Grey Eyed Hero
Jasper knew that he shouldn't be doing this. His emotional state had become wrapped up in anger, so there was no way that he could actually be thinking straight. He didn't care. Iris Arani had helped him through a sore point in his life, and was generally a source of support to her peers, as blunt as she was. The fact that one of her own friends would attack her in such a way sickened him to his very core. There were many things that Jasper didn't agree with, but highest amongst that list was betrayal. The padawan could think of no greater crime than attacking those who have placed their full trust in you. It was upsetting, really, that the friend in question was someone who Jasper thought was a rather stand up individual aside from a few ego driven tendencies. He didn't know Kia very well, but he had some respect for him. Key word: Had.
He was brought up to the visiting window. A slight twinge of regret ran through his mind. Jasper shouldn't be here. There was no way he could be rational given his feelings on the matter. Still, the padawan sat down on his side of the glass, waiting for Kai to be brought out. His desire for some kind of explanation was overpowering. Betrayal was something that Jasper simply couldn't rationalize. He needed to understand what happened.