Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Stranger....

Reports began flying in like a chaotic windstorm of strange occurrences taking place all over the Sith held worlds. Many of these reports had some unusual text in them that it was almost impossible to believe or explain, but these reports were from high ranking officials and Moffs from the Sith Military so they had be correct. Right? After all, Moffs were not prone to flights of fancy. Still, these reports were so outrageous that it was decided an investigation into these allegations were deemed necessary. And who better to look into these bizarre happenings than a mental unstable Sith Knight, Darth Venefica; and her unstable Apprentice Drahztal.

Her eyes kept dancing back and forth between the reports in her hands and her Apprentice. She was struggling to make sense of what she was reading and at times wondered if this was some sort of joke. However, the council didn't have much of a sense of humour; all business with that lot. Still, these reports didn't make a spit of sense to her. It was her duty to investigate these strange happenings the best she could no matter how insane they were.

"It seems we have been chosen to look into this," she said handing the reports to her Apprentice, "Crazy as it sounds...duty calls."


The Insane and Drunk Sith
[member="Darth Venefica"]

As Drahztal read through the datapad he felt his eyebrow continue to climb. "Are you telling me that these reports are serious?" He asked, slightly shocked, even the voices in his head were quiet in surprise. "Because I sure that," he took a closer look at the one of the report, "animals do not start walking on two legs instead of the four or six like they have been doing for ages, and I'm also sure that they wouldn't have the skill to dance." He said shaking his head at how absurd that was. "This isn't a prank or trick right?" He sighed, "Well where are we going first?"

She shrugged her shoulders in response to her Apprentice. She wasn't sure about those reports either but the signatures that signed off on them were respectable Moffs. "We hope this is a joke...but nothing makes sense anymore these days. Disappearances....dancing animals...zombies...and clowns that aren't funny. Hmm...that is sad when clowns are no longer funny." She saw a clown act back on Coruscant six years ago and thought it was the greatest thing ever. She loved clowns! She loved peanuts to but unlike clowns, they didn't make her laugh; only thirsty.

"We think our first stop should be Rendili," she announced with a frown, "Clowns that fail to make the laughs is wrong. So wrong."


The Insane and Drunk Sith
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Drahztal stared at Venefica, worried about her mental state for a moment before remembering two important things: 1) he had no right to judge someone's mental state and 2) she already was insane.

"I don't understand what's so bad about unfunny clones," he was saying as they boarded a shuttle for Rendili, "Aren't they always like that? Wouldn't it be more prudent to investigate things like attacks on settlements? If we do so we gain the favour of the people, meaning we have a bigger power base."
"Fine! You are correct...but clowns...clowns," she replied as the pair entered the shuttle. Her Apprentice was right about winning the hearts of the people. And the attacks on the newly established settlements was a great concern at the moment. She frowned slightly when she thought about not seeing clowns. She would go find these clowns are her own on a later time and date.

"If everything is in order," she said to the pilot, "We are ready to depart." As she began to move toward the passenger section of the shuttle, the voice of Darth Zero chimed in on the clown situation. "But Jonthine and I wanted to see the clowns too." Once more she frowned and said outloud, "Us to."



The Insane and Drunk Sith
Drahztal glanced at his teacher when she spoke aloud seemingly to no one, well, that is if you didn't know of the voices that filled her mind, similar to the ones that filled his. Frowning he slowly lowered the natural barrier being tipsy put up to see what his voices were doing. He immediately snapped it back into place as the auguring, screeching, crying and shouting coming from the voices threatened to send him further into insanity. Growling, he reached into the bag he had brought with him to take a further drink of Correlian Wine.

He sighed once again, staring at the bottle in his hand, wondering if it wouldn't be best to stop drinking as it always gave him weird thoughts. He immediately decided that the answer was no as the voices broke through the haze of being tipsy and he began to gulp down more alcohol. "If you want to see the clowns so much," he slowly gave voice to his weird thought, "just be good and finish the job quickly. Then we'll go deal with the clowns." He snickered before frowning at what he had said and glared at the wine, he shouldn't have had that much. He took another swig.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
She slowly narrowed her black and red flecked eyes at her Apprentice. Was he mocking her? With a slight shrug of her shoulders she let it pass and said, " before pleasure. Our priority is the safety of the civilians of the One Sith Empire." She heard Darth Zero sigh in frustration. Once the duo was settled in, she pressed the communication button and gave the order for the pilot to commence with take off. She was slowly getting over her fear of space flight but the tendrils where still there reaching for her.
She reached ofr an empty glass then one of the wine decanters and poured herself a half glass of the red wine. She sniffed the contents and wrinkled her nose. She didn't understand how her Apprentice, or anyone really, drank this stuff on a regular basis. She took a small sip on the fluid and winced at the after taste.
"So..why do you drink this stuff so much?" She was generally curious about why he drank so much.


The Insane and Drunk Sith
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Drahztal raised an eyebrow at Venefica's question, not expecting her to ask him such a thing. "The reason I drink," he started slowly, fighting against the slur that was trying to break through his voice, "is the voices. The only time I can actively ignore them, to take my mind back as my own, is when I'm drunk." He hiccuped and took another mouthful of his wine. "You see, the voices seem to have been 'born' through my emotions and a fraction of my mind, to stop them from talking I have to cloud my mind. And what better way to do so that with drink?" He took another drink. "Anyway, on the subject of voices in the mind, do you know how yours were 'birthed'?"
She winced at his question, for everyday she was reminded of how her voices came about. She never spoke to anyone about them, the voices, or how they came to be living in her mind. Slowly she took another small sip from her wine glass and debated whether or not she should discuss this. In the end she elected to tell him. He answered her question so it was only fair that she replied to his. She pulled on the chain around her neck to reveal a golden medallion with a hand with five splayed fingers engraved on it.
"When we were just a child...we had been exiled from our village because they couldn't accept we were different. And we weren't sure why we were either. Anyway, we lived in a cave on Dagobah and it was there we found this." She shook the medallion so it swayed back and forth. "We picked it up and everything changed. At first their voices were only whispers but that's because I had blacked out and..uhm...lost the medallion. After I was Knighted, I returned back to Dagobah to find this medallion at the request of the voices...and as you can see we found it. Their voices grew clearer and louder and they promised us they would help in expelling them from our mind."
She took another swig of wine and shook her head. She hated the taste but she would not waste it.
"So...we believed them...which was a mistake. A year later we had went on a expedition with a Sith Lord and some others and it was their they revealed their betrayal....again we blacked out and when we came to...they had become one with our mind."


The Insane and Drunk Sith
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Drahztal stared at the woman who had seemed so lost for a fraction of a second before it disappeared. "My apologies for bring the matter up." He said. He paused, scratching at his scar, before deciding that Venefica had revealed something that she probably never had before and decided to return the favour in kind. He started to speak slowly and quietly but increased both during his speech.

"My voices were not formed in some mystical way like yours but through a more ... natural way, I suppose. My parents were Sith who demanded the best of me, which is understandable. They also heavily believed in a Master teaching someone the ways of the Force and how to manipulate it, as such, while they did train me, it wasn't in the Force. I was taught Theory of the Dark, Theory of Lightsaber Combat, Hand To Hand Combat, these were thing I was trained in but they also trained me in one other thing, pain tolerance. These "lessons" were made up of me being strapped to a table and then my parents using every torture they knew of. They used technological, physical and psychological techniques along side Force techniques. During one of these sessions they used multiple techniques at once, Force, technological, psychological and physical, all of it, after I had already been "taught" for three days. The strain was too much, I fainted. I woke up ours later to find that my mind had shattered and the only thing that was keeping me as the major 'personality' was my strength of will, nothing else. But the voices were born by the Force, emotion and aspects of my mind, meaning they are always there. I've has them since I was 9."

Through out his speech Drahztal kept taking sips of his drink. He finished it some point during said speech and had started on a bottle of whiskey. "Any way," he said, "how long until we arrive at Rendili? I don't mind space travel, but I prefer not to have to endure it."
Darth Venefica did not believe in the torture tactics some of the other Sith employed. A broken mind was just that, broken. She couldn't begin to understand what the Acolyte went through, but she could relate to the mental strains. So she had decided to focus her attention on the Force abilities that dealt with the mind. Without torture techniques, though some of her powers could be categorized as such, she had learned to dominate and break the will of others. A coherent ally was far better than a broken down husk.
"There is no need to apologize...what is done to us is done to us," she said allowing a small smile appear on her face. "We should be arriving at Rendili shortly. As for your they still live?"
She was quite curious to hear his answer.


The Insane and Drunk Sith
[member="Darth Venefica"]

"I'm not sure." He said in reply to Venefica's question. "When I left to find a Master I shed my name and anything to do with them, effectively disowning my self. I have not cared to look into their health. Although I do have plans to pay them a ... visit, when I reach the rank of Knight and ... catch up with them if they still live." By the time he had finished speaking a feral smirk had grown across his face.

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