Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just When I Thought I Was Out

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Ashin Varanin"]

"WALDO!!" the woman said again in that pterodactyl like shriek of excitement laced with a little fear.

"Yes ma'am?" the droopy voice of her assistant responded back on the intercom.

"Program the droid to hit Taris orbit!" She said in a giddy voice.

"Yes Mrs.Garter." and then everything was green.

Coordinates had been set and over at the wonderful Vong home world the ship was being loaded up by the Trandoshan's Patricia employed to run the black market. The ship would be there soon and it was up to Ash to do what was necessary. Really she could crash the damn thing into the planet with fire jelly and blast bugs loaded into it for all Patricia cared, but hopefully this would get her some brownie points for some of those trophies. Hoping back on her computer she sent another message away for Ash.

To: [member="Ashin Varanin"]
From: P Garter

Message: it's nothing, I was probably going to forget about the thing and let it collect dust. I have to tell you in case you don't know, the tree powder won't work on crab armor for One Sith Vong. You got to get in there and give them a real oomph in the joints. Fire jelly and blast bugs will do you good. On the ship I'm sending you some personal goodies. Voxyn sniper rifles, Viccae assault rifles, and a special pistol. melt through beskar if you give it enough time. Spaarti Creations and myself only have two requests for you on your mission to save your loved one.

Give them hell, and send her out with a bang.


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
TO: [member="Barrien Siegfried"], [member="Aston Jacobs"]
FROM: Ashin Varanin
RE: Your sister


As I'm sure you've both been made aware by now, your sister -- my wife -- has been captured by the One Sith. I have her location and I intend to mount a solo rescue mission. It would be unfair of me, though, not to offer you both a chance to play a part. Others, both friends and mercenaries, have expressed interest in joining this operation. I have a plan that would offer all of you a key role in Spencer's rescue. This would be a covert insertion mission, and I have already secured high-grade stealth transportation to the world in question. There would be no guarantee of extraction. Make no mistake: the odds of survival are slim.

If you are willing and able to commit, please contact me.



News They Don't Want Heard
To: [member="Ashin Varanin"]
From: Barrien Siegfried
RE: My Sister

Tell me where to be and when and I will find a way to be there. I will do whatever it takes to rescue my sister, even though I have never met her. I know the perils of capture all too well.

[Written by Protocol Droid X-4ZA]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
TO: [member="Barrien Siegfried"]
FROM: Ashin Varanin
RE: Your sister

Meet me in Taris orbit in forty-eight hours. I'll be flying a vessel with IFF Vagrant's Pride.


TO: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
FROM: Ashin Varanin

Much appreciated, Ms. Garter. I think I can promise that safely.
To: [member="Ashin Varanin"]
From: Aston Jacobs
RE: Candy Lover

Very much so, we shall do everything we can. The force will take care of the rest, it always does. Tell me where to be, I shall arrive promptly.


PS: Ashin...thank you. Just in case...

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