she began a quick-but-careful walk towards the closest entrance. She was told that the employers were a part of high society on this distant world, but she wasn't given much more than that. Even so, the rewards listed there were more than enough to entertain. Unlike most bounty hunters, Xenia had full access to most anyone she pleased, her political connections at work there. As the daughter of a now deceased senator, and queen, hailing in Naboo, she had been brought up in a world of overflowing wealth and access. It would be a shame not to put it all to use.
The graceful doors opened as she entered the spaceport's entrance. Unlike the craftsmanship on most planets, everything here was intricate. Smooth, and rounded. Moved with silent, entrancing lines of architecture. And the people were no different. Tall and elegant, a slow walking speed which easily kept up with a human's shorter paces. Their garb, silks and flowing materials, washed out behind them as they moved, massive eyes studying the incoming bounty hunter. Looking through her, it seemed, especially as she was the only human among them; in fact, there was no variety here. As if she had been previously alerted, a strangely beautiful looking female Kaminoan rounded the corner, and gestured a greeting to Xenia. The now wet human shrugged a greeting of similar nature, and began walking over, ignoring the looks she received. Upon reaching proximity, the alien introduced herself with a kind bow at the neck.
"Greetings, Lady Xenia, my name is Fee'cho. I'll be taking you to Sozo'ka."
"Very much obliged," Xenia offered in response, with an artificial, forced smile.
"Right this way then, please," and they were off.
She had been here before. She knew the drill. Originally, she had actually come here on some kind of minor political business. At least, of a certain kind. She was after all a noble of Naboo, a peaceful and respected planet by most. Though, after proving herself more than useful in what little interaction she did have with the higher officials, she had begun to reveal herself as a bounty hunter. Of course, it was of little risk, seeing as the planet was forced to work with bounty hunters and mercenary type individuals; she was never worried that they'd spread rumors, or harm her reputation back in the home worlds. Before long, her tour of the spaceport ended, and she was delivered to another office space, completely encapsulated in paper white durasteel. Fee'cho left without awaiting dismissal, and the room was left to her and the male before her. Also of the Kaminoan species.
"Greetings, Xenia of Naboo, how were your travels here?"
"Yeah, to you too Sozo'ka, how's your wife, and kids," Xenia shot with a touch of sarcasm.
"Right," he cleared his throat, "straight to business then, as always... such manners..."
"I wanna know about the target, you were being very vague with your... messages, which--" she began.
"I knew you'd get on me about leaving those--" The Kaminoan said, as if with humor.
"You can't just," Xenia paused to stare, "leave bounties on my public line..."
There was a refreshing break of silence for a moment, and then they began anew, this time speaking of their target. At least, Sozo'ka was speaking. "As you know from, well, previous experiences," he said as if the subject was not to be taken lightly, "we can be made to work with some real pieces of work. Well, this time, it's been no different." The Kaminoan offered Xenia a small chip, something she could insert within her own comlink and upload whatever information was stored therein. In this case, it was probably information about the target. "So, what, this' another bounty hunter," Xenia questioned, wanting to just get to the point. "Not likely, he was supplying us with a newly developed chemical, something we were testing on prototype cloning methods. It was a rather small organization, honestly, and the chemical had not really accomplished that which we hoped. So we refused a prolonged business engagement, and our mistake was giving our client the benefit of the doubt when it came to trust." The human gave the alien a look which begged for something she could use.
"Well, acting on our principles of professional business, we gave notice to our client. Notice of a termination of our contract, that is. Once every few days we would send collectors to bring the product back to Kamino, you see our client is at a rather extreme distance, all of the way on Coruscant." He stopped, looked back to Xenia to check that she was still paying attention, and she was. "In our last visit, however, Victus Ord, this... client... took our men hostage. Apparently, he has a small operation of his own, and enough man power to pull something like this off. It's nothing too serious, but something worth the use of a bounty hunter. You see, as it stands, Victus has our money, all of his product, and three of my men, and he's demanding that we continue to honor the provisional contract." Xenia cut in, "so you want me to deal with this guy, yeah? What's the big deal?" Her employer answered. "Well, yes, he certainly needs to be dealt with, though I warn you, he'll likely not be alone often. He's expecting another shipment of pay in three days. I've put the coordinates to his base of operations, on Coruscant, on your comlink. The file should also be compatible with your starfighter's navi-systems."
Xenia pushed away from the man, and circled around the room. "Alright then, three days, anything else I should know?" The Kaminoan took a second to think, and then jumped back at her with an obvious 'yes.' "Oh, yes, there is something. It seems that Victus has not only been a pain for us, however. There are numerous other bounties out for his death, and make no mistake, your mission, too, is a kill mission." Xenia nodded, she understood that already. "Point is, it's likely that you'll be in strict competition with others attempting to claim the money first. Along with our own bounty offer, there are numerous others of similar reward, look out for competitors."
Alright, that was all she needed for the moment...
OOC: Apologies for the length, just had a lot of fun setting this up. So, the underlined text is Xenia's briefing on the "target." Your briefing, for all intents and purposes would be something similar most likely, so you can count it as information that you'd know. Essentially, you'll be a bounty hunter from another employer, and thus my competition-- but, we'll see where that goes, right? Below, I've given the bounty as it appears on the holonet. This is, essentially, what either character could find with good research and proper time. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a private message!
>://Halo-Net_Resources [_run]
Bounty Name: Victus Ord; no aliases.
Contractor: Various men and women of note, including a political higher up in the Kaminoan cloning industry. Numerous politicians from backwater worlds put considerable money up for the man, more than likely out of catching his illegal business on their territories.
Bounty Price: Low, 20,000 credits; high, 40,000 credits.
Condition: All but Kamino asked for the man to be detained and taken alive. This means that Xenia's mission is to terminate the man, while Sigourney's will be to detain him, alive.
Additional Info: Victus is a known drug worker, dealing in high profit drugs. A large smuggling operation, built on the man's various 'special' products. Chemicals said to be produced at great quality, by great chemists. The claims had been grand enough to catch Kamino's attention at a minor degree, though most of it was nothing more than talk, come to find.
Location: Coruscant; lower levels.
[member="Sigourney Xanthius"]